Well I immediately feel like writing lots of mushy stuff here. I can't help it. Over the last several years RWV has become one of my dearest friends. And just when we already had plenty in common, primarily feeling the same way about how kids are our greatest blessing and trial, we found something else in common that is quite unique. We are both "unconditionally and irrevocably in love" with Twilight. Of course it started with me stalking her until she was hooked, but it didn't take long.
I want to wish my blog/fan-club partner a very happy birthday. She deserves it. And you know I was thinking her name really fits. RWV is a very petite, quiet, easy to get along with person. But she is also very tough in her devotion to family and God and in her ability to deal with everything life throws at her. She is tougher than you would think, like our dear friend Bella. So it just fits she "runs with vampires".

So I know this is one of your absolute favorite scenes in all of Twilight. Mine too. And this is one of my absolute favorite moments in that scene, although I could type the entire chapter.
From "Mind Over Matter":
It was very difficult, while he was touching me, to frame a coherent question. It took me a minute of scattered concentration to begin.
"It seems to be . . .much easier for you, now, to be close to me."
"Does it seem that way to you?" he murmured, his nose gliding to the corner of my jaw. I felt his hand, lighter than a moth's wing, brushing my damp hair back, so that his lips could touch the hollow beneath my ear.
"Much, much easier," I said, trying to exhale.
Like I said I could go on forever with this chapter Trish, but I will leave you just with that.
Not every line has to be a mushy one either. But I couldn't resist this one.
Dear RWV,
I hope you have a very wonderful birthday. I know that your life is way crazy right now- so I hope there is a little time for celebration. It has been fun to get to know you more through the book and our kids being in the same class. My birthday wish is that you and your husband can curl up and read a little together. Have a happy day. Jillikie
Well here are some of my favorite one-liners;
"Stupid shiny volvo owner."
"Watch me hunt."
"You stole a car?"
He smiled, unrepentantly. "It was a good car. Very fast."
And now for a favorite scene (one of many). I'll edit to keep it brief.
"I wonder if the reason I could hear you so clearly was because, underneath it all, I always knew that you hadn't stopped loving me."
Again, as I spoke, the words brought with them a sense of conviction. Of rightness. Some deep place inside me recognized truth.
His words came out half-strangled. "You...were...risking your life...to hear--"
"Shh," I interrupted him. "Hold on a second. I think I'm having an epiphany here..."
What if you sincerely believed something was true, but you were dead wrong? What if you were so stubbornly sure that you were right, that you wouldn't even consider the truth? Would the truth be silenced, or would it try to break through?
Option three: Edward loved me. The bond forged between us was not one that could be broken by absence, distance, or time. And no matter how much more special or beautiful or brilliant or perfect than me he might be, he was as irreversibly altered as I was. As I would always belong to him, so would he always be mine...
"Oh. Okay. I see."
"Your epiphany?" he asked, his voice uneven and strained.
"You love me," I marveled. the sense of conviction and rightness washed through me again.
Though his eyes were still anxious, the crooked smile I loved best flashed across his face. "Truly, I do."
My heart inflated like it was going to crack right through my ribs...He really did want me the way I wanted him -- forever.
And Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday RWV!!! I so appreciate all your work to make this blog a daily joy for me. So thanks. And even though I don't know you, I feel we could be good friends. So I hope your day is fabulous and enjoyable.
Oh, I just finished a comment - but for some reason, it didn't work - so I will return shortly...
Happy Birthday!!
Oooh one more from me:
"Hello," said a quiet, musical voice" I looked up, stunned that he was speaking to me.
(Now birthday girl, do you know what comes next? What Bella describes next? I was sure you did, but count this as your own little quote test. So I'm leaving this part out for you to fill in.)
"His dazzling face was friendly, open, a slight smile on his flawless lips. Bu his eyes were careful.
"My name is Edward Cullen,"
He had us from hello!
Happy Birthday!!! Hope it is awesome. I don't have any books with me to give you any favorite excerpts but I want to give you a huge THANK YOU for telling me about these awesome books! It has been fun to get to know you better this past little while. You are an awesome person! I hope Justin pulls something together so that your birthday is super fun!
I hope your day has been happy!! I know that the end to NM is one of your favorite parts...and since I'm still stuck there (even after starting Eclipse) I wanted to share a few lines.
"Now and then, as he talked with Alice, he would lean down suddenly and kiss me - his glass-smooth lips brushing against my hair, my forehead, the tip of my nose. Each time it was like an electric shock to my long dormant heart. The sound of its beating seemed to fill the entire room."
