You may remember that I started re-reading Twilight in the middle of December. I was “borrowing” my sister’s book, the one I was giving her for Christmas. Since I only had a few days before having to wrap it up, I tried to read fairly quickly—which didn’t give me a lot of time to stop and think about things, or even post my thoughts here. Unfortunately, I didn’t finish in time. However, as you know, I recently bought myself a copy and started reading it again. Now please don’t think ill of me. But I really didn’t feel like starting all over from the beginning. I didn’t want to deal with Bella not knowing, tricking Jacob, and running into that trouble in Port Angeles. So I started on page 144, right where Bella says good-bye to Jessica and Angela and then Edward takes her to dinner. Below are a few thoughts I had while re-reading these parts. Sorry this is such a long post, but hopefully it will make up for my lack of including you along the way. I will try to do better with New Moon. Last night I just read the Friends chapter, where she's starting to hang out with Jacob.
Q&A: I loved re-reading all of Bella’s silly, and perceptive, questions about what it means to be a vampire. I wanted to underline Edward’s answers and put little tabs on the pages to help remind me of all the small details SM created for this world.
Mushy feelings: Okay, so I admit that the first time I read this book, I loved all the lovey dovey talk. But then someone I talked to mentioned that she didn’t like how cheesy it was. But really, that’s how high school was. Right? Don’t you remember having that first crush and always searching the crowds in the lunchroom or at a football game, just to see that one guy?! Anyway, I was a little nervous to re-read it because I thought I would notice the “cheese” more and then it would ruin the book. As it turns out, I didn’t notice it at all this time around. And I still felt excited and nervous when Edward kissed her for the first time
The Cullens: Meeting the Cullens again gave me a new perspective on them. I felt like I knew where Rosalie was coming from when she gave Bella the cold shoulder. I wished she could have just opened up to Bella right away so that they could be friends. I wanted Jasper to stay away from Bella for his own good and I felt like it took forever for Bella and Alice to become friends. I did notice myself re-reading parts about Emmet and Esme. I feel there is more to them than I remember and I really wanted to get to know them better. Does that come in NM or Eclipse?

Mushy feelings: Okay, so I admit that the first time I read this book, I loved all the lovey dovey talk. But then someone I talked to mentioned that she didn’t like how cheesy it was. But really, that’s how high school was. Right? Don’t you remember having that first crush and always searching the crowds in the lunchroom or at a football game, just to see that one guy?! Anyway, I was a little nervous to re-read it because I thought I would notice the “cheese” more and then it would ruin the book. As it turns out, I didn’t notice it at all this time around. And I still felt excited and nervous when Edward kissed her for the first time
The Cullens: Meeting the Cullens again gave me a new perspective on them. I felt like I knew where Rosalie was coming from when she gave Bella the cold shoulder. I wished she could have just opened up to Bella right away so that they could be friends. I wanted Jasper to stay away from Bella for his own good and I felt like it took forever for Bella and Alice to become friends. I did notice myself re-reading parts about Emmet and Esme. I feel there is more to them than I remember and I really wanted to get to know them better. Does that come in NM or Eclipse?
I love these posts of what people are noticing when they re-read.
I think a lot of Emmett & Esme's personality is shown in the baseball scene of TW, and in the outtakes; I feel that these were the two characters who suffered the most when some of those bits were cut out of the books.
I did love, in the re-read, understanding that Esme's "smug" look in this scene was because she was so pleased with Bella & Edward's relationship.
And you are right Ruth, SM's little details, so many of which are shown in the Q&A sessions, are greate and are what allow this world to be so real to us.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts as you're reading Ruth. It makes it all fresh for us again, those of us who aren't actively reading right now. I love to be able to refresh through someone else's reading experiences!
I think that's a great place to pick up if you'd already started, I don't think ill of you. Did you guys all know that there is a real restaurant with that name? And there's a great picture of a private booth inside it. We should post those some time, especially for those who haven't seen them. When looking at pictures like that, I can see the scene happening very vividly.
I LOVE the drive home from Port Angeles after dinner. Their matter-of-fact conversation is so great. I love that the second time through I felt nervous and excited and every other feeling from the first time around as well.
