You see a well-sculpted male mannequin in a store (while you are shopping with your husband, no less) and instantly think, "Oh, it's an Edward."
Your child saying, "Sure, sure," reminds you of warewolves.
Your husband teases you about your "crush" on a vampire.
It is difficult to tear yourself away from your book to do something in "the human world."
You have a hard time talking about anything else with anyone who has read the books.
You spend more time dreaming about ways to solve Bella & Edward's problems than you do thinking about your problems.
Hi, my name is Cydne and I am addicted to Twilight.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
You Know You Are Addicted to Twilight When...
Posted by
8:17 PM
Labels: You know you are addicted when
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Cydnee, welcome! I loved your intro it made me giggle--Look forward to meeting you!
Hello, Hello - Welcome!! I love all of these...this kind of post has to be some of my very favorites! I hope you stay a very long time - Oh, I'm so excited for you to join us. I promise that this will help make your day - everyday!!! Enjoy...
It is so nice to hear even more ways Twilight addiction manifests itself in the lives of innocent women. Those are AWESOME! We really like you Cydne. I noticed you had other blog connections when I was trying to figure out where you came from. So you will probably keep your nice normal name so you don't scare people when you post on their blogs. But if you could have a Twilight code name to post with, what would it be? Actually it doesn't have to be Twilight related and you don't even have to answer this question. But do if you'd like to.
Erin what would yours be? Jenn?
We are very happy to have you here with us Cydne! I laughed out loud when I read these (my husband said, "oh boy, what's so funny at TA tonight.") I can relate to almost every one of these, some very specifically the same. I can attest, as Erin said, that this wonderful blog will bring some happiness to each day you're a part of it. Perhaps we'll meet you at a meeting someday!
By the way, I'd actually be interested to know that myself, what you guys would like as a code name. I had fun thinking mine up, there were so many I tried to choose from. Share, but only if you want.
Erin, did you notice our minds were in sync on this post? we commented at the exact same time!
RWV, I pictured Justin saying that to you and it made me laugh--I made Jimmy get off cause i had to do some "important research" for our next meeting and that was about 4 hours ago! I've been reading ALOT.He's been sitting here waiting for his chance to get back on this whole time,he doesnt get that I have an addiction to feed.He'll learn someday....
I've been thinking about what my twilight-related name would be, because my other blogs are just family - and most of them are reading Twilight too, so they'd understand. But I have yet to figure one out.
I love Alice, and some people say I remind them of her (although I only wish I had that much energy!) In my human state, I am probably closer to Jasper in behavior. But I haven't thought of any names related to those two that I love yet (Are you kidding? I'm too busy reading to think of names)
I'm actually a little jealous. I am not reading right now. I've read them 4 times (is that right Trish? I lose track). But I miss reading them so much. If I didn't have all of you to keep it fresh for me I am certain I would be on my 5th time. Of course there are parts of the books I have re-read 20 times at least, no exaggeration!
We have a allicewannabe which is very cute, but nothing Jasper. Their official nicknames are "Wanna Bet" and "Feel Better?". So think about those.
Yes, I think 4 times is correct, I think, or is it just 3? We may have to figure that out for sure. Anyway, I feel the same way, it's not the same feeling if you're not actively reading them. I've re-read many of my favorite parts as well, over and over. The problem is putting the book down after I read the favorite part!
One of these days I'm going to get me one of those shirts. I love all their nicknames, what was Carlisle's "Smooth Operator" and Esme's was "Be Good"??? Not sure on hers. But all are very fun.
I've decided I am a morph of Jasper and Alice.
So something like "Betchafeelbetter," or "Feelgoodfreak."
You are very funny! Those are both creative and great, especially "Betchafeelbetter", well actually they're both fun! It's great to have you as part of our TA group!
I have still wanted to come up with something - but first, I want to figure out how we can add a nickname choice to the comment page. Some blogs I've seen hav that where you click on it if you want your comment to come up under a nickname - then I wouldn't have to worry about my other blogs...not that I would worry - it just would kind of confuse people I think. Anyway, I think Esme's is "play nice" - so I was thinking..."Letsplaynice"or
"Ialwaysplaynice" - both are kind of long...anyone have an idea?
By now everyone should have the Cullen nicknames down.
Cydne, you are very creative. I love both of those. I do think the first one just rolls of the tongue though.
