Tuesday, May 27, 2008
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Welcome to T.A. We love company here. One of your first posts should be your own experience with how you knew you were addicted to Twilight. Go to the link below and read how other members have discovered their own addiction. Then start a new post, title it "You know you are addicted when . . ." and add yourself to our blissful group. http://www.google.com/notebook/public/15100728677514849499/BDQzjIgoQwa6u8-Ui
Okay, the opening dream of Ch. 4 kills me. There is so much you can read into it. Is it an Alice-like premonition of when Edward leaves her, either metaphorically or even literally in the forest? So does that mean she will become more like Alice when she gets turned? (Because I have not doubt she will become a vampire! It can't be any other way) And I can't wait for BD to see what Edward is thinking when he stares at her when she tells Mike to go with Jessica to the dance. And what do you think he was thinking of, besides torturing Bella, when he stopped traffic so that Tyler could ask her to ask him to the dance! When I first read this, I wanted to jump through the pages and shove Edward. I was annoyed, and I was only reading it.
I also love the banter between them in this chapter, in terms of their being friends. All of these chapters just beg for analysis. Or maybe only for those that love the little things.
Can we analyze every word in every chapter? Okay, I'll skim. I know we all love, and question, the blood typing. You have to wonder what that will translate into after she is turned. I made a comment on another post about my thoughts, sharing RWV's thought of not being such a volatile newborn. Any other thoughts?
I cannot pass Ch 5 without the comment from Bella on page 90 (her response to Edward about how non-frustrating it is to not know what someone is thinking)! Such a great, vivid example of her personality.
I am currently in Ch 6. I'll touch back with favorite moments after I am done. Hope I didn't bore anyone.
I'm on Chapter 6 right now, I know I'm totally behind, but I also know I'll catch up. I LOVED chapters 4 & 5 soooo much! After I read chapter 6 today I'll be back for my comments. It's no fun having too busy of a week to be able to do what I would really like to. Oh well, after being gone all day today, I'll be looking forward to it.
Poor MA, busier than anyone I know at the moment, but still crunching in at least a little Twilight. I wish you some alone time soon!
Isn't it amazing how fun it is to read these books-AGAIN- who would have thought? Even Paul is enjoying them. I just love how Edward is all worried when he sees her lying on the ground- and then just swoops her up into his arms- when Mike tries to protest- Edward just keeps walking- and then He check sher out for the rest of the day. Okay, - I think it would be easier to included what we don't like- because I don't think there wouldn't be anything to write.
I am falling behind as well RWV, because I am trying to read through The Host as fast as I can, and I just don't have the brain power to read through both and get emotionally attached to both. But I will be here as soon as I get back on the Twilight wagon. Is anyone reading the Host posts, because I want to comment on that as well. Check it out, because I putting some thoughts there as well.
I'm right on with reading but behind in commenting. We all know we can read and love them. I really like the commenting. I am going to try to post ahead so that we have questions to answer, etc.
So funny Jill. We would have pages of blanks if we asked
"what don't you like in Twilight".
I don't like Lauren very much. I don't think Bella's breakfasts sound very apetizing.
That's about it.
I am backing up, trying to catch up on comments as well - so let me just go grab my book...first of all, it's so fun that we know now that Edward falls in love with her during these weeks that are described here in the first of Chap. 4. It helps to kind of explain the sudden change in Edward that day in Biology - and yes, the Banter that goes on, just so perfectly Edward and Bella. I love how it upsets Edward so much when Bella makes her comments about him regretting that he saved her - it shows us so early that Edward has such a deep capacity for his love
Oh, blood type day...what a great chapter! Yes, all the swooping off the ground, what great descriptions of both Edwards perfect heroism, and Bella's humiliation, isn't it? - oh wait, first him motioning to sit by him at lunch?! I love that part.
And then the ride home where Bella just starts opening up, but doesn't really know why or how, but she just does because it's already so comfortable - perfect beginning to their story!
