LOVE IT! Try these links:
And if you watch it here, you had DARNED better SAY SO!!
Or not, I don't mind just gushing to you RWV! Yippee!
And if you watch it here, you had DARNED better SAY SO!!
Or not, I don't mind just gushing to you RWV! Yippee!

Not enought E's in that scream my dear, but good effort. How early do theaters start selling tickets I wonder?
And if you haven't watched it is pause mode, (meaning pause every other second so that you can take in every tiny little detail!) you are missing out. You can see Edwards bedroom, and all the amazing looks on his, I mean their faces.
Really his facial expressions are exquisite (and no he is still not the Edward in my head). I love this particular look in the picture. The "Oh-No! what have I done" look. I think Ms. Hardwicke needs to pause the movie there so that people can really get what he is feeling.
And then the changing from scary to kissing her neck, or changing from scary to smiling and throwing her over his back. Yes, very well done, very well done!
And, I forgot to mention it is too short. Waaaaaah!
WOW! This is getting good! I must say it makes me excited! I wonder how many times I will see the movie? Oh, how fun!
Yes - way to short!!!!!!!
But awwwweeeesome none the less! I think it will definitely be a movie that I want to see over and over and over and over and over!!!
Oh and in a few days I am going to ask for a report on how many times you have all watched this trailer. So keep track.
So I think I really have a good reason to get my Christmas shopping done early this year. I can't even predict now how many times I will probably see this movie.
My hubby watched the trailer and made the mistake of saying he just might like the movie better than the book (notice that was NOT an option on the poll.)
He softened that statement a bit and admitted he thinks he will like the book from a 3rd person perspective rather than just Bella's. So I gave in and said he could come and see it with me on the 3rd round.
RWV - when you get a sec., give them our advice for seeing it with husbands.
Yes!!!! Isn't it so great! I've got to watch it closer, but I LOVE the different facial expressions from Edward! Yes, too short, but I didn't expect anything this cool so soon either! Oh man I can't wait!
When I do decide to go watch it with my husband, I think I will have to go alone with him, not on a double or group date. In my past experience, he's a little more real when it's just us, I think he'll feel the need to show off and tease if he's with any other guys. The rest of you may feel differently, but that's my input on husbands.
YAY!! I can't wait! I think I'll go watch it again before bed!
I second that husband advice. Do not double date. Get his real reaction. Then we can drag them along again sometime and let them have it. We will be in a TW stupor by then so nothin' can touch us!
Yes, sounds good. Maybe the 4th time around we can group/double to see it. Then they will prove our theory correct.
We still have Midnight Sun around the corner from the movie!
Good idea RWV, way to be cautious with the hubs.
Now nobody has answered me as to whether we're going to see it together if we can. Does no one want to? I'm still going either way so....
Yes we will see it together silly.
We might make the flannel wearers sit somewhere else.
The trailer is awesome! I love how Edward is a little scary! After reading all 3 books, we all know, love and understand him and I had forgotten how he is still a bit scary and mysterious in the beginning. It is so great!
Sorry to be the first one with criticism, but I thought that one part with Emmett was kind of cheesy. Is it just me?
But you are so right about the facial expressions! They are absolutely perfect. And that beginning part in the forest, he seems so uncomfortable like the whole thought of Bella is foreign to him. So conflicted. I love his eyes too!
It is going to be super-awesome!!!
What if we all wore flannel in tribute to Robward?
We could all wear different colors, a majestic rainbow of flannel.I can see it now and it is oh so beautiful!
bty, LOL!
I third,fourth, whatever the husband thing - mine is totally that 'don't want to admit I like it' kind of guy!! Still great this morning!
Holy crow!!! I didn't even know the trailer was out until I opened the blog and read the poll. I didn't vote yet b/c I haven't seen the trailer yet. So I'll be back later to respond. Yay! This is so exciting!!
Whew! I watched it three times! But I think I need some practice to fully enjoy the pause mode. I seemed to keep pausing on blackout spots. Anyway, it was fun to see them actually acting instead of being themselves like in the interviews. Did anyone see the info on youtube that the full-length trailer is being released tomorrow?
That full length trailer is a mystery. Lexicon says its not, but it sure sound likely. So we will have to wait and see.