Erin I did a little research on the blog nicknaming but came up with nothing. Anyone else have insight into Erin's question.
I reall like Letsplaynice. It also is very easy to say because it is so perfect. I can hear you saying that to your kids. You are so patient, like Esme.
Tell us what you decide.
New vampire moment...
My daughter hurt herself, and my first thought is, "Well, at least there's no blood" - not because I are worried about my daughter, but because that would be hard on the vampires.
Very, very funny! What is it about the sight of blood now, for so many of us, that sends our thoughts in the direction of our Cullens?! Love it and thanks for sharing!
I actually had a small moment or two myself while at a movie tonight, number ONE (!) one of the main character's name was Edward (geez, almost painful), number 2 though were some previews of a movie that had scenes from Italy. In fact some of the architecture was very similar to the pictures that Ruth posted. So obviously you know where I'm going with this, I coudn't think of anything else, especially since I just read the end of New Moon twice in the last two days (oops!). So then throughout the show, I would think "I bet Bella and Edward like to go to movies." And also I would think, "the Cullens have seen so many movies, I couldn't even imagine! They just have all the time in the world to pass." Fun night with my husband, but many thoughts of the Cullens, and ESPECIALLY Edward and Bella were swarming in and out of my thoughts...sigh.
Cydne, like RWV said, you are so not alone in the blood is now a vampire thing train of thought. Glad you have had one of those moments now. It is a sign of a healhty, happy, addict.
How funny RWV should mention Edward and Bella, and finding them joining you throughout your day and evening events.
Talking to the New Moon-ending-obsessed-RWV today has resurrected those scenes even more vividly in my mind. Even without re-reading, I will have random moments where scenes from the end of New Moon, drift into my mind. I go sort of Alice, looking off into space, (even when driving, Sorry Mel. Wish you were here to read that one) and then my stomach does some litte gymnastics (depending on the part my mind lingers on) Powerful stuff that Twilight.
Thank you, I think I'll take that as a compliment. Right now I am NM ending obsessed! In fact, I left off while they're running through the forest, on their way to "The Vote" and Edward just told Bella "Thank you" for kissing the side of his neck..............speaking of stomachs doing gymnastics.
I like that term, "I sort-of go Alice." That may have to be a new addition to my vocabulary to describe those lost-in-space moments!
So if you need any more reason to appreciate Twilight, how about all of the healthy benefits.
1) mental exercise - expanding our vocabulary
2) physical exercise - stomach gymnastics have got to be very beneficial to our well-being.
Of course being NM ending obsessed is a compliment. It's not like I said you were werewolf-obsessed or anything.
And for my work-out today, my tummy did a 3 flip, half twist, with a fancy finish, at the thought of the "bella-kissing-Edward's-neck-while-running in the forest-at the end of New Moon-moment". Thank you for the gymnastics instruction today RWV!
I know I'm feelin' very mentally ahd physically fit. Thanks you two.
I thought the same thing about that kiss - I have to make sure my dh is NOT around when I read the butterfly moments because I don't know what expressions are on my face (and I don't want to explain them)- and that way I can savor the moment more.
And the vocabulary in these books is one of my favorite things. It is wonderful to read a book that actually stretches my mind and is enjoyable at the same time.
I know, my husband was with me for the majority of the time while I read Twilight the first time through. He could not believe his ears or eyes because he's never seen me act that way over a book. All of the involuntary sighs, gasps, smiles, etc...just can't be helped!
And yes, I love the vocabulary as well! I still have words I need to look up in the dictionary while reading, it'll help describe that moment (whichever it is) even better. SM uses some amazing descriptive words and sentences.
Now I assume dh has something to do with your husband right? I love how we all abbreviate everything now, I try to do it with just about anything I'm typing, Twilight related or not...funny.
By the way Erin, I forgot to say that I really also like "letsplaynice" - I think it works perfect for someone who's most like Esme...
DH - is that dear husband? I like that.
Betcha - you will have to go and read my post about Big News for the Stanley's, or something like that. It is akin to RWV's husband seeing all of her reactions. This has been a part of the Stanley lives long enough now, that is id difficult for me to keep my reactions in check. He is very aware that he has some fictional competition. Only in the healthiest sense. I just can't quite contain all of my swooning.