And then chap. 6 when she makes her decision that it just doesn't matter what Edward is - it's too late, there really wasn't a choice! Oh, I guess that part is in chap. 7...
Oh yes, that's got to be a favorite part for me...when he motions for her to sit with him for the first time at lunch, and even gives her a wink when she stares at him with a look of shock. Oh I love it!
Doesn't it just stop your heart too!
You know we have talked about all the benefit to the stomach muscles these books have, but coming from an aerobic instructors perspective, intervals for the cardiovascular system are one of THE best forms of exercise.
So stopping and starting the heart over and over again has many benefits.
I love everything everyone is saying. Thank you, thank you. I have read furher, but I am slowing now to comment again along the way.
So Chapter 4:
Okay as some of you have said, if you spend any amount of time pondering what must have been going on in Edward's head and heart during that long 6 weeks, well its overwhelming to say the least. To think about Edwards side while Bella is feeling his avoidance so intently. Her feelings were growing but his had to change so drastically! LOVE IT!
And I am growing weary of crediting Ms. Meyer. Realize that when I praise her characters and their amazing interractions, it is praise for her.
So to sum up the tumultous goings on inside these two lovers Bella says is best for both of them, I'm sure:
"I couldn't believe the rush of emotion pulsing through me -- just because he'd happened to look at me for the first time in a half-dozen weeks. I couldn't allow him to have this level of influence over me."
Well of course she couldn't help it. When destiny is staring at you, silly.
And one more profoundly effective line:
"His voice shouldn't have been so familiar to me, as if I'd known the sound of it al lmy life rather than for just a few short weeks."
Well that about clinches it for me for the most compelling couple in history category.
But back to cardio training. When I just reread him saying the famous:
"But I'm tired of trying to stay away from you, Bella."
Well my heart stopped and then starting again just literally pounding. Do you know what that means? It means he has been trying to stay away from her? Torturing himself. Agonizing over why he should, but doesn't want too. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
And if I remember correctly, that is the first night he comes to her room to watch her. I cannot believe how compelling Edward is. It's unreal!
So back to calmness. I have a question. What do you think Bella means when Edward tells her it's better if they are not friends, and she thinks "I'd heard that before"? Had she heard that before? From another boyfriend or somehting? Or was she just thinking she had heard that term used in general? Just wondering if anyone else has a thought on that.
Chapter 5 -
Ditto again. The first lunch room scene, well you literally live it with her. Every butterfly she is feeling, every heart-stop too. I particularly love this line, that shows her spunk and perfect fit for Edward:
Another line in reference to all your awesome comments. This part is all so classic Bella:
"No! Please let me be imaginging that horribly familiar voice."
You know SM really uses the senses to the extreme. Perhaps that is what draws us in. Sight, Edward looks incredible, sound - the voice, we haven't heard about his smell yet, but it's coming, the feel of him, etc.
And I think Edward's pushiness makes him really, really sexy. Its kept in check and just what Bella needs. Maybe because I'm a stubborn little stinker so I can relate to Bella. She can't help but go along with him but tries to resist. What is that formula? Mmmmm.
My favorite part of Chapter 6 -
wait, sorry, first - I really like Bella and Jacob's interaction, and I think her flirting is so funny.
But my favorite part is when Bella is reflecting while eating. And she notices what we have all seen, but puts it into profound words:
"I was thinking about how disjointedly time seemed to flow in Forks, passing in a blur at times . . . And then, at other times, every second was significant, etched in my mind. I knew exactly what caused the difference, and it disturbed me."
Well its those excruciatingly slow, detailed moments in Bella's memory that make this reading experience so extraordinary. I've never clung to such detail before when reading something. W-O-W!
The line that you were talking about MA - "I'd heard that before..." I think that she must mean in general she has hear that term - used when couples decide to break up, etc, and not to try and stay friends. Especially since she later explains to Jessica and Angela and Edward - that she hasn't really dated before, or had a boyfriend...anyway, just my opinion.
That's what I figured. But "never having a boyfriend or anything close" might not mean she hasn't liked someone before who sort of let her know up front, not interested. Not really important.
