I hope you will forgive me, but I just HAD to make this a post! It was way too important to hide in some comment box! My synical husband, probably the worst one out of anyone's, ju
st finished reading Twilight on his flight home from Boston today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, you read that right MA/TM - Joseph actually, really, truely read it and finished it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First of all, I get a message at about 7:00 (I was putting my kids to bed), it was from him saying hello, he was in Denver on his layover, la da dee...he figured I was putting kids to bed, and then the last thing he said was, "I have some good news!" Well, after I got the message, I thought, "oh, I'm sure he just had a killer trip with his clients," ( he is so excited about his work all the time - which is great - don't get me wrong) But I did hope that maybe it was some good news about our house situation/moving or something (long story , sorry to all). Anyway, I didn't even have in my mind at all that it could be related to Twilight! Well, 15 minutes ago, he called - he arrived in SLC, and was coming home. The first thing he said was, "Well, I'm ready to be in one of your book club meetings, or whatever you like to call them."
I didn't even really get it, to tell you the truth. And then he blurted out that he had finished it!! So, for the next 10 minutes I sat, dumbfounded on my couch, with a perma-grin on my face as he talked about what he liked, really liked about the book. I think his exact word was - AWESOME - as he described how the last of the book (the hunt) captivated him!!
He of course was not swept away by Edward, and the love story that has us swooning everytime we read a sentence, but he loved so many of the other characters - Carlisle, Esme, Emmett, Alice...he even was telling me faces that he was trying to put with some of them (Emmett was , I swear, one of the pictures we saw from the ones MA showed us last meeting). He said he definately can see why I love it so much - obviously more than he did, but what a fun surprise!! I tried to not get carried away, but I did (very enthusiastically) tell him how much he would really love the action in the other two!! Wow, what a fun night! (major understatement)

Yes, you read that right MA/TM - Joseph actually, really, truely read it and finished it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First of all, I get a message at about 7:00 (I was putting my kids to bed), it was from him saying hello, he was in Denver on his layover, la da dee...he figured I was putting kids to bed, and then the last thing he said was, "I have some good news!" Well, after I got the message, I thought, "oh, I'm sure he just had a killer trip with his clients," ( he is so excited about his work all the time - which is great - don't get me wrong) But I did hope that maybe it was some good news about our house situation/moving or something (long story , sorry to all). Anyway, I didn't even have in my mind at all that it could be related to Twilight! Well, 15 minutes ago, he called - he arrived in SLC, and was coming home. The first thing he said was, "Well, I'm ready to be in one of your book club meetings, or whatever you like to call them."
I didn't even really get it, to tell you the truth. And then he blurted out that he had finished it!! So, for the next 10 minutes I sat, dumbfounded on my couch, with a perma-grin on my face as he talked about what he liked, really liked about the book. I think his exact word was - AWESOME - as he described how the last of the book (the hunt) captivated him!!
He of course was not swept away by Edward, and the love story that has us swooning everytime we read a sentence, but he loved so many of the other characters - Carlisle, Esme, Emmett, Alice...he even was telling me faces that he was trying to put with some of them (Emmett was , I swear, one of the pictures we saw from the ones MA showed us last meeting). He said he definately can see why I love it so much - obviously more than he did, but what a fun surprise!! I tried to not get carried away, but I did (very enthusiastically) tell him how much he would really love the action in the other two!! Wow, what a fun night! (major understatement)
I'm really happy for you, how thrilled you must have been! I felt your excitment while reading your post! Noe if only more husbands would get on board,e.g.,MINE
You are in SERIOUS trouble for not calling and telling me this. Did you not need a celebration partner? Really I can't even believe it. I can't. No way! No way! He admitted to actually liking it. Joseph. The anti if MA-likes-it brother of mine? Well this is big, he must really love you to be so open minded.
This is HUGE!
I mean of course he isn't going to like it like you do, and guys just don't swoon anyway. This is so stinking cool. It these guys were all better sports, we could hold a "partner" discussion group in a month or two, but I'm afraid it would turn into a tease fest. You know how guys are when they get together. They lose their soft side just a bit.
Esmessence, (does he know your code name by the way? I think you should tell him) I am so excited right now I can't tell ya. I would be running around in circles if I was you. I was bouncing up and down at my own TW-husband moment today and it doesn't even compare. I will share momentarily.
And don't be sad girls if you haven't convinced your sweetie to take the plunge. But I'm telling you, if Erin can crack Joseph, I think just about anybody can be persuaded. Don't give up hope if you are still trying. And if you don't have a need for your DH to be introduced to the Cullens and co. don't worry. We just want happy members here.
I have a theory though about husbands who are paying attention to our obsession. I think they go through a process.
First they think we are very, very, silly. And they are right.
Then they get worried that we are a little crazy. And they are right again.
