Well funny. Just when I was thinking my two best Twilight buddies and I were looking a little silly as the only people utilizing this happy spot, I get 22 (approx.) comments/posts yesterday through today. Well I had already decided 3 is great company, but it is nice to have so many of you take a moment to pay your TW respects. My break lasted about 12 hours. That was plenty. It was very lonely.
SO. . . This is an exciting year, although last year was amazing. On New Years Eve our family and friends took turns sharing our 2007 highlights. Well you know where this is going, but Jillike and I both professed how Twilight was amongst the very greatest highlights of our year. It was a breath of fresh and beautiful air that keeps giving delight to our lives in many, many ways.
And 2008 has Breaking Dawn and hopefully the Twilight Movie to look forward too. Not to mention I plan on organizing the rest of my house (I got my kitchen cupboards very pretty for Christmas, so that just leaves every other room in the house to work on!) and never yelling at my children again. So I plan on repeating this speech at the end of 2008.
Was Twilight a highlight of your year? What else brought you joy?
And if nothing else, add your vote here for BELLA FOR VAMPIRE '08 !!

Oh, such a relief for us!! Twilight is definately one of my 2007 big highlights. Funny, as I think back on what has happened since about September...all I remember is Twilight moments - not really, but kind of! Of course probably my biggest highlight this year was the birth of Max (clear back in Jan.) and then some more are: Annalyn starting kindergarten, potty training Isaac, living through my first spinning class, visiting my twin neices in NC, a couple new nephews being born, and then... re-reading the series - oh and getting them back after 2 long months of waiting!!
Yes- good to have you back. :)
Oh yes, Twilight has definitely been a highlight of 2007 for me! I love my family, and they bring me the most happiness, but Twilight is right up there in the happiness category. Other things would be Bella starting Kindergarten, and totally loving it, Max and Bella both getting into Summit Academy, GOING ON A 7 DAY CRUISE WITH MY HUSBAND (!!), Max (my 1st child) getting baptized, Luke starting Nursery and liking it..hmm unfortunately I can't say too many accomplishments about my Abigail, she isn't completely potty trained-she still has her binkie and blankie, she is starting to outgrow some of her tantrums so that's been good, she sure is cute though and she's my biggest helper around the house. Back to Twilight, I'm so thankful I discovered the wonderful fantasy world and blissful love story, it brings me so much joy and many smiles and good feelings, and many things rediscovered that I forgot were ever there.
Here, here, on Bella becoming a vampire in '08! If it could only be decided by vote, then we would know for certain that it'll happen in BD, because I have no doubt on the voting results!
It sounds like wonderful old years for both of you.
May you have every happiness, and more this year,even if it comes in different and simpler ways.
Could anyone possibly entertain the idea that Bella won't become a vampire. I say, impossible.
Anyone else?
From MA:
Hey Trish and Erin, so this same friend, who has me thinking constantly about the end of New Moon,(yes both of you really, HA!) has planted a sad and at the same time, silly, seed in my head.
What if Bella doesn't become a vampire. Edward loves the beat of her heart so much. He loves her human-ness. Now this is not about him not loving her as a vampire. There is no doubt (hold on I just had a great thouht here to help myself cheer up. Split personality, I am tellin' ya). But on with my miserable thoughts. Edward will love her but what is SM wants him to love her as a human forever.
Now I know the whole point of Eclipse was the help Bella make that choice, but what is SM doesn't make her have to. How can that ending ever be reconciled as all that those two deserve. I know true love goes beyond everything, but one of you aging and the other one not? I know we have thrown out this possibility before, but what if?
Personality 2: TM says
I wish so badly that SM would allow me to give her this idea for BD. If she hasn't already thought of this, it would be very easy to weave in.
So since there IS NO POSSIBILITY that Bella won't become a vampire what if it happens like this:
Bella and Edward already have a love sort of beyond normal human love, right? Well when Bella becomes a vampire what if that love is enhanced, like every other trait, so then they have the most amazing vampire relationship imaginable. Like that is one of their gifts, their incredible love. Not that the others don't have deep love, but Bella and Edward fall in love before she is changed. That has never happened before, that we know of.
I know it's dramatic, overly so. Sappy, and even quite obvious. But I have never thought of it quite like this. Such sweet love, enhanced? Is it even possible? But you know they complete each other in a way different than Jasper and Alice. They weren't whole. Bella and Edward, it seems more like they finish each other. Their love (I know I keep using this word, but it fits) enhances who they are. I am no writer so I can't put any more words on what I am saying here but I hope it kind of makes sense. It was lovely to think it anyway.
First MA:
I really wish you wouldn't think thoughts like that. I realize that it definitely could be a possiblity (eek!), and a sickening one at that. I know Edward does love her heart beat so much, but it just doesn't seem complete if she doesn't become his equal in every way. I just keep thinking of that chapter in Eclipse, I think it's called "Time" and it's where Bella knows the time is coming close and is freaking out. They have that wonderful long talk about each other's feelings and worries about each other's feelings, and it seemed to me that they really cleared up a lot about the topic in that conversation. So hopefully that means SM was the one clearing it up. I truly can't stand the thought of her not becoming one, so I'm not going to right now.
Secondly TM:
What a perfect thought. You know, you should give yourself more credit, you word things wonderfully. Really though, that is something I have thought about and am truly hoping for, is that SM will do something so amazing with their love and their bond, and of course Bella's character as a vampire, in BD. I sometimes think of Alphie's comment about the "be all, end all moment," or something like that. I hope it has something to do with her talent and abilities AS A CULLEN, a true one. Very lovely thought indeed Twilightmom. It's true, they fall in love before she's changed, that has GOT to mean something. They're different, without question than the rest of them. All the Cullen relationships are very special and sweet in different ways, but NOTHING tops Bella and Edward's. Thanks for sharing your lovely, sweet thought. I hope we don't keep setting ourselves up for dissappointment, how will we deal with it? We really don't need to talk about that though, it might bring us down.
By the way: you are very funny, both of you.
I just had to comment because I missed this thread before.
I wondered about Bella not becoming a vampire, until I noticed the cover of Forever Dawn recently. She has vampire eyes. So, unless that is a red herring, I think we can safely assume that Bella does become a vampire.
(Although I would be okay with her staying human, IF SM could figure out a way for Edward to become human again too - but I don't think that's happening).
I think we can safely assume that as well. PLEASE let us be able to!
(I almost fainted when I read the first half of your last line, until I got to "IF" of course.)
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