You will find the new rules in the comments on this post. I keep tweaking them, so just take a quick peek before guessing. Interest in guessing the quotes is dying down, but I hope the pleasure in reading them never does. So enjoy!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Quote of the Week Jan 29 - Feb. 4
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1:51 PM
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Two quotes at the same time. BUT:
1. You can only guess once, on one quote, each day. Sound good? Just identify if you are guessing on quote #1 or #2.
2. No more open book answers. You cannot look up the quote anymore.
S t r e t c h - it's good for us.
3. Still post as much detail about the quote as you can. List which book you think it is in and the situation.
4. You are welcome to check your guess in the book once you have published it, as long as you can trust yourself not to go looking for the quote (this is a rule for me. Torture not to over-browse).
5. No penalty for coming across the quote accidentally if you are currently reading the book the quote comes from. Lucky you!
6. This is just for fun. I hope this makes it even better. Hope the constant tweaking doesn't drive you mad.
Alright, I was so excited yesterday to guess, but then I couldn't get it to comment on my mom's computer - so here I am . OK, so my ONE guess today it on Quote #1:
New Moon - The day that Jacob leaves Bella at his house - before he promised to take her cliff jumping. Then Bella decides to go by herself to the beach. I think this is one of the things she is thinking about before she gets to the edge to jump
I am excited about both of these quotes because I don't know where either of them are. They are definitely a little tougher, to me anyway.
I'm going to put a guess in on quote #2 today, so here goes:
I think it's at the beginning of NM, and honestly I don't even know where exactly. Perhaps when they are watching Romeo and Juliet, sometime that day?
Sorry, that's a lame guess, at least let me know if I'm warm could you?
Well, I really don't know. But I'll guess on #1 . I think it is AFTER Edward is back, which is why the clouds guarantee freedom. So, maybe that last week of school leading up to graduation?
Good quotes by the way. Very hard.
Sorry everyone, but no. No one has guessed correctly. And I deliberately made these as hard as possible. So don't tease me and play along like they are hard, if you really know them.
Very good thinking though. Nice try BFB. The freedom definitely has to do with Edward.
E. if you haven't checked your guess already you should because there is a very detailed cloud description in the scene you have described. So big points for that.
Miss RWV is sick and therefore a little ornery. Even though her guess is not correct it is certainly not lame. But alas you are not warm. What Bella says here is a little misleading, but that is all will say.
I hope you will all guess again tomorrow. Have we ever had a quote take more than one day?
Also sadly this may be the last you see of me tonight. You know that house-cleaning discussion we have been having on another post. I am going to try some and then crash. I was up later last night getting ready to teach my endurance spin class, than I have ever been for Twilight.
Hear that Jillike?
So even though I would rather blog than sleep (Ruth would that be considered unhealthy addiction) I am going to choose what is best for my body. I have a brain full of wonderful pre-meeting posts and questions, polls and new blog features. I wonder if my life will allow me to act on any of them.
Good night, most likely. (can't guarantee because sometimes I can't seem to resist one more peek, and does anyone know me to ever be quiet?)
Endurance spin class? That would kill me!
And we (I) could never tease you and play along once we know a quote - it is much too exciting to keep in once we have figured it out.
I think maybe one time, the quote was guessed the next day. But I can see these are going to take a bit longer for them both to get guessed. They are toughys, nice job!
You should go to bed, but I bet you don't go as early as you plan to.......
But I have cleaned my toy room, laundry room (laundry not included), stairs and living room. Now for the upstairs. But I can't sweep ANYTHING. You should see Jasper (the dog, hee!) with a broom. Funny and annoying.
Hah! I know you pretty well.
Nice job on all the cleaning, I'm very impressed. I did my dishes today and swept, and I impressed myself because of me being sick and all.
I can picture Jasper and you with a broom! Our dog used to do funny stuff with a broom and vacuum. Well since this comment is getting WAY off the post subject, I'll go now.
But I do want to add, great pictures! That's fun to get some sketched ones. And I've never seen the "Confessions" one up top, very pretty.
You know me very, very well. Like knowing I'm a glutton for praise about my pictures. Not that it is praise for me, its for the pictures and what they represent of course. But I love them all so much I like to hear that others do too! You know I take this stuff very seriously!