Next they see how much fun we are having and they are perplexed. They should be. We have never spent so much time typing and talking about one subject before.
Then they see the joy it brings us and that our enthusiasm is not waning as they predicted.
So, they begin to wonder what in the world we see in this. Could it really be as good as we say?
Well of course. It's not like we all paid each other off to go ga-ga over vegitarian vampires. In any other context we would seem genuinely nuts. And fortunately we know that almost anyone can at least enjoy these books. Goodness gracious, it would creep me out if my husband started calling his guy friends to talk about Alice or something, and then asked for a "Wanna Bet" t-shirt for Fathers Day. Lets relish the differences in girls and guys too.
But how cute and sweet that they want to be in on this part of our lives. Hooray to all the DH's out there.
I'm going a little overboard here, but it is an occasion for overboard.
I was going to do my own little husband/TW moment post but not necessary. I will just add it here.
I said this on another post, but I must reitterate that I love that my DH is having these little moments.
First moment - Sunday afternoon. We are driving, on the freeway, and he abruptly calls out "there's a Volvo." And yes he knows exactly what he is doing. He knows who drives a Volvo.
Well that certainly gets my attention. But the volvo was some dumb big piece of machinery being used for road construction. I rolled my eyes and mentioned how a yellow/orange volvo doesn't have much appeal for me, but how proud I was of him for noticing and pointing it out. I'm sure if the Cullen boys spent a few years in construction as a diversion, they would use Volvo brand machines.
2nd moment - less than 1 hour ago.
So I mentioned the jumping up and down. Well I tried to be all calm and collected when my husband called from the bedroom "want to hear a Twilight Moment I had"
My response "sure" (gasp, amazed look on face)
So he starts to tell me how he was reading my open Twilight book yesterday while working on our computer. (I thought so). And he was re-reading Bella and Edward's first meeting (the book was not open to the part. He had to have turned to it). Dave then starts to explain how the first time he read that he thought it was just normal teenage reaction when Edward acted so cold and stuck up. Of course later he understands why Edward acts this way. But when reading this part again yesterday, (and now I interrupt for the jumping up and down part. Up until now I have been listening quietly from the other room, but as soon as I realize what is coming out of his mouth next, I can't resist the urge to run into the bedroom, jump on to the bed and begin bouncing up and down on my knees. Then I start hugging him as he tries to continue. I could tell he thought my reaction was pathetic and adorable at the same time. Of course the enthusiam, bouncing, jumping, etc. is not startling to him. He has been living with me for 16 years now.)
So back to Dave. I then let him continue with what I knew he would say. That he was so struck yesterday by the real struggle Edward was going through at that moment he and Bella first meet.
My husand is pondering TWILIGHT! YES! I'm not even sure why I am so thrilled.
Anyway, I immediately start informing him about how he has GOT to read Midnight Sun. He poo poo's me, as I am still dramatically reacting to his admission (hugging him, a few pecks, etc.) But when I explain a little of what is going on in Edwards mind from the Midnight Sun perspective, he gets a little curious.
It will happen. He will read chapter one of Midnight Sun. Just wait and see.
This experience definitely energized me enough to sit here and post it. But I'm off to bed, after putting clothes in the dryer. Bye.
Ha! I LOVE your theory list thats hilarious but so true.My husband was watching me laughing out loud and nodding while I was reading it.
(I think he's in the perplexed phase)
I just read about Dave--Thats so...incredibly dazzling! Give that man a hug from the gals! Until now it sounded like a National Enquirer headline: "MAN has Twilight moment"--and now its actually true! Thankyou Dave!
This has been a very big week so far for a few of our Twilight sisters!
That is so great E!! I can't believe Joseph actually read it with an open mind. My DH was quite taken back when I told him Joseph took it with him on his trip. Do you think he will read New Moon?
These were all so fun to read - thanks for being so enthusiastic with me! I loved your DH moments MA - I'm not counting on any yet...but still excited to start talking about it with him again! And yes, I really think he would like MS. And I think he might even read the next ones...he was so excited that he found out how much he like to read on the plane. Unfortunately for me, he has some trips coming up - but that might mean he will continue to read, read, read!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, just one more thing - MA you mentioned that you weren't quite sure why you were so excited about him pondering TW. I have to admit that before, I was ok with Joseph not being interesting in reading them - probably just not wanting him to think me more ridiculous than ever. But, I have to admit that I was surprised at how much it thrilled me to sit and listen to his excitement when he was talking about it! I am tentative to keep bringing it up with him - afraid that he might talk himself out of liking it as much as he thought - so I have to pace myself. But, I am jumping out of my skin to get a few minutes alone with him to chat!!
Hooray, Hooray! That was fast!
And I must say that we are all glad he wasn't swept away by Edward. That would be concerning. (Although I wouldn't mind if my husband learned a few things from Edward...)
