So there are 10 weeks until Breaking Dawn.
Let's all gasp together. Ready? 1 . . .2 . . .3 . . . "gasp".
To count it down, I am going to post my TOP 10 best and worst moments from the Twilight Books. I have determined these after a long, sad, Twilight reading absence of over 6 months (if you don't count the numerous re-reading of many great parts and quote hunting). So I could change my mind on the order and could have forgotten a very important moment somewhere along the way.
If you want to join in, its REALLY fun and easier than you think. It only took me about 5 minutes to list 10 or so moments of the best and worst of Twilight. It took a little longer to sort them into and order, but of course I didn't take it too seriously, as you might expect. You could add yours as we go. Remember these are just my opinion so be gentle if you disagree.
The worst moments mean those that are the scariest, yuckiest, or most painful either physically or emotionally.
The best moments are just that. The most beautiful, memorable, stirring emotional moments in the books.
Okay . . . Here goes. I list details of my choices in the comments.
#10 Worst Moment in the Twilight Saga:
When Jacob can't see Bella in New Moon because he has changed into a werewolf.
#10 Best Moment in the Twilight Saga:
Its a 3 Way Tie -
- When Bella and Edward see each other for their date to prom (see Prom Remix)
- The "Benefits" chapter of Eclipse (really called Temper, chapter 8) when Edward comes home and moves hostage Bella from his couch to the bed. Whoa!
- Edward and Bella's own top 10 list. See chapter 23 in Eclipse.

I know, I know. You can't believe I listed Jacob in a list. And as something sad that happened. But really after all the pain Bella had been going through in New Moon, it really was so difficult to see her have to go through more pain when she can't figure out why Jacob won't talk to her.
Of course the other 3 all stand alone. It's so hard to choose the best list. Does anyone remember what was Bella's top moment?
What was Edwards?
I do. I think.
Listed is not a word as far as I know. Please replace it with "included". Thank you.
Fun! But hmm, this will take some thinking, and some organizing of them. I will be back after some thought. Yours are very good, those are definitely somewhere on my list as well.
Listed isn't a word? What about the past tense of the verb "to list"? :)
Yeah, I'll have to think hard before making my own list. . .
Ok - I'm not going to put these in order, but just some random thoughts.... Edward leaving Bella, of course, was the absolute worst moment for me in the books. Especially the part where she's pretty much comatose and the chapters read: October.... November.... December.... Very heart-breaking. But another awful moment for me was right before Edward left - I felt so much pain for Bella when Edward started acting cold and "removed". I really felt crushed when he decided not to stay with her at night anymore, when he wouldn't open up and talk to her about his feelings, and when his eyes no longer lit up when she walked into the room. It is still very devastating for me to read that part.
I just have to say that that sketched picture is lovely...sigh...
So I remember Edward's #1, it was Bella saying yes to his proposal. I don't remember Bella's though, hmm, anyone else?
Well since smarty pants BFB isn't around to tell us, I guess I will fill it in.
At the top of Bella's list was the first night Edward stayed. You will have to wait in awed wonder at where that night falls on my list.
Oh baby!
I didn't remember Bella's top night actually, only Edward's.
This is a strange one, not meant to stir up the wrath of TM, but I thought the scene were Bella goes to tell Jake she can't see him anymore after she finally realizes that she does love him was very painful and heartbreaking, even though I knew that she loved Edward more. Why do our hearts do the things they do?
You don't have to be scared of me. The reason that particular moment is not on my list is because it was too hard for me to deal with anyway. And yes it was sad. I thought of putting it on my list for how hurt Edward was, but he handled it so well. So yes that is an emotional scene, but I just can't even think about all of that or it just kills me. So I skim it in my mind.
So thanks for opening the wound long lost blogger friend.
No problem! Would you like some lemon juice along with that? How 'bout a nice paper cut with some salt poured on it? (name the movie - anyone?)
Tell me the movie please?
It's not word for word, but its from Miracle Max in the Princess Bride.
Of course.
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