Here we go! My husband (Justin) cracked the series today (heeeee!). Even though it's been the plan for days (or weeks??) now, I was still surprised when he said, "all right, where is it?" I'm so thrilled and nervous as well. My husband is a big-time teaser, he loves to tease and I think he does it worse when he sees that he's getting a rise out of me, so I'm trying to brush it off more than normal. (Must be 'youngest child syndrome' or something, I always tease him that he didn't have anyone younger than him to tease, so our kids are getting it now I suppose, funny. Sorry way off the subject here).
Ok, so he's on chapter 3. He said a few smart remarks, nothing big, but enough to give me a little rise (even though we've had more than one talk about what kind of mind set to have - he just can't help himself sometimes, I guess). I reminded him to please not ruin it and pick silly things apart about it, so he apologized and stopped (for now, and hopefully from here on out.) I honestly didn't expect him to read past the first chapter, so I was excited to see him continue on. He asked me some questions, most that he would find out soon enough, so I kept telling him to read on. He asked my height (I'm 5'4") and a few other things, I think he was trying to picture what Bella might look like, I thought that was cute. He said something about Mike Newton that I didn't care for. I'm thinking that maybe he needs to read alone, and not right next to me. A little while after he shut the book, I asked him "so, what do you think?" (Trying not to act too overexcited of course) He gave me a thumbs up and nodded once. That wasn't quite enough, so I pressed a little more. The most I got was "yeah, I like it, I'm just getting started though you know."
So all in all, I'm excited, I want him to read more but I won't put the pressure on too much. He does read everyday, and has more time than usual because of his injury, so the prospects of it getting read more quickly right now are good. I guess it's time to start his book now, I actually took it with me to an appointment today but didn't end up having time to read it. Of course he asked if I started it, I know I better, so he'll continue without any issues with that. Not that anyone will care, but I'll let you know how the reading goes for me as well, this is big, reading something else beside my beloved Twilight since last Semptember!
I'll let you all know if anything more significant happens, or for sure when he finishes!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
And so it begins...
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8:51 PM
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So MA, did you decide if you're going to join with me in this strange, new adventure of reading another book (Star Wars related). Wow, I know. And I'm kidding, no pressure REALLY...anyone else interested?? hee-hee
I can appreciate how hard it is to have them around, asking you questions and commenting. It is so hard not to tell them the answer, and make them keep reading.
My husband asked me last night, "So my question is, What is Charlie?" I tried to answer that one as nonchalantly as I do all the others, so as not to give anything away. He is convinced that Charlie KNOWS more or IS more than what we think. (That could be an interesting twist in BD. I DO have a sister-in-law who thinks there is more to Renee than we have seen. Guess we'll see).
Anyhow, have fun. I feel your pain. Erin, be grateful that your husband read it all in one trip while you weren't around. It's too hard not to spill the beans.
Oh, I'm so excited for you RWV! I hope he gets through it!! This might actully be the place to ask...Joseph was sure that the arguement or whatever between Billy and Charlie (in TW) was over the fact that Billy was trying to tell Charlie that the Cullens were Vampires? I didn't remember that - I thought maybe Billy was just trying to convince Charlie that they were no good - but I didn't think they actually talked about if anyone remembers/or knows - I'd love to find out. Otherwise, I'll go research it!
I just thought Billy told Charlie that the Quileutes wouldn't go to the hospital in Forks now that Carlisle worked there. If I missed something, let me know.
I don't think my husband isn't that far yet, but I'll let you know what he says when he gets there. It is interesting the different things the guys notice from us.
Hey, that sounds right! I remember that now - I'll have to go defend it...
Well I just made Jimmy jump out of his chair from squealing so loud about Justin!! I'm so excited for you! And, if he'll help promote the books to Jimmy to get him going on them "I'll" read those dang Star Wars books...
Well I just put "Shatterpoint" on hold at the library. I have my card number memorized by the way, anyone else?
I like Star Wars. How bad can it be Trish? (I know, pretty bad right?)
Has Justin read anymore Twilight. He has a LOT of down time.
I must confess, sorry BFB, but I don't give much credit to husband theories. When you have read them as many times as we have, and researched EVERYTHING there is online that the author has said or clarified, then speculations can be taken seriously. Not that I don't respect their opinions on many other things, but you have to do the homework here to be truly heard.
Recently I very cordially blew Jillike's husbands' theory clean out of the water. He thought it an exciting/plausible turn of events if both Bella and Edward die in Breaking Dawn. Out of respect to this husband and friend, I gave it a 1% chance. I do think SM will blow us away with something. But really girls, would any Twilight expert give that theory real credence?