And TM/MA, your posts had me laughing out loud. It's a good thing I'm home alone. I loved your husband conversion process, and the "volvo" your husband spotted - too great. Oh, and I think your term, "Cullens & Co." would make a great T-shirt. What do you think?
(I think we need a new label for Husband moments, too)
Hooray! I am so happy to hear that Joseph read it! I know Joseph will like the rest of the books. And once he has read them- The Twilight momments will automatically come- even in Sunday school. They are so much fun! even friends who have not swooned over them- (I didn't swoon until I read midnightsun chapter 1- had to go back and reread Twilight- then I was hooked) have fun talking about them. They just bring sunshine no matter the weather.
Hey Esm... I am so happy for you! I could feel your excitement while I read your post as well. I am really thrilled for you and can imagine your pleasure that he actually really likes it!! So great! How funny, that after all the comments I've posted about mine and my husbands discussions and conditions over reading, and we've finally made an agreement...your husband ends up starting and finishing it first! Seriously it's so awesome. I think I would do the same, pace myself with my excitement so he didn't start rethinking his reactions too much. Good thinking there. You'll have to keep us updated on his future thoughts! I think it sounds like for sure that he'll read on. Yay!!!
MA, love Dave's TW moments. I think it's so great that all these husbands are having TW moments, even the ones that haven't read them. I can just picture you doing exactly what you typed, I've seen you very excited and jumping up and down, it's very fun! Hey, at least he now knows how to absolutely please you, just share a TW moment, especially one that involves deep thought. Good for him, for looking deeper into it. Oh yes, he must read MS, he will, I know you can get him to. I think the guys would like that side of the books.
I love the "conversion process" - it seems about right. That's awesome, I love it put into words like that. Nice one on the "Cullen & Co." That would be a great T-shirt!! You'll have to enter it into the next online contest. I am hoping my husband will learn a few tips from Edward myself :)
Fun stuff to read! Thanks for sharing everyone. And Jenn, I can just see the look on Jimmy's face while he watched you laugh...it's making me laugh...
Just wanted to say it sure is fun to read everyone's comments.
I have to quickly add to this also - last night, without any probing from me...Joseph kept me up for nearly an hour trying to figure out what was going to happen in the next books. He guessed a few things right (werewolves - first he thought Billy was one, then he kept deducing the facts and finally figured out that it's Jacob...but I don't think he realizes that he isn't one YET), he was a little off on some things - I tried to keep my mouth shut as much as I could. It was very fun!!
Also, tonight at a family gathering, I heard him talking about the book to my sister, sister-in-law and brother. My brother almost choked when he heard that Joseph had read it - but Joseph was actually defending it!!! He, of course, made sure to let everyone know that he wasn't hung up on the books like someone he knew (hee, hee), that he really disliked all the 'high school' mush, but that the intensity and action was soooo awesome!!! My sister-in-law brought up again how he would love MS - so maybe!!!
It is so stinkin' hard to not say anything about our husband's speculation about what is coming... but that is great that your husband was defending it! I love it!
You know, I have to say that the first time around I didn't guess that there was going to be werewolves. I know Jacob talks about it in TW, but it really didn't dawn on me, even with all the "big bear" talk the first part of NM (after she 'wakes up' of course). I feel kind of dumb because everyone seems to have figured that one out that I talk to. I don't think I would have either for a little while at least, but someone told me while I was reading, they just assumed I knew. I think I even went along with it, like I knew, funny.
I'm surprised I'm admitting this.
I think it's so great E that he got excited about the books, and even better that he's defending them. Which sister brought up MS? Is this the one who finally read them after all that time?
I can't wait until Justin gets to the action part of the book, I think (I hope) that he'll like it a lot too.
RWV, I wouldn't feel bad that you didn't guess there were vampires. I think the reason most people figure it out is because they have heard someone talking about the books before.
This was how I was told I should read Twilight: "Oh, you have to read these great books. They are about a girl who falls in love with a vampire, and then some bad vampires come and her blood smells really good to them, so then the good vampire & his whole family fight to protect her. And then he & his family move because he thinks she will be safer if they aren't around. And she becomes friends with this boy and it turns out that he and his tribe turn into werewolves when there are vampires around. And then she falls in love with him. And the first boy comes back when he finds out the bad vampires never left and then the vampires and the werewolves make a truce to protect the girl. And they all fight the bad vampires. And both guys just finally tell her to make her choice between them."
My reaction: "Okay. Now I don't have to read the books, because you just told me everything that is in them."
How's that for ruining all the major surprises? So, I have tried very hard not to talk about the plot of the books around my husband. But, anyhow, I don't get a pat on my back for figuring out that Jacob was a werewolf - I knew it before I ever started TW.
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