First I am going to list some links to great recent stuff of Steph.
SM on Good Things Utah, make sure you watch both clips. So great.
Be sure to vote on the poll before you watch it and find out the answer.

You know it is hard to describe. Not much happened until "it" happened. We just waited for hours in an auditorium of the most Twilight devoted groupies, gawking at shirts, listening in to conversations, starting on own worthy of others eavesdropping. It was entertaining to watch the many many ladies who are much more showy about their Twilight love. We all worked hard to submit interesting questions for SM to answer, but none of ours were. We stretched, took potty breaks, watched other sillier and less "cool" groups have their pictures taken in front of the stage, and then had some taken of our group. Then suddenly, they announce that Stephenie herself is going to start signing. It was as loud as any rock concert as she came on stage. People were quickly lined up and even though we had about 20 minutes before our turn I still couldn't think of anything worth while to say during the 5 seconds I was in front of her. I was excited nervous but she doesn't intimidate. As much as she amazes me she seems like the type of person you could see yourself being friends with. I mumbled something about putting her "boys" in order of favorites and she agreed it was impossible. But then I didn't have a chance to inform her it was easy. I would have said the obvious; Edward, and a bunch of other guys after that. I like Ian more than Jacob, by the way. But Jacob more than Jared.
After I left the stage I kicked myself for forgetting to tell her I had three boys similar in ages to hers. Oh well, I left her a letter and hope she gets a chance to read it.
She signed for about an hour and then left the stage for a while. More waiting and then out she came again for questions. She launched right into them. To me she seemed a little nervous but funny and just the coolest person. It was fascinating to hear her explanations and stories.
Then suddenly after about 20 minutes, she abruptly stopped. She walked over to the signing table and we all just sat waiting for more. But there wasn't any more. She only talked for 20 minutes. Waaaaah! It took a long time to un-stun ourselves. We didn't want it to be over. Eventually we packed up and went to lunch at the Dodo, for some lovely conversation and excellent food.
It was truly such a delightful experience. Add your own versions, ladies.
Here is a link to a video of our signing. Here is one to the Thanksgiving Point signing. These are both great. There were some new and interesting questions answered at the Denver signing. And the Deseret News has an article about the Salt Lake signings. (and the TA they mention is some other group. Didn't know they existed when we picked our name.)
It was most definitely a fun day! My thoughts and feelings mirror yours MA. Sad she didn't talk longer, but glad to even have the experience. Very cool to see her in person, she seems so normal and down to earth. Then I think of all the things she has done and will do(ie. having a guest appearance in a movie, being a gazillionaire, internationally known, etc), and then she doesn't seem so normal. It really was fun to get together, and the lunch was sooo good!
I just watched both the videos of GTU, I loved watching them. I enjoyed them more than many I've seen, maybe because they were filmed here in Utah, I don't know. Except for Angie Larsen's comments, I did not like those. I was wrong on my guess on the poll though, dang. Fun thought to think about though, I never have thought about it before.
I tried to watch some of the other videos, where was the person that was dressed up as Wanderer? Was that at our signing or the Thanksgiving Point one? I don't remember seeing her at ours. And I also really enjoyed the questions at the Denver signing.
I'm not sure about the Host girl. I didn't see that on the videos. Guess I'll have to watch them again.
I'm actually embarassed for the GTU lady who like Jacob. Obviously she missed the part where SM has Bella choose Edward and it the decision is over. It made Angie look a little uninformed to me. Oh well.
Ditto. I felt she was very real. She seems like she would be a great neighbor. It was just fun to be with a bunch of gals for the afternoon.
So what kind of questions did she answer? Any fun, new info on the characters? Glad you had a great time. I guess I'll go watch those videos now.
Saturday was really a fun time that I won't soon forget. I haven't been a "groupie" in so long, it was a blast just to hang out. Thanks so much to Cydne and your sister-in-law for getting me my ticket!! I actually had a really good time just hanging out and people-watching for all those hours before Stephenie showed up. People can be so very interesting!!! And Maryann - sorry about not checking my phone. But it worked out in the end - I'm glad you found us!!
Seriously people. One of my biggest pet-peeves is not being very cell-phone aware. But I never hold grudges about it so you are SOOOOO forgiven Dazz. (Unless you really think Jared had romantic feelings for Wanderer, well then I will be bugged still).
Just kidding you are so much stinkin fun. Actually you smelled great and looked gorgeous.
Anyway, you are all so right. Just sitting there for hours and hours shooting the breeze, with brief moments of intense Host and Twilight discussion was simply bliss. Really quite relaxing, with an occasion heart pumping scream for Steph.
I guess BFB didn't really enjoy herself though since we haven't heard a word from her. It must have been the cheesecake and the toll-house pie. Are you feeling okay BFB?
BTW my hubby finished off my left-over dessert before I even got another whif of it. Did your DH enjoy his BF?
Okay, I am probably the only one who hasn't read The Host yet. And I am not sure if anyone is even going to be checking this post, but I just started it last night. I have to say that the first two chapters I thought I would never get as involved. But the more I read, the more I wanted to read. And mostly I am excited to let you know my take on the ending.
Yes I did enjoy it. I thought it was fun to watch the other more ostentacious groupies and hear the guy next to us in line tell us his take on Twilight. Very funny. I was also shocked at the abrupt end to the questions, but could understand that Stephenie was probably very tired.
My dh did enjoy the BBQ sauce from Dodo's, but he knows better than to touch my leftover desserts. Main courses he might get away with, but if he ate all my dessert, he would be in trouble. The angry-grizzly-bears-will-look-tame-next-to-me kind of trouble. Anyhow, Dodo's was a Twilight/Host worthy restaurant don't you think?
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