(I seem to be doing this alot lately, explaining my 'strong" personality. But if you have never met me, you might take my comments too harshly. They are mostly tongue in cheek, so don't take me to seriously. Although I personally take my Twilight VERY SERIOUSLY. Geez I started my own blog. Have fun on it.)
I wanted to clarify further, that I do get a kick out of the DH theories and questions, they just don't make me think more deeply since they are reading on a surface level. At least the majority of them. BFB and Jillike might have exceptions to this statement. When Dave starts to talk about Jacob opinions, I don't allow it since he hasn't read New Moon. He only knows Jacob from synopsis. Not the same.
But I enjoy his curiosity.
I would agree that surface opinions and theories don't have much credence.
I do know that some of my husband's theories so far are wrong (for example, Charlie is NOT a vampire), but often he does have insight that turns out to have some value. He is taking the book pretty seriously, so I guess I'll wait and see what he thinks when he has finished (I think he plans on reading all 3, so that could take until BD is out at the current rate).
And if nothing else, they are fun to read. They remind me a bit of what I was thinking the first time through the books, trying to figure things out.
Well, Justin is slowly plugging along. I guess the first part of TW could be slow for a guy, I can't understand that of course. Right now he's at the part when Bella goes with Mike and the gang down to La Push, to First Beach (right?) Justin said that Bella just met Jacob. Then he said, "the infamous Jacob, that I've heard SO much about, right?" I just smiled. He hasn't said much at all, he said something the other night in bed, but I was pretty much asleep while he was reading so I don't remember the Q or A, darn. I do remember the feeling that I had was happy that he asked it and I told myself to remember, nice job self. The other thing he has said a few times is that he just doesn't understand why Bella calls her Dad Charlie. It seems to bug him for some reason. I don't really even know why, except that she's just never really been that close to him or spent much time with him, although of course she loves him. I don't know why it bothers him, maybe because he has 2 daughters, who knows.
Anyway, that's all for now. As far as Shatterpoint, I'm only on page 3. Oops, he knows I haven't read a whole lot but he doesn't know I'm only that far, and I'd like to keep it that way, I need to get going. But it's kind of excruciating, especially when I see him reading my precious Twilight (yikes, I'm starting to sound like Gollum). I'm really, really wanting to read it again, quite badly. I think I will when he's done with it. It's about time to start my 3rd round, don't you all think?
Precious, my precious - we do act that way, don't we? Barely letting our husbands borrow our books, let alone someone who lives outside of our home!
I think Bella calls Charlie by his name because that is what Renee calls him. She has been more of an equal with Renee, too, so it would make sense that she calls her mother's friends by their names - including her own father.
That makes sense too. She is definitely been very much in the grown up role in her life, so I can see that being a big reason as well.
Justin said this morning, "I can't believe I'm reading a teenage, vampire love story!" I just smiled along with him. A few times he has mimicked a line about how beautiful Edward is and about his golden eyes, (I told you he loves to tease) but I've just took it and smiled.
I can so relate to 'precious books'. When Joseph wanted to take TW to Boston, I thought, darn I should've bought a book cover way back then, and then I wished I had a soft cover TW to lend to him. Nonetheless, I did take the cover off - letting him take a pure black book with him. (not that that helped him keep it nice - it came back maimed...) Actually he proably should've thanked me...he only got 1 comment from a girl, very surprised and impressed that he was reading it! Imagine how many comments he would've recieved if he would've had the cover on?! I just know that I always want to say something to someone when I see them holding one of the three!!!
PS - I didn't want to lose my comment (to switch accounts) so it got posted with my 'other' name. Sometimes this can get confusing.
Funny about the books! I know totally what you mean, when I see someone with one I can hardly stand not to say something, so I usually do. And even if it does have a book cover on it or just the blackness, I can pretty much tell it's a TW book, just by is shape and size, I know it's pathetic. And yes, I've even asked a stranger before and have been proven right.
Fun to be blogging at the same time as someone else!
Justin is on the chapter "Port Angeles" so I'm getting really excited. I think it'll pick up more for him here, it's an exciting chapter and so much is revealed as well. I can't believe how excited I am about where he's at, I'm always picking it up and seeing where the bookmark is, it's fun because it helps me to remember reading it my first time around too. I'm living vicariously through him. :) (Did I say that right?)
Chris just barely finished that chapter. I do think that the books pick up there, with the Bella-Edward Q&A - it has been since then that he has started making his Twilight comments. Hope your husband likes it as well!
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