Now, I hope you have a wonderful day - that you get to share in some of your 'favorites' today is the most important, right?!
Oh my goodness, you guys are all so awesome!! I can't even describe how I'm feeling right now. What nice things to read, from all of you.
And what do you know, all of these listed are definitely some of my favorite quotes or parts of the book! How did you all know?! :) I had many different emotions reading them, definitely this is one of my best gifts today!
Some of you I know personally and am so thankful for your friendship, I can't even begin to describe my thankfulness. Others that I don't know so well, I feel we would be friends as well, you can just tell huh? I consider all of you my TW/blog friends no matter what the case. We definitely have that one BIG thing in common!
Thanks again so much everyone, just for taking a few minutes to help brighten my day.
I've had a rough time lately, and not a good start this morning for my birthday. My husband is laid up right now, "saw vs. finger," accident at work, so he's no able to do a whole lot. But when I got online to check the blog this afternoon, I think I got my first real smile for the day, and felt happy. I know my husband is also thankful to you for that, because he's been feeling guilty that he's not capable of doing much for me today.
Anyway, I could go on and on, but I won't. Thank you again TW friends!
I forgot to add something, as I read each of the scenes listed from the book, I would sigh or catch my breath and of course smile, oh and had some stomach gymnastics going on...they were all such a treat to read thanks!
But MA, I do need to fill in Bella's description next, let's see if I pass my own little quiz. We do love this part. I don't know it exactly, word for word, but:
She goes on to describe how even though his hair is dripping wet and disheveled (from the snowy day, most were enjoying) he looks like he just got done shooting a commercial for hair gel.
Oh yeah! I can just picture our Edward's hair, can't you all?!
You got it girlfriend! YES! I knew you would. And you almost described it perfectly! She does use the word "disheveled".
Hair, smile, voice. Many of our now fanatic friends took awhile to warm up to our mythical main man. I don't know if there is anyone else but us who he had from "Hello".
Love ya!
Yep, that's for sure! When he first says, "Hello...My name is Edward Cullen." Oh yes, he had me.
By the way! Love all the new pics posted (glad you used them ;) - I do love being dazzled).
I have to give RWV credit for finding the Robert and Kristen pictures. Great research. Thanks so much, they really add.
A Cowdell to the end, always a day late I am sorry to say. I tried to do it at your house yesterday but your computer doesnt like me :(
Obviously I couldnt tell you what I was trying to do and ruin the surprise! We got home after midnight last night and this is the first chance I've had so without further adue and more excuses for my belatedness, here's one of my of course many favorite scenes.
"There was no friction in the space between us.The stillness was peaceful-not like the calm before any tempest, but like a clear night untouched by even the dream of a storm.
And I didnt care that I was supposed to be angry with him. I didn't care that I was supposed to be angry with everyone. I reached out for him, found his hands in the darkness, and pulled myself closer to him. His arms encircled me, cradling me to his chest. My lips searched, hunting along his throat, to his chin, till I finally found his lips....."
Love ya sissy--
Jenn, belated birthday wishes just keep the happiness flowing longer.
This is Trisha's place but I have to say. . . tummy bungee for sure!
And I am so happy to know that I am not the only one whose Eclipse automatically falls open to the "Benefits" chapter.
Shoot should I admit that?
It doesn't really, but it could.
If I was a blusher, I would be pink right now I think.
Yes, for sure. It's funny because I was reading a few pages in TW yesterday, and came across a line where Bella says, "My stomach did frightened little flips at the thought of sitting next to him again." I loved it particularly because we've been talking an awful lot about stomach exercises lately. Even thought hers were frightened ones, I get what she's saying, totally. I can feel it, another small way SM adds her details to make it so real.
Nice one Jenn, love that part in that chapter, how did you know? And uh - sissy!! Did you know I used to hate it when Dad called me that when I was little, maybe because Mike would mock me with Dad's term of endearment, so are you taunting me? Totally kidding, you know!
Yes, you can admit that MA! I am a blusher sometimes, I guess Edward might like that about me.
Did I just say that?
Oh, just a lucky guess I suppose....lol
Oh no, I didnt know that Mike used to tease you about our little pet name! He was just jealous cause dad didnt call him that too. Here I thought I was reminding you of a special memory from dad and it brought back yet another torture moment for you from our lovely brothers.
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