And yes, Cullen & Co., I love each and every one of them. Reading that part the second time was even better because I knew the background of all the Cullen's, so it meant a little more.
I agree BFB, that I realized more what Esme's looks that she exchanged with Edward meant. I love all that, the first conversations and actual verbal encounters with each of them, including Emmett on the ball field. I think Emmett and Esme, as well as the rest of the characters (especially the Cullens) are all talked about more in Eclipse. I guess we all know that though, that we get to know them all so much more in book 3. Of course, Emmett in the outtake "Emmett and the Bear". Esme is some in TW at the game, as she talks with Bella (like you said BFB). Esme also has more said about her in the Personal Correspondace on the Lexicon, I think that's where I learned a lot about her.
Well, all great stuff, and I love to read everyone's feelings and reading updates, so I hope you all continue to share as you read! We love it!
I just read the "Friends" chapter in NM too. Can I tell you, I forgot how much I like Jacob. I actually like the page at the end of the previous chapter a lot, particularly when Jacob agrees to help Bella, knowing that the money is coming from her college fund. Bella says, "Jacob just nodded. This all made perfect sense to him...Only a teenage boy would agree to deceiving both our parents while repairing dangerous vehicles using money meant for my college education. He didn't see anything wrong with that picture."
I have always laughed at end of this section, but this time through I noticed the line in bold more than before. Contrast Jacob's acceptance of Bella with the way everyone else is treating her during this time period. Jacob doesn't treat Bella as if she is crazy, imbalanced or deranged - he
just does what he can to help, no questions asked.
I know we all LOVE Edward, but really, we could all use a Jacob in our lives too. Someone who is happy with us just as we are; someone with whom we can be happy for no specific reason; someone who doesn't question or condemn our strange behavior; someone who is happy when they can help.
So, while Jacob may not measure up to Edward (could any mortal being?), I do hope that he is able to find some happiness after all he has been through. If it helps, I have a sister who is available...
I have been so sad that I haven't been able to focus and comment on this yet. earlier today I actually did, but it didn't post - so I am just now getting back to it. Ruth, I loved your post!! I too could not believe that when I re-read TW (even the 3rd time) that I still felt every emotion so much! I loved knowing the characters more as I re-read it, and understanding their actions more. I do have to disagree with one thing though - I really felt that the first time Bella meets Alice (in the lunch room before they go hunt) that they were going to have a special connection and relationship. And then knowing what we know from the other 2 - how could they not - Edward and Alice are so only makes sense that Bella would feel that too!
Anyway, I hope you get to keep reading!
Just wanted to share about the "mushy feelings," as Ruth termed it. I also had a friend point this out, and I came to the same conclusion that Ruth did: That is how high school was. Also, I termed some of it up to the very real connection Bella & Edward form - despite Bella's youth.
I also wanted to share that my husband, Chris, last night said that this was one of the things he really LIKED about the books. He thought SM did a great job recapturing so much of the teenage experience.
So thanks for bringing this up Ruth. Now, carry on with your reading everyone.
Sorry it has taken me so long to get here. It has not been for lack of a desire to read and post. Most of how I feel has been said already by my TW sisters.
First, let me take on the Jacob lovers (just kind of kiddng of course).
Jacob is awesome in New Moon. And I have decided that is all I am going to say right now. Cute about your sister BFB.
Actually here let me say this. SM has said very clearly that Edward is too good to be true. Yep. Wow. 100 years experience and supernatural powers and talents. There you go.
A friend pointed out to me very recently that Jacob is too good to be true as well. It was a light bulb moment. It actually made me like him more. To be such a good friend when you are so in love with someone is fairly uncommon in the real world. SM thinks she created a more realistic catch, but I think you would have to find a half-werewolf boy to really get a Jacob. SM admits she never met a teenage boy like him in her life time. But someday my boys will read these books (ages 10,9, and 7 now and they are all quite fascinated with Mom's fascination even if they appear abhorred.) But when they do read them they can learn a lot from Jacob and volumes from Edward. Add that to the incredible example from their Dad, and they will be as good as it gets.
