Speaking of Twilight... Last night Joseph (my husband) chose Pride and Prejudice for his movie choice( he started popping popcorn and everything - I'm sure hinting to me that he wanted me to join him)...I think he would like TW more than he knows...of course throughout the whole movie I was reminded of our wonderful Edward and Bella. At the end, I said to Joseph, "We don't even know Mr. Darcy's first name..., do we even ever hear it?" Well, I immediately remembered this scene in Twilight (I went and looked it up of course) -

"I lay on my stomach, crossing my ankles in the
air, flipping through the different novels in the book, trying to decide which would occupy my mind the most thoroughly. My favorites were Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility. I'd read the first most recently, so I started into Sense and Sensibility, only to remember after I began chapter three that the hero of the story happened to be named Edward. Angrily, I turned to Mansfield Park, but the hero of that piece was named Edmund, and that was just too close..."Well, I didn't get the answer to my original question - but how fun! It made me very happy to be able to relish in two very classic couples in one night! And yes, I did say two!!
And then today, I was reading in Eclipse, where Edward finds Wuthering Heights on the kitchen table, realizing that Bella is reading it again - because of her lack of other book choices. He is giving her a hard time about this book, and then continues, "I don't know how Heathcliff and Cathy ended up being ranked with couples like Romeo and Juliet or Elizabeth Bennett and Mr. Darcy." Could we soon add 'Edward Cullen and Bella Swan'? I don't know...it's sure fun to think about!
Well, I wonder if I will ever be able to watch or movie or listen to a love song without thinking of these fictional characters?!
What a great post!!!!
I love every version of P&P ever made. I like that I have that in common with our friends SM and BS(C) Bella Swan soon to be Cullen. AHHHHH!
Anyway. Joseph would like it if he would just open the door.
So funny, but one of my times through Twilight I was frantic trying to think of Mr. Darcy's first name. I even called my sister Caroline, a P&P expert, and off the top of her head she thought it was Edward. I screamed, she had no idea why, but funny thing is, I never checked the source. I explained after the screaming that the most romantic character ever written, although a vampire, was named Edward, and it was too much to believe Mr.Darcy could be too.
Well I am off right now on the search for Mr.Darcy's first name. We will not be dissapointed if it is something other than Edward.
But it will be fun to find out. I'll bet some of you literature guru's could tell me right now, but where you are I do not know.
I'll be right back I hope.
Oh Dear! giggling, giggling, giggling. I wish my fellow slumber partiers were up right now.
So, um, I am very, very happy that when SM made references to the similarities between Pride and Prejudice and Twilight, that she did not include similarities in names.
Could you imagine if the world's most seductive character were named. . . drum-roll. . .
Fitzwilliam, cough, cough, gag, laugh, etc.
Yep, Fitzwilliam! Heaven, could Edward even make the name Fitzwilliam seem sexy?
Poor Mr.Darcy. No wonder we don't hear his name in P&P. It must be mentioned somewhere but I will leave it to others if they want to research that.
The name Edward never meant much to me until now anyway. Although one of my very favorite books (and another fav. of SM) is Jane Eyre, and the main male character in that book is an Edward.
Now we know Erin.
Oh wow! That is completely hilarious. Fitzwilliam!! How horrible, no wonder indeed that he only goes by Mr. Darcy.
Edward's name never meant much to me until now either. So whenever I see a movie with the name, or hear someone call someone else that, I feel a slight jolt I think. I can't believe how struck I am by his name. Edward could probably make just about any name seem sexy, but doesn't the name Edward seem absolutely perfect. Not just kind of perfect, but seriously just right. Nice job SM.
Erin, I love this post, that sounds like such a fun night. I was studying my books as well last night. In fact, my husband came to our room looking for me and I had all three of them on the bed with me, reading different things out of them. I never cease to surprise him with my hobby (??)
