Thoughts on the cover?
Thoughts on the preface ?(see below)
Thoughts on the chapter?
Oh and here is the car: Go and read this link about it. Pay attention to the first line. Hillarious!

Guess what? Some wonderful person typed out the entire chapter. So if you don't want to wait to own a copy, take a look. I skimmed it and it looks right to me. Yeah, now Ruth can read it too!!!
The preface it KILLING ME. The more I read it the more I wonder if it does have something to do with Edward killing, not changing Bella. Like he has been turned somehow to work with the Volturi. Maybe he is being controlled like BFB thought. And his assignment is to kill Bella or be killed. And she can't destroy him.
Really this one is a killer.
Good thing chapter one is such a thrill! I know its almost too good. Too easy. Do you think we will even get one more chapter of that or just straight trauma beginning with chapter 2?
Sigh. Oh well, at least its not a cliff hanger.
I think I will completely ignore the preface. What good will it do me anyway?
Are any of you "skip to the end" readers. Will you read the epilogue first? Will you do that with BD?
I won't, but tempting. Definitely tempting.
So I know everyone else has gone back to mundane real life, but while I am planting flowers I am pondering chapter one.
The words and images floated through.
Bella, Edward, honeymoon.
And then woosh. My tummy went completely flippy on me!
I have been thinking about chapter one all morning long, jut can't get it out of my head. It's almost just too good to be true! I am still laughing about the armored Mercedes - absolutely hilarious - especially after looking at the Mercedes link you added. For instance... it can
drive on flat tires, fire-extinguishing technology, and provides clean air into the car in the case of a noxious gas attack - absolutely hilarious!! Only Bella could get close to having any of those things happen to her.
I am so excited the whole first chapter is here! I kept thinking that I would like to borrow it so I could re-read it and now I don't have to! I've never met you, Ruth, but THANK YOU!
Where do I find the preface & typed up chapter?????
Jillybean--I didn't type it up. I think TM said yeah for me because now I can read it too. (They didn't release it in the UK today, despite what I've previously researched.)
Ruth did you click on the link silly?
A lesson for everyone. When a word is in a different color it is a link to something. Ruth I am dying to know if you found it.
This comment is about the preface that I swear not to think about from this point on. Or until you guys are done discussing it.
I found this on Twilightmoms. It sums up BFB's theory from this morning. And even though I am not going to give it much more thought, this is the theory that seems most likely to me. And its a new one, so it makes is somehow more probable.
From a Twilightmom:
"My thoughts...
Stephenie is basing this partially on Midsummer Nights Dream.
We know that Alec has a power that puts sweet Jane's to shame... Steph also said that his power is useful in battle.
My theory is that Alec's power is to mess with peoples minds (Midsummer nights dream) I think that he could possibly make people turn on their own side during a battle, causing them to destroy each other.
Alec's power would most likely not effect Bella, because it effects the mind and we all know she seems to be immune to that.
SO... I think that it is Edward who is after her in the preface... I think that he has turned on her because of Alec's power
That is my theory and I'm sticking to it until I read the book!"
What do you TA girls think?
I also think this theory fits the cover but I need to go to bed so I might explain that later.
Yes! I found it! Silly me. I knew that's what the different colored type was (a link), I must have been very tired last night when I couldn't find it. Anyway, thanks TM for the clarification.
First thoughts: I loved it! I read half this morning before church and now just finished the rest. My initial thought about the preface was that it's Jacob she's talking about/fighting against. We all know she still loves him . . . just not as much as she loves Edward, of course. That car link is great. I don't blame Bella for feeling so self-concious in it. And, I was quite surprised at Renee's reaction to the engagement. She sounded too good to be true.
I loved the first chapter, but since it was so good- I am sure that the pain is going to come soon. Will I be able to handle the conflict and the way it will be resolved? I am so excited and so scared.
My thoughts while reading the preface were that, technically, Edward does have to "kill" Bella to change her into a vampire. But as we all know, he is only killing her human side. For some reason, it didn't make me think that he is truly killing her, just in a human sense. Does that make any sense? So for me, it didn't sound quite so menacing. It sounded more like Bella was mourning for the end of her human life.