Okay, I am such a lecture giver, sorry.
Back to Ruth's great post. I loved all of the characters more the 2nd time through. Even Charlie. And you really need to read the character bio on the lexicon to get Esme's background. I just devour any little extra's about any of them. I really liked the way you describe your feelings, about Jasper and all.
And as for the mush. Well, I am the only one to confess this fully, but not only do I adore the mush, but well, I didn't think it was all that high-school. I pretty much stalked my husband until we got married. Granted I was young but the feelings rekindled for me in Twilight didn't just remind me of first love (for most that is in high-school) but of how delightful affection is with the one you love the most. I've said this before but my hubby has SM to thank for the increase in kisses this past 6 months.
One very busy blog member, who doesn't get to post much, has said this about the romance in Twilight. She is a romance novel reader (mild stuff to be sure) but she says Twilight has ruined it all for her now. It is incredibly romantic not just mushy to me as well. Another topic to be discussed in full very soon.
This was fun to write. Thanks for reading my latest book here. Sometimes I just don't know when to be quiet.
Ruth I really enjoy what you add to the blog.
Wow. Thanks for all your great thoughts. I've been out of town without internet connection and I was going into withdrawals.
I have read all that stuff on SM's site and the Lexicon. I guess I need to go back through it. I think I might actually print off the outtakes and some other stuff, and then glue them into my books. Then I can re-read them whenever I want! Has anyone else done that?
I've tried to print them- I think they are set up so you can't print. I might have a program that will help. I let you know...
I got thinking that maybe the reason some people have said that the books seemed mushy is because their personalities are NOT like that. And maybe the reason it doesn't bug us is because we understand Bella's feelings - having felt similarly ourselves. As Ruth points out, we have done those things & felt those things. Yes, even in college & with my husband (Thanks, MA). I think that's why I LIKE the breath-holding scenes. It's like reliving bits of my life again.
I've pirated a few copies before, but yes, they are blocked. For now you could just put sticky notes in places in the book that remind you to go her site. Remember there is one coming up in New Moon. When Alice comes to see Bella. Let us know when you get there so you can read along. It is a very powerful way to read it.
Yep, it is like reliving and refeeling things you've forgotten. It's quite amazing that she's been able to do that for us. And those are all such strong emotions! I dated my husband all through high school, of course we broke up a few times, and I had many other crushes in my life and dated other guys I really liked to, but those feelings are so intense the first time with each new crush or "love." I can remember more clearly now, and I'm glad I haven't forgotten because those are exciting feelings. And it's fun because most of them really are with my husband who I've know since we were young teenagers.
It's too bad they put a block on it, I wonder why they decided to all of the sudden do that? I've printed some of them as well, and then one day when I tried I couldn't anymore, suckers! Anyway, for sure Ruth, you've got to read both of those extras from NM. The ones of both Edward's and Rosalies points of view. They are so amazing when read that way and make that part of the story even more intense, really!! So definitely go back through them, I'll even figure out the exact page and paragraph for when to start each one, really, let me know please! I'd be MORE than happy :)
RWV, I would LOVE to have you do that for me! Thanks! I am currently at page 232 of NM. It's acutally been on hold for about a week and I probably won't pick it up for another week. So I hope that gives you some time to find that for me. :)
You're all right though, I can't print them or even copy & paste.
Ok, so I figured it out for you. The first one is called "Rosalie's News" and you start reading that on page 412 right after the first paragraph, I think that's a good place to start.
The second one is called "Miscalculation" and you start that one on page 415 right at the top, after the sentence ends. It's right before the first new paragraph on the page.
I'm sure you can figure out right about the best place to start reading them.
I know, they're quite close together, just a few pages apart from each other. This is how I read it my second time through, and it was very interesting and exciting for me to read it this way, as well as thought provoking. Especially the first one, from Edward's POV, pretty heartwrenching to read. Still, totally worth it, so enjoy!
Let us know of course, after your experience. Glad to be of assistance.
RMV, thank you so so much for doing that for me! You are a great friend! I put some sticky notes in my book & can't wait to start reading again. I'll definitely put up a post when I've finished that part.
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