I too wonder if there will ever be a time when I can watch a movie or listen to a love song and not think of them. And I already feel that they are one of the high ranking couples of romantic fiction. I'm not easily struck by stuff like this.
ps. I was going to go to bed after reading this newest post (thank you for adding something new!!!!) but I realized that I haven't commented even once today on the blog and I couldn't let it be. I have a good enough reason I guess, it's my anniversary and I've been busy trying to do nice things for my husband in my free time, but still. In fact, tonight I wondered to myself what Bella and Edward will do to celebrate their 1st wedding anniversary...can't you just imagine what Edward might do? I can think of a few...
Ha, ha! Yes, there is good reason that we only remember him as Mr. Darcy. In the modern LDS version of P&P he goes by Will.
On the subject of Edward's name, to tell the truth, I knew two guys names Edward growing up, and... um, well, I must admit, I thought it was a geeky name. (Perhaps the actual people influenced my thinking).
Now, however, I have no problems with it. Amazing how a great character can change your impression of something - because I could never say that our Edward was geeky (not even his name).
Since we all love Jane Austin so much, did you know that they are showing her movies on Sunday nights @ 8:00 p.m.. Last Sunday was Persuassion- but I can't think what the next few weeks are. A friend told me about this- and even if you can't watch them on Sundays- you can record them. I think they go for the next 4 to 6 weeks on channel 11. I tell my husband that SM books are my other triple combination- that should allow time to be studied too. MA are you so happy that I have finally posted something?!!?
Yes I am very proud of you. And happy for you. Didn't it feel great Jillikie?
The vision of Trish studying her "triple combination" on her bed is just to good to be true!
Edward is the perfect name. And I'm with you Betcha. Until recently I would have pitied a boy with that name. But wow, I'm with you RWV, it is just ideal.
I love Persuasion. It is much more subtle than some of the other JA movies but you have to see the right version. Just one kiss in that movie but it is stunning. And Sense and Sensibility, with an Edmund of course, is in my top all time 10 movies (version with Emma Thompson and Hugh Grant). I used to think that the scene when he proposes and she bursts into hysterical tears, was one of the most romantic sweet moments in fiction. And although it still is, it has moved down several rungs on the my mental ladder. Wonder why?
Whoops! It is an Edward in Sense and Sensibility. Of cousre. Edward Ferrars. Please excuse me.
Has any one ever read SM explaining what Edward is doing while Bella is reading that book. How when she falls asleep he comes to see what she is reading. I know its out there but I can't find it. This little Edward detail needs to go here and it will cause me great anguish until I find it. Can anyone help? (where is Jillybean when I need her? On a cruise, man, she better be thinking about how B&E would have their own private yacht for a cruise, and how pretty they would be on a secluded beach somewhere.)
Oh and RWV, funny you should mention celebrations, but yesterday, yes literally yesterday, while putting laundry away I was passing the time thinking about, guess what? Right. And I was thinking how I can't wait for those kids to get married so that Edward can shower Bella with all his pent up gift giving. I really think she is going to learn to like it. The vision of that is Adorable. You can just see the pure delight it will bring him to give Bella many, many surprises. I hope SM includes a few in the 800+ pages of BD. Cross your fingers.
How fun. I'm sad that I am just checking right now. But, I hoped it would've been a fun subject, and I was definately right about that! I love that scene in S and S also MA, and it's close to the scene in the new PandP with Jane and Mr. Bingly? Anyway, such fun feelings it gives. And, (don't repeat this) but it really is one of Joseph's favorite! He just finished a great 'work' book - and kind of was hinting that I would love it...maybe that is the key to get him to read TW!?!
Sounds like if you take it slowly, he might just give in eventually and read it. That's actually something that Justin has said to me, that if I read his favorite book which is some Star Wars book, then he'll read TW. But I just can't do it. He's being naughty and going back on his word because he's already told he he'd read it a couple of times before, he's just trying to get something out of it now. Oh well, I think some day I'll get him to.
Awesome picture Erin! It goes so perfect with this scene, nice find. I can't tell you how much I love all these pictures that get posted!
Both of you! Just do it. Dave came home for lunch and was reading his latest "givemenonfictiondad" book. Well I offered right then and there that if he would go ahead and read New Moon he could pick on of his books for me to read. Of course he has hinted that maybe some day he would read New Moon. I think the real key is that they read it with the right frame of mind. Not critically but really open-minded. Trying to answer genuinely the question, why does my wife love this so much?