I loved chapter 1 too! It was so fun to read it together Saturday morning, I just wish we could have had more time to dissect it. Oh well, we'll be doing plenty of that soon enough. I thought about it all day too. I called MA at one point just to chat about it. One thing that I think will be fun is to see Charlie's reactions to Bella's new car. He has always had a real interest in the other cars that the Cullens have, so I think it will be funny to see what he thought, as well as how much money they really must have. I loved reading that first line on the link from the car picture you posted! So funny! "If you're the leader of a nation, richer than god..." Hilarious! I would stare too if I thought the President of the United States was driving through my little town. I really, really liked the reaction from Renee, very unexpected, but I love it! I love that she's making plans with Esme for the wedding!
Good thoughts on the Preface, I think both of them would easily fit. We've heard there's going to be this "end all, be all moment" in BD that hadn't been guessed a while back. So the one with Alec would certainly be a big twist. I hope it has to do with the change though...only 2 more months, exactly, to wait!! I'm a little nervous about what's coming too! This first chapter was pretty perfect, Stephenie was good to us.
I'm so happy it's online too, I'm going to go read it again, I haven't since the first time.
I'm usually never a skip to the end type of reader. I'll even cover the bottom of a page while I'm reading the top sometimes so I don't accidentally see something. But...I did skip ahead a bit with Eclipse, it was driving me absolutely nuts about 2/3 of the way through. Then I just got totally ticked, and slammed the book shut, not knowing exactly what happened. So, no, I will not skip ahead. I'm sure it will be tempting though.
Thanks so much for posting the BD chapter! Now I don't have to keep pestering my friend, who is one of those "I don't lend my Twilight books to anyone" people.
We'd love to hear your thoughts on it Joy.
So I'm going to make a prediction. I am not going to predict what the preface is about, but I am going to predict what it isn't about.
First - I do not think it is about Jacob. I'm willing to go on record about that. Yes she still loves Jacob. But she is not "human and passionately in love" with him. She says twice in the preface that it is her beloved that is going to kill her. You only have one beloved. And girls, she is already married at this point, I am sure of it! So no, not Jacob
Second - I do not think it is when Edward is going to bite her. I think the cover quote is the bite moment. She will be scared, but her decision is made. That preface is scary. And every preface has been about the vampire action. The real threat to her life. I don't think Steph. would stray from that pattern.
So if I am wrong, and the preface is about one of these, I will provide cheesecake for everyone that disagrees with me. Or if for some sad reason you don't like cheesecake, I will provide something else.
Now I am going to make a prediction but I don't have nearly as much confidance in this one. But it goes along with the theory I quoted from the Twilightmoms site.
I really think the Volturi are going to be able to control Edward. I think they are going to make him go after Bella. RWV mentioned that end all be all moment that we have been told about by the Lexicon people who have read part of BD. I can't imagine a more traumatic, surprising, heart wrenching twist than Edward trying to kill his beloved. Then of course I think Jacob is going to come to the rescue so he and Edward will fight. Holy smokes that will horrible and tense and amazing if it happens. I don't know how it will resolve but I am 100 percent sure it will. And 99.9 percent sure both boys will live (Jacob being the .001 percent unsure but after reading the Host I'm fairly certain SM is more bark than bite).
So the one part of the theory I am unsure of is whether or not Bella is human or vampire at the time. It makes sense that she is human and the Volturi haven't changed her because she is bait for Edward. So thier motivation is Edward. She could still be human because the only time the Volturi could get her is while she and Edward are alone on their honeymoon. But then Edward would certainly not have forgotten that threat. Also it would be pure agony for Edward to resist killing her with the way her blood sings to him, and the Volturi have felt that before.
But, it also makes sense to me that she could be vampire, because why would they want her dead? Did they see her power? They couldn't have unless it shows up in Alice's visions. Maybe they saw what Bella will become and realize that if she is left "alive" as a vampire she tips the power scale to the Cullens. Ooh so my bet is on her still being human. Which is such a bummer. But its not my story.
Also this theory seems to fit with the cover. Bella has or will have an incredible power (could simply be the power to resist all Volturi and other vampire mind power) so that sort of makes her the "queen" vampire, with an ultimate gift. The pawn I think is symbolic of red for the Volturi and the pawn being Edward.