They only finished filming last week, so how much could they have.
Twilighters are SO ravenous.
Today I thought how lonely I am going to be when BD is over and then I remembered we still have Midnight Sun. Hooray!
Holy Crap!
I don't think I took a breath until it was over. I guess that's one advantage of it being too short. That was total teasing, how am I going to wait until December?
I agree with the facial expressions on Edward...I'm in love all over again. :) Is it possible to be in love with the Edward in your head and the Edward in the movie?
Very, very excited...thanks for posting it on the site.
You know Amy that is a very, very good point. I find my self in love with the Edward Robert is playing. He's doing a great job and the movie is going to be plain gorgeous.
So yes I think it is possible, because I am still madly in love with the Edward in my head, the one living and breathing in the pages of the books (the REAL - Edward)
Thanks so much for your comment. That didn't hurt a bit did it?
This might be a little over the top but somebody broke down the trailer shot by shot, here is the link, if you want to study those expressions (like the when where he slowly smiles in his bedroom before he jumps out the window. That's a good one.)
Ok so I just watched the trailer some 15 times and got chills every single time!
So then I thought I'd check out some of the other vids made, and can you say CHEESE-EEEE?
Big thanks TM for taking the time to guide us in the right direction to see the right ones! You must have a ton of patience going through all those!LOL
I'm tellin ya after watching some of those home made ones I just want to go barf. Totally took my warm fuzzy feelings away. Now I "have" to go watch the real trailer to get that lovin' feelin' back--I was gonna watch it again anyway...
choking on my spit here!
(No I didn't stop reading yesterday to come watch this).
You snooze you lose. It only takes seconds to watch you know.
But nice reaction anyway. I wondered WHAT was wrong with you.
Are you sure your daughter was sick today?
Pretty good excuse to stay home and let her watch PBS while reading.
I could plead depression,but I guess it doesn't really matter, becuase watching that trailer is probably the best thing that has happened to me recently! AHHHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! Chills every time I watched it. And still every time I watch it. It was even on the news tonight! Cannot wait. Don't think December is coming soon enough. And yes, I will be getting my shopping done early so taht we can just stay in the theatre watching it over and over
I love reading these reactions!! I watched it again 4 or 5 times today...ahhh...so totally, wicked awesome...I forgot some of you hadn't even seen it yet for crying out loud!! Thanks for sharing your reactions with us really. Cool it was on the news tonight, I wish so badly I would've seen that!! Can't wait to see if there is a longer one tomorrow or not...I am ravenous.
Ditto ALL the reactions everyone has posted before me!!!!! Holy Freak Out!!!!!! That is soooo amazing!!!! I only had time to watch it about 8 times last night after YW because my kids and DH were in the room, but I am definitely going to take it in when I am hubby and child-free later today. Oh - if only they would go on the father-son camp out this weekend, think of all the alone time I could have to finish reading The Host and watch that trailer until I pass out from happiness. I agree with the being in love with the Edward in my head, and the Edward on the movie - as 2 seperate people.
Pack their bags Dazz. They need that boy bonding time. You need your "free-time" too.
So I was a little worried you had all gone MITO (missing in twilight obsession). Its so great to have you all stop in.
Becky there is no need to excuse using the trailer as a pick me up. It works for me, and many others.
Dazz. I love when you can visit. Don't forget to watch it in pause mode.
So great. Loved your reactions!
RWV - where did you hear about it being on the news?
They played the trailer on the 10 o'clock news on Ch 2 last night. However, the resolution was crap, our version is so much better. How long until the next trailer? Are we going to start a countdown to the movie after BD is released?
Yep, that info was from AWB herself. It still would have been cool to see, especially if you weren't expecting it.
I like the idea of another counter come August, for the movie!
Darn- ther're not leaving on the campout now. Oh well.... JetBlue just gave me a new computer that has sound on it. I can always escape to the home office to get my fix!!! I'm still blown away by the trailer - yippeeeeeeee!!! The movie will be so much fun. I really hope I can go with all of you. It wouldn't be nearly as fun with my non-Twilight friends.
Actually, I finished reading at 9:00 AM so I could stil have gone to spinning if she hadn't been sick. I would have been reading on my bike for the first 10 minutes or so, though!
BTY, it has a good ending.
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