I went on and on with Dave about how he loves P&P too, and several other classic romance/character driven movies. Wouldn't he want to see what we see in Bella and Edward. A classic, up there with the classics, romantic couple?
He felt the deal was unfair though because my book would only take him days to read and his book would take me months. So I threw in him reading Eclpise too, to balance things out. We haven't signed the papers yet, but I am hopeful.
Jill I reminded him how highly he respects Paul and that Paul genuinely enjoyed the books and being able to relate a little to your love for them. That has got to soften him up as well.
My advice. Make the deal. Compromise remember. Bella and Edward use it too.
But I don't want to read "Shatterpoint" !!
I'm trying to look at from his perspective too though, and see that he's thinking it's the same thing for him. But he in no way feels the same for that book as I do for my Twilight, must I list the reasons to prove it?
Anyway, maybe I'll "compromise" (ooh, I just realized that's the name of chapter 20!! You know..) I've never considered it this seriously until you're advice. But you're right, I want him to have the right frame of mind while reading it - what should I instruct him to do before he starts? Okay then, I'm going to talk to him about it again, let you know if I'm reading a SW book very soon.
Um. . .yeah. If I said "of course" I know what chapter "compromise" is the title of, would that sound to snotty. Because it is not meant snotty.
It is meant as a reminder of who is corresponding with who right here. Co-presidents addicted to the same herion kiddo.
I don't think we ever have to wonder again if both of our minds react the same way, to this word, on many different levels, ever again.
Again, I must apologize, the drama never stops with me. I can't write without it!
Unfortunately, I have to admit that our dear Twilight Pres. found this perfect picture!!! Thanks for putting the final touches on it!
And sorry, I forgot to comment on Mr. Darcy's name...AHHH! You're right, no wonder we don't hear it in the movie, poor Mr. Darcy! Oh well, he surely makes up for it in his character, don't you think?..now I'm starting to sound like a 'Jane Austin' author...so fun!
Can I just say that adding that picture was ridiculously satisfying.
Jane Austen fans are akin to SM fans. Character and romance. We love it.
I was telling my husband last night that he needs to read Twilight. And he responded, "I WOULD, if you would ever stop reading it."
Oh yeah. Guess I'll put the book down now. Actually I just finished TW last night for the 3rd time, and I am finishing my research on the use of "honey" in it today. So he can read it on the bus tomorrow.
That's funny that your husband said that! Love it. And so awesome that's he's so willing to read it, you're one of the lucky ones whose husband doesn't need to be talked into it. Still so hilarious about your "terms of endearment" research. I would like to know about the use of "honey" did we find it in Twilight, from Charlie I bet??
So....did your husband take it today on the bus?
Yes, my husband has my book now. I won't get it back for a while. That's why I had to make sure I was completely done looking for terms of endearment before I handed it over.
And yes, I did find "honey" in TW. And Charlie is ONE of the people who use it. There is a pattern in how these terms are used in the books, but I'll save that for later.
I forgot to say, RWV, you should read your husband's book. You said it was a Star Wars one right? They are a pretty quick read - I've read them.
I think you should read it one day while he is gone, so that when he comes home you can say, "Okay. Your turn, now."
Ok, seriously you guys have talked me into it. I can't believe I'm going to read something besides TW, but it might be good, plus it'll get him to find out about my passion in return. In fact, he's injured and laid up for a few weeks, so what a good time for him to do it.
That would be great if I could read it in one day and say that, I think maybe I'll read it secretly and then announce when I'm done, we'll see...
Let us know when you have started, or finished. And I really would read it with you if it helps. Then we can start a lame-o post about what to read when you are not reading Twilight. I guess it is healthy to read something else now and again. I mean I think we used to read other things before August of 2007. Didn't we? So now is a good time, since he is laying around doing nothing. I think your comments were from another post, but I love the image of you reading Twilight to him, like a prisoner being given a chance to "see-the-light". Great visual!
