I'm taking a break from finding quotes, so that Twilightmom can play - and so that I can't play.
Just a Reminder of the New Rules
1. No more open book answers. You cannot look up the quote anymore. We are going to change from who can find the quote first, to who can remember unaided, where it comes from first.
S t r e t c h - it's good for us.
2. Only one guess per day. That will give everyone a little better chance. Of course those who check the blog the most, have the most fun with quote days.
Obviously if several people guess incorrectly, that narrows down the possibilities. If the quote is not guessed the first day, then guess again the next, and so on.
3. You are welcome to check your guess in the book once you have published it, as long as you can trust yourself not to go looking for the quote (this is a rule for me. Torture not to over-browse).
4. No penalty for coming across the quote accidentally if you are currently reading the book the quote comes from. Lucky you!
5. Still post as much detail about the quote as you can. List which book you think it is in and the situation.
6. This is just for fun. I hope this makes it even better. It's just an experiment. It can be tweaked.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
2nd Quote of the Week
Quote 1
"He leaned toward me;
his night-dark eyes melted and smoldered
and shattered my concentration.
'Please, Bella?' he breathed."
Quote 2
"Would you like a round of applause?"
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9:27 PM
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Yes, yes and yes!
I like these new rules! This is how it should be--Good luck all
Ohhhh! I think I just read this yesterday. Isn't this when Edward is saying good-bye and asks Bella to not do anything stupid? She's still concentrating on what his words mean--that he doesn't want her to go with him. In New Moon, of course.
Ok, so I missed out last night by going to bed earlier than than the norm, for me. I'm quite positive I know it, but I'm going to think it through just a bit longer since I only get one guess for the day! Yay! I love this part!!!
Ok, yes I believe I'm quite positive about this one. I even quickly consulted with MA, and she totally agrees with me, so here goes:
It's the end of NM (ahhh..) after the vote, when they get back to her room and Edward first proposes to Bella. She freaks a little of course, and they go back and forth about conditions, he calls her bluff about Vegas, etc. Then finally:
"He leaned toward me; his night-dark eyes melted and smoldered and shattered my concentration.
'Please, Bella?' he breathed."
Yep! That's it! I know it, right??
I love this part sooooo much, and have read the end of NM at least a couple of times over the last month. Let me know BFB! (Even though I'm quite sure of myself on this one!)
By the way, thank you for the quote!!! (And sorry to get it so soon, I'm just so excited! I always am about the end of NM)
Sorry I wrote my lengthy guess on the second quote and it got erased some how. I'll have to try again later.
I sure hope Trisha is right on #1. I think she is. The dark eyes clued me in. What a great walk down end of New Moon lane that was, even if we are wrong.
Trisha, you are good. What can I say? And it's hard not to get excited when some little word clues you in to the rest of the context.
I just love this part. How could anyone resist that "Please?" with the eyes and the smouldering - you couldn't!
I think it's a little bit of Edward that we only less frequently see.
I agree. RWV and I were discussing that very thing today. How could Bella resist that "please". Of course if Edward hadn't scared her with ring talk, and Charlie hadn't woken up, well, who knows.
Okay so the second quote. I would guess very confidently but with these new rules, I am not as confident. Plus I actually try to avoid being too familiar with my books. I have this silly fear that I will get to used to their beauty. But perhaps that is a silly worry. Bella never gets used to Edwards beauty.
I digress. Just pointing out that I try to forget as much as I can so it will be fresh the next time I read (the 4th or 5th time, I lose track).
I think it is in Bella's room, when they are talking, after coming home from the meadow. Every touch from Edward makes our stomach work-outs seem like a stroll compared to what Bella was experiencing. Edward asks if he is doing something wrong. Bella resonds, that no he is doing the opposite, and driving her "crazy". Edward is very pleased that he is so good at "being close" to Bella. She then asks if he "would like a round of applause."
So if this isn't it, it sure fits well in the scenario I described. I know I say this about every Twilight scene, but truly this first talk together in her bedroom is in my top 5, maybe top 3. I've never done a study. I hope I am right. The blog creator ought to be able to get this easily right? Why has no one else guessed anyway? Is everyone busy today? Still doing that dumb laundry. Thanks for the diversion!
Good job, that's what I believe it is as well, although I didn't think of it quite as quickly as the first one. And of course I'm always busy, most days I can find my blog time, some times of the day are toughter than others of course. I guess let us know for sure though BFB!
It sure would be fun to try to think up our top 5 of the TW series wouldn't it? Hmm...perhaps a future meeting.
BFB . . . where are you. . .?
Since no one else is guessing, (what else do you all possibly have to do than guess quotes anyway, hee hee), maybe its time to let me know how I did. Please. . . I know you are around because I am quite certain I saw you coming into Dimple Dell yesterday. I didn't want to come running out of the weight room all sweaty and begin gushing to you about Twilight, or I would have said hello. Was it you on your way to dance class?
BFB . . . where are you. . .?
Since no one else is guessing, (what else do you all possibly have to do than guess quotes anyway, hee hee), maybe its time to let me know how I did. Please. . . I know you are around because I am quite certain I saw you coming into Dimple Dell yesterday. I didn't want to come running out of the weight room all sweaty and begin gushing to you about Twilight, or I would have said hello. Was it you on your way to dance class?
I am here, just got home from helping at the school & yes that was me at Dimple Dell, on my way to teach. And I have to say that it would have made my day to have you come russhing out of the weight room to talk Twilight, but I understand the sweaty part. You should see me after class.
Anyhow, you are right, TM. Edward gets a "triuphant" and pleased look on his face when he finds out that he is good at being close to Bella, and she responds sarcastically with Quote 2. I think (DH has my book again) that Edward then explains that this is new to him, and he never imagined all this, and then to find out he is good at it, too...
something like that. Well, anyhow, I like that bit because the pleased look on Edward's face gives us our first realization that, even though he has had much practice in other things, he is as new to this romance stuff as Bella. It makes him seem younger and more vulnerable in many ways, which, again, is a side of Edward that he doesn't show as often.
You know, we really are all too good at this quote game for our own good. What are we going to do?
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