But I clarify again I am not betting anything on this theory.
I am also going out on a limb and predicting that Jacob, who lives, ends up with Leah. I just think it is significant that Leah was mentioned in chapter one. I think Leah needs to be loved. I think introducing any new person would be so obvious. And a Jacob/Leah romance would also loosely fit the Midsummers nights dream model. (a secondary couple fall in love, who didn't love each other in the beginning).
So except for responding to others comments, I am leaving these thoughts until August. I have more but I am am tired already of thinking about it. It prepares me for the worst. Except the Cullens actually dying I cannot imagine anything more horrible than Edward being forced to attack Bella. And I know there are plenty of holes in this theory too. I am just sharing it to get it off my chest, and to prepare others for the worst, if that is a strategy that helps you.
I apologize for the short essay and will gladly buy anyone who reads this and responds to it, a brown-topper at artic circle.
MA, the more I think about the preface, I too, think she still sounds human. She doesn't have the confidence and strongness of a vampire. Not only that, but I think to mess up the wedding too much would be diffficult to explain to the townspeople, charlie, Renee- all that is going on- especially if the Volturri come in to town. So I like the idea that is after the wedding. From there, i think it will be turmoil until the end- and it, the ending, will be good- or so I am hoping- because if not, i might just have to go to a doctor and get some real anti-depressants- or mary ann you will have to buy me lots of brown toppers (no cheesecake for me!)
But can you give me any more than that she just "sounds" human. Why do you think she would still be human. Why would the Volturi keep her human? If this is too much thinking, skip it, but I am trying to work it out a little myself. That would mean changing to the vampire would loose a lot of umph. Unless she is saved and then they all go back for another all out battle. She's got to use those vampire powers for something right?
If the epilogue says "and Bella was changed, didn't thirst for blood, and she and Edward lived happily ever after, I will do something really drastic! I don't know what, but something."
And you can have a hot fudge sundae.
I honestly believe we are reading way too much into the preface. It think (and hope) it's as simple as it seems. The bite moment. None of the other prefaces have been so intricately complicated and tough to figure out unless you're deep into the book. Maybe not. Maybe it really is a thinker. Just my opinion.
Also, it was way fun reading chapter 1 together! It was so awesome to have everyone laugh at just the right moments and to be able to sit and discuss different parts. I kept thinking how fun it would be to read the whole book that way. But I know that I could never be that patient when BD first comes out! Thanks for coordinating that MA!
Oh, and sorry, Ruth, about thinking you typed that whole thing. I think I just saw the words "entire chapter" and "typed out" and "Ruth" and was so excited that I didn't really pay attention to what the post said. ;)
But what about all of the other 3 prefaces being about truely in danger of death.
Twilight - James attacking her
New Moon - Volterra
Eclipse - Victoria battle
Breaking Dawn - Volturi? Edward about to bite Bella?
When Edward bites her it needs to be almost beautiful. Plus he isn't killing her is he? She is giving her life for him.
It will be so exciting to wait and see won't it Jill.
Maybe we should predict how much sleep we will get the night of August 1st.
Hey Jill, if I remember correctly you had volunteered to type up that chapter. Do you remember saying that? Aren't you glad someone else did it. It was nice of you to volunteer though. I actually thought mabye a few of us could work together. Hooray for the internet.
Here is why Bella must still be human. The Volturi stick to their rules. They may have delayed a little bit with the newborns, hoping to have things play out their way, but the Volturi do not break the rules.
The threat from them hinges on Bella's humanity. If Bella were no longer a human, the Cullens would not be "claimed by the law" as Caius termed it. Therefore, the Volturi will not do anything, unless Bella has exposed their existence (and we know the Cullens won't allow that). SO the only threat from the Volturi must come BEFORE Bella is changed.
And (no I am not finished yet), if thie preface were about Jacob fighting vampire Bella, it would not hurt him if she ran away.
However, if Edward is being manipulated/controlled by the Volturi, if Bella ran away or tried to resist (she does have werewolf friends), he would remain under their control, so that would be hurting him. Bella says the last line as if giving up her life would set him free. So that's my theory and I'm sticking to it.