Yes, I do know. (To all 3)
Now, you really should get to bed missy.
Swept the office, straightened the bathroom, so if I can just tidy up my bedroom, then I will go to bed. Stop commenting so that I wont want to keep checking! Just kidding. Heaven forbid I look the next day at what people write.
Hmmm...maybe I can lure you into staying up to chat all night about Edward, or anything Twilight related. I'll just keep
commenting witty, funny posts!
Kidding, I really ought to get to bed myself so I can get well. Sigh.
Couldn't resist, and this IS IT!!
But I wanted to point out there was no mention of kitchen or dishes in my cleaning log. Because I HATE cleaning the kitchen almost as much as I hate laundry. Actually I like to wash the laundry. Folding and putting away is not my style. So I chose to clean every room in the house except the kitchen. And my dishwasher took the night off. How could he ?(j/k)
And now, good night.
Ok, one more, I couldn't resist either. My dish washer and sweeper/mopper is laid up right now, so I really feel sorry for myself the last little bit. I HATE sweeping/mopping and especially unloading the dishwasher, yuck! And funny, we have something else in common, folding and especially putting away aren't my style either! But whose are they really, I want to know?!
This is going to be funny in the morning when fellow TA members see 15 comments on this post, and only about 3 or 4 of them are related to the quote! Oh well, it's been fun! I'm about done for the night too.
Wow. These really are tough ones! I am so tempted to go open my books right now! But I won't.
I was thinking the same thing as you, BFB, with the clouds & Edward. So my guess is also for quote #1. It seems like I've read this recently, so my guess is in Twilight. Is it when she goes with the Cullens to play baseball? I'm probably way off. I really have no clue where these quotes are. But I thought I'd give it a try. Are we getting warmer MA?
Well, I am with Ruth, in that it seems like I read this recently also. So, I am guessing #1 is in the epilogue of Twilight when they are at prom and they go outside.
Ok, quote #1 - this is probably way off, but maybe when they are almost home from visiting Renee in the car I think - Bella is thinking back on her trip...Eclipse of course!
Ruth there is definitely cloudy weather the day of the baseball game, but no.
BFB - when they go outside at the prom the moon is already up, and the clouds are gauzy, ushering in another Twilight. Sigh. But no, again.
Erin - again great cloud scenes. She describes the clouds as she looks out the plane window. But nope.
But I will say YES some of you are getting warmer, I just wont say who! (just give me one more day of fun).
And - no one else is going to brave quote #2? Come on now. That could be in a lot of places.
I haven't wanted to put up my guess for quote 2 because I should really know if it is there or not - but I'm not positive. I'm thinking it has to be Eclipse - just because it sounds like his return is not quite as fresh as it would sound at the end of NM - but I don't know. I should know this since I'm still working on my NM ending post, and since I'm halfway through Eclipse and don't remember it...sorry, this isn't really a guess! But, it will count for mine today!
Well, I have this nagging feeling about the stupid clouds but I can't figure it out. My first impression was that Bella was commenting on the freedom, and that this would have been enjoyable EXCEPT for ... something - she is worried, being hunted, Edward is gone - I can't remember.
So, my guess, is that this is in Eclipse, the morning after Graduation, the party, and the training session with the werewolves.
Not that the clouds are stupid...since we like clouds in know what I mean
Well, today I will guess on quote #2. I think Bella is saying this because of how beautiful Edward is - and the most obvious memory I have of this is when she first sees him in a tuxedo.
But, I can't go check this because we are all waiting to read the prom scene & remix together.
Are you playing with us? Getting us ready for the meeting and having a little fun at the same time? (Sheesh, Smalls, you're killing me here.)
I'm just talking to myself here...
I think that these are in the same place (a certain off-limit outtake, perhaps?) - why else can no one figure out either of them?
Come on, talk to me here! (JK, I know you are busy this week...)
I didn't mean to be playing with you gals. I meant to let the leash loose on the remix days ago, but when I'm too busy to keep up the blog, you know I am busy!
So do your meeting homework now girls, and soak in the beautiful words and images.
No worries, we know you are busy!
That kept us guessing for a long time!
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