Happy December Everyone! It may be a hard month to keep your Twilighting alive, but we will be here for you, when you need it. Last weeks winner on our quote of the week was Jillybean! Of course she was the only one that guessed so we kept giving her clues until she got it. She sure had fun looking for it though. The quote for this week might be easier. Enjoy. Just post where it comes from specifically (no page # required, but which book and the situation). Trisha or I will let you know as soon as someone has guessed it correctly. Post your guesses here as comments.
"The sound of your heart, it's the most significant sound in my world. I'm so attuned to it now, I swear I could pick it out from miles away."
Monday, December 3, 2007
Quote of the Week
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10:04 PM
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I just wanted to leave some sort of comment here so I could check the follow-up box and get updates sent to me when there's a guess. This is a fun one! I happened to come across it a while back, when you find it read the whole conversation, you'll love it. Happy guessing!
I just read this! Like last night! So I feel like I would be cheating if I guess. So, if any of you are following my reading schedule (there are lots of hints on the blog) you should know what book it's in! Like anyone really cares which book I'm reading now.:) I love this quote!
I know! I was afraid I gave to much of a hint with what I wrote because I'm always talking about which book I'm reading. I had to backspace over some other stuff I started to write because I love the whole conversation they have where that quote is, but I would have given too big of an idea. So that's fun we're reading fairly close to each other. I say if after a couple of days of no one getting it, you should just go ahead and guess, it's not your fault you're actively reading and happened to come across it!
Ooohh, I've been waiting for so long for another quote!! I'll get working on this...
Ok, so I'm pretty sure it's somewhere in Eclipse...thanks for the hints jillybean and runswithvampires (I'm still needing a cool/inconspicuous name too). So I need to rack my brain for where and when...I still don't have my book - and it's been so painfully long since I've read or even picked through it! Crap...
I must say Erin, I'm very impressed you pay close enough attention to know where Jill and I are at in our reading! You're so cool.
Ok, here's another comment without a guess. I saw my friend last night my friend that I 'made' buy the books (hee, hee) and I told her that I maybe needed to borrow her books for a minute to look something up. And I found out that she still is 'stealing' favorite glances at her books every once in awhile. So, I might be brave and tell her to check the blog?! I am nervous she'll think I'm a total nut...but I really want her to help me find the quote!
Seriously, is someone going to guess? This is going to close in just a few short days, it would be tragic to not have anyone guess it. ANYONE! Perhaps someone who has never posted or commented, really you aren't pathetic, if you are then the rest of us are, and I'm telling you, we're not! We'll even keep your membership a secret if you want. Join the fun! Someone guess!!
Ok. Without even opening my book, I'm taking a first guess. Is it when Bella and Edward are in his bedroom for the "sleepover" and he rejects her "offer"??? I vaguely remember him trying to convince her that he still loves her, and her heart is beating so loudly that even she can hear it.
Ruth great guess. But not quite. It is in Eclipse though.
Ok, also without being able to look in the book, I am finally going to just take a guess. I think it is when they are in the tent, after Bella makes her mistake (hee, hee). She has thrown herself down on the sleep bag, and feels awful. And then all I remember is perfect Edward just appearing and trying to explain to her that he loves her even more!!??
Nope, sorry Erin, that's not it either. I'm reading that part today, almost as we speak! Since we've only got a day until we change the quote and someone needs to guess it, I'll give a hint. It's about at the halfway mark of the book, and it's a pretty important, lengthy conversation they're having. One of my favorite conversations they have in the book!
I found it! Page 274 in Eclipse when Edward is telling Bella all the things he'll miss when she turns into a vampire. . . like the sound of her heart beating.
All right! Good for you Ruth! You're right, and isn't that such a great part of the book? I love how he talks about being "that boy" oh I love it, love it, love it! So does that mean you have an Eclipse to read then? I sure hope so...
Yes, I bought New Moon in Utah to read on my 14-hour plane ride over here. Then I ordered Eclipse from Amazon when I got here. :) I'm still seriously considering buying another copy of Twilight. . . Thanks for all the hints to help me find this quote!
I have to just add that last night I did some Christmas shopping at Costco. I got my hands on an Eclipse and paused to read this whole section of the book - wow, I absolutely love it!! Great Job Ruth!! I'm excited for the next one!
That truly is one of the most beautiful exchanges in the books. It is hard to believe that Bella and Edward would not understand these truths about each other. But relationships are often like that even with the ones we know and love the most. I hope everyone has enjoyed reliving that moment.
Oh and congratulations Ruth. It is so fun to have an overseas participant. And Erin, you must not have had kids with you at Costco if you were able to be so indulgent. Start guessing this weeks quote!
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