So in chapter 4, that is one thing that struck me this time, is what Edward was really going through during that 6 weeks he was ignoring and falling in love with Bella. Because it can definitely seem like his feelings were more sudden, but really it had all been building, and poor Edward had to force himself to stay away from her after finally having the brand new feeling of being "in love" after all his long years of being alone.
Again, as it has been said, I love how aware Bella is of Edward, she says that after the whole van crash incident, when no one seemed to notice where he was standing. "No one watched him the way I did." She was so miserable during the time he ignored her, and although she watched him still from afar, in class she ignored him as much as he did her. Tough mind. I just keep thinking, how all along the 2 of them are sitting next to each other ignoring each other, but not thinking of anyone else but each other! She was so miserable that even her Mom could tell through the tenor of her emails.
Then when he looks at her for the first time after 6 weeks, she had such a rush of emotion. She didn't like the level of influence he had on her. It was unhealthy & pathetic. Not at all! Just something she's never experienced before as well.
Of course I LOVE when he asks her to go to Seattle with him. I liked the description of his voice she gives as he first approaches her at her truck: His voice was quiet as usual - velvet, muted. How can we hear that voice?!
But just to see her feistiness, even though she is absolutely thrilled that he is right there with her. How she accuses him of trying to be funny when he goes to ask her about Saturday, and his eyes are wickedly amused at her reaction. I'm sure he loves her spunk (most of the time). She even interlocks her fingers of her clasped hands so she doesn't do anything rash. How about even after he asks if she wants a ride to Seattle she asks mystified, "With who?" And of course that's where we get the "stupid, shiny volvo owner" line.
The ending of the chapter is the best, like you said MA, him saying he's tired of trying to stay away from her. I remember how I felt the first time I read that line!
(Sorry for the novel)
Yes, chapter 5 was a good one. As we've already said, I love when he had her come sit by him at lunch and then winked at her disbelieving look...ahhh! As they're getting to know each other it's very amusing, but I also felt myself feeling very sad for Edward. He thinks he is such a monster, and torments himself. Like when Bella realizes that he's trying to tell her that he's dangerous. The line, "He just looked at me, eyes full of some emotion I couldn't comprehend." Sad. Then of course she fixes that a bit by saying she doesn't believe he's bad.
I love his concern for her nearly fainting. Already at this early stage for their relationship. The way he taunts Mike is so great. I remind myself too, that he can hear all these thoughts that Mike has for Bella, the girl he is in love with. That has to be hard for Edward too.
I can't wait to hear what he's thinking when Bella tells him how she can smell blood and what it smells like. He stares at her with this "unfathomable expression."
His pushiness is very sexy, I totally agree! It's one part of his many personality traits, they all work for Edward. Especially knowing now, just how gentle he can be as well...sigh.
I'm sure Edward can't imagine Bella's mother being prettier than her, he just raises his eyebrows at that statement. Reading that part makes me think about Renee talking to Bella about she and Edward both being "old souls."
Meant to be...(how many times can we say that?)
She is so miserable when he's not at school. I can remember those feelings, when the boy you like wasn't there that day, it was a downer. Always so exciting to see him during classes. I'm so happy SM, remembered those feelings too. Chapter 6 was fun to read, but I still look forward to reading about how hard it was for Edward to be away from Bella while he was with Emmett. Doesn't he refer to that somewhere a little later in the book?
Even while she's with all the kids from school, and trying to have fun, she says when they're at the tide pools (which she loves) that one small part of her mind wondered what Edward was doing right then, and what he would be saying if he were there. And when she's flirting with Jacob I had forgotten this line, "...trying to imitate that way Edward had of looking up from underneath his eyelashes..." I kept trying to picture that one for a minute!
I like Jacob here, he's cute and innocent, and I can see why she's comfortable around him. It struck me again too, how much she hung on to every word of these stories he told, basically knowing they were real. So much so, that on the drive home, she laid her head back and tried not to think...
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