Okay, TM, I have to say this: I don't feel like I even have to think of any theories, because by the time I get to the blog, you have already thought out every angle, answered every question,and tied it all up neatly. Not that I mind. Not in the least. In fact, as I was reading all these posts, I was just agreeing with everything you said. I was so anxious to read what everyone had posted that I only read through the chapter once. So I haven't really had time to absorb much. But I do like your theory about the Volturi controlling Edward (I guess it was Twilightmoms theory, huh?) because having him kill Bella (or even try) is really the be all end all for all of us that sigh when they touch. And their love has remained so pure, even after Jacob in Eclipse, that to see it turn like that will just be such a page turner. I have to say that I finished the Host last night (I know, I am slower that the rest of you) and I cannot even begin to imagine how much of a page turner BD is going to be. I know I will have to lock myself in a room for the entire weekend, because once I start, I am not going to be able to stop. I am worried about the letdown when I am finished, because it is so much a part of my life (the guessing) that there will be no more guessing.
Okay, onto the chapter, then more of TM theories. I love the beginning, love the car. Of course Edward would buy Bella, the biggest danger magnet in the world, an invincible car. Something that nothing could really damage. I think her car will come in handy. Stephanie couldn't put such a fun gadgety (not a word I am sure) car in without using all those great gadgets. So I wonder how that is going to play out.
I was also surprised about Renee's reaction. I laughed outloud when I was reading it because it was so not what I was expecting, and yet once she explained, it made perfect sense. Of course she knows that Bella isn't the typical teenager, one that is dreamy and goes on a whim. As Renee put it, she has always been a forty-year old. Awsome!
Since I read through your comments, TM, do I get a brown-topper when I come up next? So excited for that. As for skipping to the end of the book, I just couldn't do it. I know I am going to want to savor every last page, knowing it is the last until MS,and who knows how long that will be.
I just don't think that SM will end it so simply 'and Bella was bitten and they lived happily ever after'. I believe that she is going to tie it all together is a beautiful package. I think she will leave it open, knowing that we can read so much into it, but I do believe our every wish will happen. I have to believe that, or I will cry. And we know that SM believes in happy endings, no matter what her bark is like.
I do have to say that I have never really read or seen a Midsummer Nights dream, so should I see/read it before? Does anyone think it is that important? Or can someone cliff note it for me?
Okay, last thing...cover art! AAHHH! Oh my, oh my, oh my. There is so much potential out there for that it could mean. Everything. Or nothing, like NM. I cannot wait to search tomorrow for what SM meant. Although I am sure that it isn't out yet. It just came out so how could she have a response. You would think she would have it all cued up and ready to go so that when she is asked at her next interview she can give her answer without thinking.
Okay, can't wait to hear responses to what I have said. I am going to hunt down Host comments, since I just finished it.
First of all, I'm so sad I've waited so long to comment - life you know. But this morning, since I did such a great job cleaning up last night and folding laundry (actually most of the credit goes to my DH - he's so much happier with a clean house, sigh...), and I haven't yet started my laundry loads for today, I'm allowing myself the 'morning cartoon' time (oh brother, I know) to catch up on my favorite pastime...but like it's been said before - everything has already been mentioned...
Actually, I'm not surprised - all you fellow TWaholics are so much better than I am at picking through things - course I can always just blame it on the fact that it absolutely drives me insane to try to interpret something, when all it will do is agonize me more for the next 2 months - aaaahhhh did I just say 2 months???
Anywho - I haven't been able to allow myself any agonizing over the preface (even though after reading it, I almost went and returned the book - not wanting to go through the terrible pain and suffering that Ch. 1 might bring)!! - but great theories all of you!!
So on to the 'beloved' chapter 1!!
Sm teased a little after that first page and a half - but all I can say is that she was SO good to us all. I think so many of our different anxious worries were put to rest just in that first chapter. Granted, she tends to do a complete 180 in merely the next chapter or page, but at least we can all breath a sigh of relief, can't we?
Just like so many of you - my favorite parts were when she was thinking back to telling Charlie and Renee. Edward's beautiful words and actions sitting on the couch - so Edward, so perfect for Bella!! And then Renee's perfect reaction! Like many said - very surprising, but so just right on. I love that she is so in tune with her daughter...makes me excited for when my kids are older, and I will know then inside out as well. But, I loved how everything Renee said was exactly what we already knew about Bella - but through Edward..if that makes sense. It was so wonderful to hear it from someone else as well!!AAHHH that was fun!!