But the picture of the two of you, reading each others books, is really very sweet.
No time like the present. Come on.
Well I talked to him about it tonight, and he agreed to it. So we're going to do it at the same time. He's finishing up his latest SW book, and thinks he'll be done tomorrow, maybe even tonight. So I guess we'll see. I would love for you to read it with me MA, the library might have a copy, we own it of course. But you don't have to, and I won't feel bad AT ALL if you decide not to.
I look forward to the lame-o post, this will be an intersting experience. The first book I've read since Sept '07, other than my special ones.
I gave him some instructions about having an open mind and what to think about while reading. So I'll definitely keep you posted (literally) when it begins...I'm kind of looking forward to him reading it!
The open mind is important. That is my only worry. It isn't the same if he doesn't start that way. Really as long as he is reading it to see why you love it, not to prove that you shouldn't, that is all it will take. You are going into the SW book with an open mind, right?
And if you remind him that Dave liked it, Adam liked it, and Jillikie's Paul really liked it, and they are all cool, macho, sports playing guys (Paul played baseball for BYU). I think that could help. BFB can your husband add an endorsement? It sounds like Ruth's husband might admit to even liking the book.
Erin take careful notes so that you can plant some seeds in Joseph. Has he ever even read a fictional book?
Well good luck Trisha. I hope the sacrifice will be worth it.
My husband isn't far enough yet - and I did tell him that the 2nd and 3rd books are more exciting, so that he'll keep going.
He SHOULD be grateful to the books for the the increased affection I have expressed since reading them. Much more cuddling & kissing going on around here since then.
And, he is a cool, macho, soccer playing guy. So throw that on the list of sports.
Oh, I had to add that I have read other things since reading Twilght. Things like Pride & Prejudice, and Wuthering Heights. I still need to read Romeo and Juliet, and a Midsummer's Night Dream...I think she mentions Animal Farm too. Did I miss anything else? Are you sensing the trend here?
I have vowed never to read Wuthering Heights again, terrible book. But maybe I should out of respect to Bella and Edward. I would like to come across some of those famous lines in their original context.
I would also like to get some Shakespeare in so maybe before BD. But then again I am afraid reading Midsummer will cause such angst in me as I try to figure out what insignifant parts SM is going to use in BD. She has played down the similarities but I don't need any fuel for my worrying fire. Maybe you could read it BFB and then give us all a synopsis.
One more thing. Since this post started with names of characters, I wanted to share a line I came across today during my Twilight Study. (Twilight Study is when my eyes drift to the pretty open book sitting next to the computer and then more minutes than inteded go by as I savor every line.)
Bella Swan:
"Honestly Edward." I felt a thrill go through me as I said his name, and I hated it.
Have you felt that thrill? (rhetorical question)
Don't read Wuthering Heights again, TM. I did only because I had never finished it. It was even more miserable because I had just finished Twilight.
Selfish characters and horrible events. Ugh. Only in the last chapter is there anything that is not miserable. Just savor your Twilight and be happy. Really, SM quotes the only passages in the book worth reading. I can post them in their entirety if you wish to save you the misery of the rest of the book.
Ok, so I'm not sure where that 'thrilling' part is...
the "Honestly Edward" part. Hmmm, I've been trying to figure which part of Twilight, obviously somewhere in the first half, when she's trying not to fall for him.
I have never read WH, and I don't think I want to. In fact, I had someone lend it to me (I didn't ask for it) so that I could read it, because of its TW relation. But I just haven't been able to read anything else yet, and especially something I hear so many yucky things about. Interesting, that Bella continues to read it. Edward finds it interesting as well, doesn't he.
And oh man, do I agree, I don't need anything to help me worry about BD!
Want a hint? Let me know. Of course your close but I can nudge you closer.
I do wonder what SM sees in WH. Maybe its just because it is a classic. Jane Eyre, a favorite of SM's and mine, is written by the sister of the WH author. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte and WH by Emily Bronte. I think people assume that since Jane Eyre is so amazing that WH will be too. Nope! I think SM uses it mostly for its' passionate analogy potential. She couldn't be a big fan. I don't know anyone who actually is.
