Okay, so some of you may have read my comment on another post about running across the Vatican to re-enact Bella's heroism to save her love. Well . . . someone kindly pointed out to me that Bella actually made a run-for-it in the city of Vulterra, Italy. Apparently I am not quite addicted as someone else I know. :) Sorry if this has caused some confusion.
Unfortunately, I did not get to see Vulterra. However, below are pictures from there:
Taken from outside the city walls

The Main Piazza

The Clock Tower at the Piazza

Also, I would be happy to upload my video from Italy, but I can't figure out how to convert the file type.
Finally, you will be happy to know that I bought Twilight today! Hurray! So now I will stop complaining that I don't have it. And now you can be expecting more posts from me as I begin to read the series for the second time (after I finish reading the 3 books I just got from the library this week).
Hey thanks for sharing! Those are beautiful pics. I can see them right now at the clock tower when I look at the photo....hmmm
Well first, Italy is awesome no matter what city you see. Do you know originally SM created the scenes in Italy in a fictional place in her mind. Then she found out there was a Volterra, and when she saw the clock tower, she couldn't believe it, because it was so close to her imagination.
Secondly, we all get a little mixed up from time to time. Trisha and I thought Alice wore her hair in pin curls at her wedding when really she wore it that way to the prom. So you are still just as addicted just not as well read. Considering you are only beginning your second time through, I think you are an amazing fan for a 1st timer. Really Ruth!
And I must say I am exstatic that you bought it! Hard cover? But amazed and stunned that you have the discipline to read something else first. Will I ever read anything again? I think so, and even though I don't ever imagine another book having this effect on me, I just worry, can I enjoy any other book? (silly I know, but it has been 5 months since I have read any other novel. Eery isn't it?)
Thanks MA (I'm still not sure why we call you that instead of TM). I did know about SM "finding" Volterra after having imagined it. I chalk that up as one more proof that these books were meant to be.
I actually bought the paperback version. I had to search 3 different stores before I found it and the hard cover was no where to be seen.
As for reading other books, all I can say is that my obsessive need to constantly have a book to read drives my husband crazy at times. And since I didn't want to re-read NM or Eclipse without starting with Twilight (and since I didn't have Twilight here), I've had to find solace in other novels.
If you ever do decide to venture out of the wonderful world of SM, I have an online book club blog with some great recommendations: ruthsbookclub.blogspot.com
Awesome pictures Ruth!! I'm so glad you came and posted them...Maybe for my Italy trip, I could talk Joseph into taking me into the city - I would have to right? I mean really...
Hey, do you know how we can add the nickname choice here on TA comments like you have on your comments? Have a great day!!
Erin, I think my personal blog lets you choose a nickname b/c it allows annonymous comments.
And yes, you totally have to go see Volterra! Tell Joseph it is non-negotiable! :)
Very cool pictures Ruth, thank you so much for posting them. Like I said in another post, I just read the end of New Moon (last night), I was having withdrawls and had to do it. So these pictures are even more distinct in my head right now. I can just see it, the crazy festival going on inside those walls.........
And Erin, are you seriously going to Italy?! Wow, I'm very jealous! When is that? And I can't imagine going all the way to Italy, and not going to Volterra if it's possible, that would be so amazing to see!
You know you don't have to tell Joseph why you are going there. Better yet, go with Megan on a day-trip. Italy looks fairly small. It would be so much better with someone that can understand how special it is. Creepy, but special.
That is almost as good as going to Forks.
When do you think you might possibly go Erin? You really should time another read of New Moon with that trip!
Yes, definitely creepy, but special as well. Just think of them seeing each other for the first time in 7 months there!!
Erin I agree and you should also take (Megan) instead of your husband but just so you can sigh and giggle and search for the underground tunnels...just say you have to run to the grocery store for milk???
Yes, yes, yes!! Sounds so fun. I definately need to do my research, so I can plan a little day trip...maybe Joseph can do something with her husband that day - oh I'm getting so excited!! We are probably going over in the summer. Megan teaches English in a highschool, so obviously that is the best time for her.
LOL--good luck on your planning...You're so lucky to be able to go there! Take lots of pics for those of us left behind!
Milk! That is a fabulous suggestion. Ruth you must plan to join this girls for their Twilight scenic tour. Doesn't SM have some pictures of her trip somewhere. I'm not sure. I'll look sometime.
Yes, I have seen SM's pictures from her Italy trip before. I'm not sure where either, probably on her website ?? I remember they were pretty cool. Is Megan another sister? Ruth you definitely should join if you can.
Yes, Megan is my sister who married an italian this last August. They live in a little city called Pescara in Italy (she went on her mission there, and apparently just couldn't leave, snif,snif) Ruth and her husband joined them for Christmas this year! That would be so fun Ruth - I'm sure Marcos wouldn't mind you leaving him home! Hee, hee
Erin (or should I say Esmessence?--which I love, by the way), I would love to pop over to Italy for that little trip up to Volterra. Marcos said he wouldn't care at all if I left him here for a weekend. :) We'll definitely have to discuss this more when it gets closer.
How fun would that be!!! Oh - so awesome. It's definately going to be in the schedule! So yes, I will let you know as soon as we decide when!
Erin I love your new name too! It suits you. I'm still trying to think of one...
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