You know I was thinking, I assume that it doesn't matter who changes Bella, whether it's Edward or someone in the Volturi, she'll still feel the same after she's changed right? Do the Volturi think that they could get her to join them if they get her and change her themselves I wonder. Maybe they'll hold Edward's life over her head if she doesn't join them.
Just a thought.
Jillybean - do you want to put in a request for a flavor of cheesecake when I am proven wrong Aug. 2?
BFB - I like your twist. I think is rings true. But did where do those rules get fuzzy? Taking over Edwards mind doesn't really seem fair. But I do think what RWV said might come into play about her joining them to release Edward. Or else maybe she has to die for them to release him. Good thing she knows some werewolves. And yes RWV I think she will be the same vampire no matter whose venom. Would SM dare risk rioting fans and use someone other than Edward. I will have a bonfire location if anyone needs it the evening of Aug. 2nd.
AWB - I don't think SM will say one word about that book cover until after Aug. 2. She had a say in this one, and there is no doubt it is very, very, meaningful. I am so glad you are getting a moment now and then to visit and enjoy. Yeah!
My favorite E in the world (well, except you-know-who E. is my favorite fictional E. in the whole fictional world).
I am so happy for you to get a minute to feed your happy roots.
I mean it when I say in a day or two I am done with predictions! Done! Hear me! Done. In a day or two.
But chapter one is my new "happy place". My thoughts echo yours exactly. I don't think we can say enough about Renee's role.
But you forgot to say how you felt like you were reading Twilight again. That was the Breaking Dawn feeling. Intrigue, humor, insanely wonderful love. Yeah for SM coming back to her Twilight roots.
I like vanilla bean cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory. But we'll see. Maybe I'll owe you some cheesecake.
I don't know much about Midsummers Nights Dream either. I think I'm probably glad that I don't. I'd look way too much into it I think.
Interesting comment about Bella being portrayed as the white queen on the cover. The most powerful vampire of all? Perhaps Aro saw a glimpse of that through Alice?? Who knows. With the Volturi being considered royalty and all, that seems to maybe be a link to the chess pieces too. Or maybe not. I'm starting to not be able to stand it though. I have all sorts of thoughts, good and bad, swirling in my mind about the plot and the "end all be all moment". (I wish she would have never said that!) I'm going to have my stomach in a knot before I know it. Kidding of course, or am I?
Just as a FYI on the cost of the S600 Mercedes Guard, the cost of a new on is......$450,000!!! That really makes us wonder how much money the Cullen's have, if they can drop that on the 'before' car. And that makes you wonder what the 'after' car will be. A Mazarahti? A Ferrari? I can't wait, at least I hope we get to find out what it is. Maybe it will be destroyed in a fight with the Volturi. There are so many things that can be wondered about.
Thanks for the FYI on the cost of the car- amazing. Doesn't Edward mention somewhere that he could see Bella in a white Audi- those who know more can probably answer this fast.
Oh weep and cry and week some more!!!
SM's publisher has asked people who have typed out the chapter to take it down. WAHHHHHHH! Our link is gone. She says even retyping it violates copyright.
Well Erin has a copy, and so does BFB. And mine is avalaible to check out for 24 hour periods.
So sorry guys.
Did you make a copy Marti? Maybe you could share. Since we aren't profiting from it, I'm not sure why it would matter. Oh I guess they want you to buy the book. Duh.
It's actually available at Costco for 10 bucks.
I didn't print the chapter!!! And I am way out here is the boondocks. Crap! I may have to break down and buy the book. I hate buying it since I already have it, but can I really live for the next 57 days? I am not sure.
I knew it! The thought came to me yesterday that they might have to take down that site. So I wanted to copy and paste it into a word doc so I could always read it. Sure enough, a stupid error message kept coming up when I clicked on the link. I tried a million times and was holding on to one last little thread of hope that it was just an internet glitch. Guess not. :( Anyone willing to photo copy and fax/mail it? I guess that would be breaking the rules too. Dang it. But really, I can't even buy the book over here so what do they expect me to do? Amazon.com won't ship to the UK. You have to order from Amazon.co.uk--and last time I checked they didn't have the book even on their website. I wish I would have thought about this possibility earlier.