The only thing he still doesn't get is that he needs to kiss me on the neck more.
Oh well. Edward is Edward. (and a vampire after all.)
I doubt you will get a chance to read this one dh, but hint, hint, if you do.
Erin posted once about how much she gained from reading Twilight with a dictionary close by. Still a good suggestion the third time through everyone. Because the first two times, you can't even put them down, let alone stop and look up a work definition.
Erin here are a couple more suggestions.
You love the phrase "Bella Penombra". That would be a wonderful name. You don't have to type it so it doesn't matter that it is long.
This one is a little funky but I had fun brainstorming.
Esmessence. It means essence of Esme. And not really referring to how good vampires smell, although that is cool. But more, you represent the essence of what Esme is. Her goodness and her nurturing, home-decorating, etc style.
If you ever decide to use a double identity it will be fun to see what you choose.
Oh, I like all of those suggestions - so now what do I choose? You are so nice to compare me so much to Esme - I don't know...but do I make another account? Oh, brother, this shouldn't be so hard to figure out!
Yes, DH is dear husband. I type on the Provo Craft cricut message boards sometimes and that is a common term there. I didn't think about whether or not it was used here until after I posted.
I have also been re-reading the books with a dictionary close by. I have gone much slower on this reading, really taking the time to savor the moments more.
I'm going to for sure read with a dictionary the next time through, it's something I've been wanting to do and you're all making me want to more.
Jenn did you ever get your answer to what Bella Penombra means? I know you asked about it a little while back, wondering where it came from or something, but I don't remember seeing a response. Anyway, I think it means "beautiful twilight" right guys? I really don't know for positive, and I think it's the name of a fansite as well, right? Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Right and right again, co-pres.
Ok good, and here I thought I was alone tonight.
Goodnight friends...Twilight is beautiful isn't it?
Sorry TW buddy, I didn't see this comment until now. Sorry I missed it. So my response to your original lonely comment wasn't really neccessary was it? I'm glad I could be there for you whatever time of day.
So my little 2 year old grandson loves that movie The Santa Claus.So you know how the little boys name is Charlie? Well for the last two days he's been running around yelling out Charlie! Where are you,Charlie! But instead of the cute little boy, I picture a balding middle aged sherrif. I dont know why.........?
Hmm...I wonder why.
That is really funny! Thanks for sharing that little Twilight moment. I'd probably think the same thing.
Jenn I love the way your mind works. Charlie the sherrif of course. I really do think Charlie is supposed to be nice looking. Not gorgeous but you know just handsome. Do not comment on this however. That is for the post that will be labeled Charlie's character, or something like that. Bye
(Posting Police :))
You know you're addicted to Twilight when.....
*You are worried that you've been talking in your sleep (like Bella) and calling out Edward's name (like Bella) and that your husband of 16 years is going to find out that you have a very serious new love interest in your life - who also happens to be a fictional character.
*Your pool table and hockey table are now full of clean, unfolded laundry, while all the hampers in the house are overflowing with dirty clothes too.
*Your 3 children are all behind on their homework and school projects because you've been too preoccupied with your addiction to help them.
*You actually used paid vacation time off from work to get some things done around the house that you've been putting off, but never get around to doing anything on your list because you can't put down TW/NM/EC.
My name is Marti & I am hopelessly addicted to Twilight.... and VERY EXCITED to find others out there like me - what a relief! I seriously thought I was going to have to go to counseling or something to get me through my addiction. Now I realize that being "addicted" to Twilight is just another word for "healthy interest"...
Thanks for helping me feel slightly normal!
Hi & welcome - though you've given me a new fear too. I've actually had Twilight dreams many nights since reading it; your post does make me nervous about what I'm saying during those dreams (yes, I do talk in my sleep).
Nevertheless, I have decided that Twilight addiction is a positive thing in my life. I mean, Bella and Edward have a relationship that is worth working towards having - so this is sort-of like marriage counseling, right? But more fun...
Marti, I mean E4E - welcome, welcome. Great comments. Many or should I say all I can completely empathize with. But listen everyone, I want to move this introduction to a fresh post. We really want E4E to feel welcome so be sure and comment once this shows up as a post. Thanks everybody.
The blog police.
Thanks for the warm welcome - I can't wait to get to know everyone better!! Can I count this group as my Twilight fixation therapy??
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