I was very surprised by the results of the poll for the best, most romantic gift from Edward. His lullaby for Bella won a unanimous vote. I know it was easy for me to pick but, every one? (14 votes by the way, and we don't even have that many blog members. Thanks for voting visitors, you are welcome to declare yourselves anytime.)

Also I have been saving this gift for you, but I am giving it to you early. The following is a link to a composition that just could be Edward's, if only Edward were real. Does it sound like Bella's lullaby to you?
Wow, that song made me tingly all over. Its beautiful. I noticed there are quite a few songs/videos on there.Most of them showing Emily Brown, I did watch one with Harry and Emily, that one was really good too. I'm amazed at all the beautiful talent so many people have! Its interesting to see what other people see Edward and Bella look like through their eyes and hearts.Thanks Mary for that link--
Ditto to what Jenn said. What a beautiful song! Very relaxing and very peaceful. Thanks for the post. I had no idea people were putting videos/songs together about this on Youtube.
P.S. I ran across the Vatican when I was there last week--just to see what it was like for Bella. :) I'll see if I can post that video on here.
Are you serious Ruth - how awesome! Hopefully you skipped the part where she rams into the fountain?!? I need to see some more of your Italy pictures!
Sorry, I didn't even comment yet about the song, sorry MA...my sound still isn't working on my home computer, and Joseph decided that he needed to start working again (hee, hee) so he has his laptop with him up in SLC. So tonight for sure I will listen!
I love this song. I think it is absolutely perfect and fits just right. In my opinion it IS Bella's Lullaby. Can't you just see Edward playing it for her? When I listen to it I can picture that scene in Twilight when she first goes to his house and learns he plays the piano. She sits with him on the bench while he plays it for her, then when he's done she realizes she has tears coming from her eyes (that he tastes remember?), I can see why she would cry. Can you imagine having someone write you a song like that, inspired by you, and then play it for you...wow...big sigh...
ps. That sounds awesome Ruth! I'd love to see the video if possible, fun for you to see that.
Ruth thats so amazing you were able to go see that! I too would love to see that video too! Thanks
I just had to say that I loved the song! It seriously brought tears to my eyes. It's beautiful!
Most of those you-tube videos are just okay. I think I have only ever seen one I felt worthy of sharing. I will look it up. Mostly they are time waisters. Trust me I have waisted too much time looking for something good to watch. But if you find one you really like, send it our way. There are probably hundreds of TW related You-tube things.
I am such a visual person though, that I don't enjoy watching the wrong people representing my very favorite characters in the universe. I am so pathetically dramatic aren't I?
Ruth I can't imagine how wonderful your trip to Italy must have been, even without Twilight to relate it to.
Erin, have you ever had a chance to listen to this song? The real song, for the movie anyway, will really have to be something to top this, won't it?
I am like you RWV, I love to picture the scene while this song is playing. I feel like I can even hear the parts he would hum.
Oh. . . .
So no-one has said why they picked this gift over the heart. Diamonds are forever, but maybe RWV sums it up. Music touches our souls, and to have a song written that you inspired, that sounds like this (or something like this), well that is almost unimaginable. And then to have it played on an exquisite white grand piano, by exquisite white hands who reach out and taste your tear, that you can't help shedding in such a beautiful moment. Well, that is the gift I would choose everytime.
By the way, my sweetheart surprised me with a piano for Christmas. It was quite a feat. He had it delivered on the 23rd so that we would have it to play Christmas carols and hymns on. My old piano was barely functional. I would have never had a clue. He had so much fun with the surprise.
So since we received it, he plays it more than I do. Which unfortunately is not very pleasant to listen to since Dave is not very good on the piano. But I am happy it brings him such pleasure. So tonight I was teasing him about who he really got the piano for. He said that really he got it because he hoped it would remind me of a "famous piano player". Well the only famous piano player we know or talk of is none other than Edward Cullen.
This was a tease I actually enjoyed. Of course I told him the piano would have to have been white, to make me think of "that" pianist. Too bad, Dave said. And I told him not to worry. Only Vampires should have white piano's anyway.
Good grief, one more little comment (and I am so sad for everyone who is too busy to comment. I understand. Look at what time it is when I am commenting. But I was explaining to my sweetie how relaxing this time is for me. I love it).
Anyway the comment I wanted to leave was this: does no one else think the picture on this post is just the lovliest thing? It just seeps Edward and Bella love to me.
I'm such a dork...I still haven't been able to listen to this - I forget at night when Joseph has his computer home. But don't worry - I will get to it. But yeah - isn't this just setting us up for more disappointment with what they choose in the movie?
I agree, how perfect is it that Edward has a beautiful white piano. I love that you and Dave teased over that, I almost forgot that he read TW because I couldn't figure out how he'd know that about Edward, funny. That makes me want to hear Dave play now.
The 5 carat diamond is such a sweet gift too, and not just because of what it is, but because it was his mother's. So I'm sure that has so much meaning to him to be giving to Bella. But I still have to go with my original vote. And yes, I totally love the picture, I'm actually glad for the reminder because I definitely notice and think to say something but just forget. It so beautiful. Too bad the piano isn't white though. What does it say down in the corner? something eternity..
Erin calm down. I actually think they will pick a pretty song for the movie. It is a very important part so THEY BETTER!
I too think the diamond is just so amazing and sweet and incredibly Edward. Hey I was the one lobbying that she just leave the little wolf charm in a keepsake box somewhere and wear that diamond. Actually I still think that, we decided she should move the diamond to a necklace, right?
The picture, which I wish I had the skill to change (hey vampirelover can you make the piano white?) says Ethereal Eternity.
Ethereal means:
1) delicate, refined
2) heavenly or celestial
Ahhh, I think both definitions work don't all of you?
Thanks for sharing the definitions, very perfect, and they definitely both work.
I'm resurrecting this thread because I was listening to some more music by the same composer, and I found this song that I figured just had to be esme's favorite (remember it was very technical and faster than Bella's song?)
So here it is:
I just listened to it and that is really nice! He's a great composer, not as great as Edward, but very good. ;)
I forgot, where does it say that about the difference between Bella and Esme's songs? I'm sure I could find it pretty quickly, there aren't too many places that would be.
Oh here Trisha, let me help you.
Btw I loved this song Betcha. Very nice. It definitely fits. I also found a song that reminds me of Esme's favorite but I don't have a link for it yet. I always have more in my head than my fingers can transcribe.
Back to the descriptions of Edwards songs. This will save me some time in coming weeks when we post romantic moments. I can just cut and paste Ahem . . .
". . his fingers flowed swiftly across the ivory , and the room was filled with a compostition so complex, so luxuriant, it was impossible to believe only one set of hands played."
Then a few moments later . . .
"The music slowed, transforming into something softer, and to my surprise I detected the melody of his lullaby weving through the profusion of notes. . . . The music grew unbearably sweet."
These moments are found a few pages from the end of chapter 15, The Cullens, of Twilight. I left out a few little bits that I will add later.
I can't even think of a closing statement for this sweetness here.
Thanks for the description, I figured it had to be there. I need to go listen to Bella's song again now...
By the way, I found the sheet music for Bella's lullaby (officially titled "River Flows in You," though we all know it's REAL name). Email me at cydnewright@hotmail.com and I will send it if you want it. It's not too hard, roughly on par with the hymns.
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