I like Jane Eyre too. And I think Wuthering Heights wouldn't have seemed so miserable, except in close comparison with characters who are decent people, like Bella and Edward.
But yes, it does have the passionate love that goes beyond reason. And, I think there are some good similarities between the relationships (Bella & Edward vs Catherine & Heathcliff). Bella and Edward both believe that they are as selfish or horrible as Catherine & Heathcliff really are, while viewing the other person as nearly perfect. Likewise, both Catherine & Heathcliff are blind to the faults of the other. And Bella nailed the theme of WH when she said that their love was their redeeming quality - not that that applies to Bella & Edward, but simply that their love has strength beyond the limitations of the individual.
(Continuing my WH analysis for those who don't want to read/reread it...)
WH is THE classic love triangle (which may be why SM used it) - Catherine, like Bella, must choose between a man who is her true love but who lacks the approval of society and a good man who has all the blessings of status, wealth and society.
This is where the difference between Catherine & Bella is significant. Catherine chooses Linton, who has the security of money and status, while still attempting to maintain her relationship with Heathcliff. She refuses to pain herself by letting either man go. Bella, however, has the courage to choose Edward, even though it means leaving her family and all that she knows (mortality & humanity) behind. She painfully severs her ties with Jacob because she understands that she cannot have a full relationship with Edward if she is trying to share herself simultaneously with Jacob. She makes the choice that Catherine can not.
So, hopefully, this means that Bella & Edward's relationship will reap the benefits of Bella's strong character and Edward's goodness, and end on a more positive note than the characters of Catherine & Heathcliff.
Ok, so does she say that two-liner during the whole Edward saving her from Tyler's van day? Maybe at the hospital when she's disagreeing with him. This is kind of fun, a little mini quote for me.
All very well said BFB. I enjoy all the comments and insights about the different relationships. Thanks for sharing those thoughts.
Question. Is there some reason that BD is supposed to have Midsummer Night's Dream parallels? Did SM say something, or are other fans saying something? I know that it is briefly mentioned in Eclipse - something about the fairies wreaking havoc with everyone's hearts - but is there more?
I can't remember where we heard that, was it a Q & A perhaps with SM? Do you know Twilightmom?
Yes she mentioned it somewhere, at a book signing or something. People jumped all over that and started analyzing away. So now she has tried to play down the MSND connection. I can almost see the words, something like Midsummer will only have a loose connection to BD like Pride and Prejudice did to TW. I really wish I could find my references quickly. I have worked fairly hard to sort them for easy access but there is just too much info out there. If I come across it I will post it.
RWV, here is your "Honestly Edward" hint. So its past the Tyler van day and after the 6 weeks of silence. He has started talking to her again and of course she has spent the last 6 weeks trying not to care anything about him. I can see how it could fit with several moments. Try again.
I love her cheekiness.
Ok, I'm going to try this one. How about the morning after she's asked to the dance by the 3 boys and he catches her key before she drops it, then they have a short conversation. Is that right?
I'm enjoying this.
Warmer, warmer.
Next hint: So she says no to all of the "boys" of course.
Did you fall asleep in your computer chair again?
WAKE UP! My husband just went to bed under a cover of laundry piles. I actually suggested he try the couch until I am done folding and putting away. He says he's slept this way before.
I can't beleive I just published that!
So I have work to do. Get guessing already.
I'm still waiting.
So do I win the pathetic blog member award for commenting to myself.
Hum de dum . . .
So if my husband knew how many times he is mentioned in cyber-space I wonder if he would feel self-conscious.
So does anyone want to know what he said to me to pick a fight, right before he went to bed?
That's funny! Don't worry, we've done the same. Funny our husbands don't care.
Let's see....you have no idea how tempted I am to look now, but alas I won't!
Isn't is when he asks if she really is going to Seattle for the weekend?
Yes, I want to know, I want to know!!
Well, I win right along with you, I've commented to myself plenty.