Darn, I read that on the Lex yesterday and figured ours would be gone soon enough. Did none of us copy it to a Word document before this happened?! Ahh!
Oh well, at least I read it again before it was gone. I really am sad for all the Twilight fans over in the UK. Dumb that they are doing that.
Ruth, what is your email?
Everyone else, check your email.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! I cannot say that enough. Our printer here at the house is out of ink, so I can't wait until tomorrow to print it out at work. Thank your that. I don't feel like I am infringing on any copyrights, because I am not going to show it to anyone, I am just going to treasure it and mark all over it with questions I want answered. THANK YOU!
I just re-read the preface. Not that I don't want to accept that Edward might try to kill Bella, but what if we are going in the wrong direction and it has something to do with Charlie or Rene? We know how much she loves her parents, and I guess the more I think about it, she does try to give her life for Rene in NM, but I'm just throwing things out. Any thoughts? I am sure that TM is going to bash me for even thinking it, but hold on, I just wanted to see if it changes the perspective when you are reading the preface thinking about her parents?
Ummm. . . I take offense. Do I really BASH people? I can come on pretty strong but I didn't think I ever left a mark.
I will have to get softer I guess.
It's gotta be your gangsta side coming out, TM. You know those brass knuckles you & RWV have can leave a mark if you're not careful.
I don't think the preface is about her parents because SM is pretty consistent in her use of terms of endearment. (I did finish researching the "Bella, Honey..." comment). So it is the use of the term "beloved" that makes me think it is Edward.
I agree with RWV that Volturi could use Edward to manipulate Bella to join them/die (she'd probably think they were about the same thing anyways). It was the queen on the cover that made me think that it might have something to do with the mind control issue & Bella being immune.
The Volturi seem to have no problem using whatever advantages they have once they think a rule has been broken - so if mind control/altered perception of reality is possible, I don't think they would hesitate to use it if they find Bella still human upon their next visit.
Interesting thought, but I have to agree with BFB, that term "beloved" is what brings me back to Edward every time I even think about veering somewhere else. Won't it just be so interesting to find out whose theory is the right one?
At one time I was referred to as the blog bodyguard (laugh it up, I know I'm a wimp) but hmm, I may need to see if those knuckles need some polishing right about now...thanks for the reminder...
Well of course I do have "that" dark side. But you can guess on theories all you want AWB. I've just already bet cheesecake on mine.
And I agree with the other gals, beloved is not the way I refer to my parents.
I need to give you some homework to help you pass the time. Sorry buth until the Blog owner catches up there are no more chapter discussions. That's just the way it is. Sorry.
And I haven't had to use those "knuckles" for some time, or send RWV after anyone. Try suggesting that the prologue "beloved" is a "not-to-be-named" werewolf, and you might see violence.
I would never even dare go that far! Besides, I don't see her referring to J.... as beloved.
I agree with referring to parents as beloved. I thought that after I posted. I really should think things through before I post. But it was just something to toss out there.
And no, TM, I don't think you would beat me up, but sometimes you have very strong opinions. That is what I love about you, you say what you think. I think that is why I like you so much, I always know what your are thinking. It's great!So how long until you catch up? I will have to go back and re-read chapters again to slow myself down.
One thing I noticed this time. I never realized how little time passed between the wonderful meadow and the baseball game. It seemed to me, and probably because I read it so fast, that they were able to spend some time enjoying being in love. But I just realized that they go from realizing what Edward is, to fighting for Bella's life! How much more drama could you have! If you would have asked me before I started reading this time, I would have told you the whole book takes place over like 6 months. And while that is true, really the main points take place over like, what, a week? No wonder Bella has a hard time coming to grips with everything, it is thrown at her so fast.
You are absolutely right AWB! Great observations. I think that is another reason reading it left me so breathless.
At least they get the summer after to enjoy being in love.
But you know life in love with a vampire is going to be like that. Good think Bella was born to handle it.
Yes, I think Bella is one tough girl. Strong minded, and willed. Not just any girl could handle all that. See, she was meant to be with Edward!
Her beloved.
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