My husband might feel the same. He saw me typing my post about him starting TW and demanded he get to read it before I posted it, but he got distracted and seems to have forgotten now...:)
Yes, yes. Excellent work! Of course she puts on a great act of deliberation before she acceps his invitation. Only Bella could pull that off. Anyway, she says it after he goes on and on about saving gasoline.
"Honestly, Edward." I felt a thrill go through me as I said his name, and I hated it. "I can't keep up with you. I thought you didn't want to be my friend. . . .
And then some very famous lines, ending with the most memorable of all . . .
"But I'm tired of trying to stay away from you, Bella."
AHHHHHH. Loooooove IT!
Hope this doesn't dissapoint, but it bring this post full-circle.
He says, out of the blue.
"You know honey, no one can really compare with Mr. Darcy."
I answered calmly and assertively that I love Mr. Darcy. He is a fabulous character. But no one can compare. . . didn't have to finish.
So he challenges me. Pointing out Mr. Darcy's great qualities. Reminding me how we never tire of him after 5 hours of DVD.
Well girls (girl, hey there only friend crazy enough to still be up. How do we exist like this for days at a time anyway? And for the record I have been up doing school volunteer work along with my laundry, hence the lateness of the hour), Well girls, you would have been proud of me. Rather than ranting and raving and reacting to the taunting disguised as genuine effort at opening discussion of fictional main male characters, I remained very calm and earnest in my answer. Honestly I can't remember exactly what I said, I did throw in a few eye-rolls, an MA signature move, but it was close to how Bella explains Edward to Charle.
Now to quote miss Bella Swan:
"There is no competition."
I did add, to my DH, that he really ought to read our post about the very subject - one Mr. Darcy. And then I laughed and laughed when I thought of poor Mr. Darcy's name, and how I really truly believe even Edward could make the name Fitzwilliam seem staggeringly sexy.
And so we are back to where we began in this post. How Poetic.
That's the thing, after a few days of it, I see that I'm not surviving, yet I continue to live this way after a few good nights, I go back to it. I just love my alone time at night, I get soooo little quiet time in my tiny house with my family of 6.
Yesss! I finally got it, that was actually quite enjoyable for me, just those 2 little lines. And how much do I love the rest of their little talk there by her truck that morning, oh man, that's the first tummy flips I remember getting in TW, is when he says he's tired of trying to stay away from her!!!! Ahhh...
As far as Dave's attempt at whatever he was trying to...attempt, I'm impressed with your reaction. See, we're confident enough and it's good to not let them get a rise out of us. Nice try Dave. Funny, does he not see that we don't get tired of Edward after MONTHS, not just hours, of just reading about him?
No competition.
Nice how this went full circle. And I agree, Edward truly could do wonders with the name Fitzwilliam, I've thought about it, and I really think so.
Now I can go to bed!
Good night funny friend. That was most enjoyable.
Hello everyone else who reads this in the days to come. Some time I will try to sit for an hour in the afternoon and chat, but I don't usually get my fingers flowing until late. Love y'all.
Edward vs. Mr. Darcy...
The way I see it, Edward has all the good things of Mr. Darcy and the classic characters of the past (well-mannered, well-spoken, polite, kind, etc) PLUS he has the added benefit of looking like the hottest man of our day. (And Alice does his shopping...that can't hurt either - wish she'd do mine).
I have to quickly say that I sure loved these comments! It's sad when were not a part of a fun hour of blogging with fellow fans - but it's great to read as well! My comment back to Dave (RWV kind of already said it) it is - well, lets count how many hours we've spent swooning over Edward....
Okay, I did my homework (reading A Midsummer Night's dream). Okay, actually I cheated and read the Cliff's notes, but it had a character analysis, plot synopsis, and overview of the themes - SO, less time away from TW.
I won't share too much, but it did not cause me any angst about what might happen in BD. It made me more excited, and relieved me at the same time, because it ends well. Really, it gave me more hope than I had before. (And I never doubted SM in the first place).
Great! Very good to hear. Nice work and I'm glad you cheated with the cliff notes, way to go.
Thanks for sharing.
After reading WH, I wasn't going to spend that much time reading a book without knowing it was decent. I may actually read the full MSND, now that I know it is worth it.
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