April 18: The big news is the "Prom". Would love to hear your comments. Pictures here:http://twilightmomsforums.freeforums.org/spoiler-alert-the-tmi-s-bring-you-prom-t5989.html
There is a short news video about it here:http://www.kptv.com/news/15898482/detail.html
April 15: Wow an amazing video with a little interview from Robert and Catherine.
Here is an amazing picture we haven't seen. Notice the eye color?
Below is a picture from a waterfall scene. Here is a link to more pictures from the filming there.

And this is a great article on how they chose the cast for Twilight:

Below is a picture from a waterfall scene. Here is a link to more pictures from the filming there.

And this is a great article on how they chose the cast for Twilight:
Cool new stuff! I love that picture of them! Again, perfect hair color...I looked through all the rest of them posted at that link and that place is beautiful. I wonder what purpose it will play in the movie though, hmmm. I haven't had a chance to read that article yet, but I will when I'm not so tired. Yay! Thanks for all the new things to look at!
Thanks for the extras.
I like the new flashy-thing on the top of the blog - did it mention Edward?
Wow another amazing video with interviews. Don't miss it. April 15th link.
A few thoughts.
I was thinking today about Lord of the Rings. You know in the books you get very, very little about the relationship between Aragorn and Eowyn (is that spelled correctly RWV, you could ask PWB - plays with baseballs). But the movie shows so much more of their relationship and it is beautiful. The movie really adds but authentically. So I was thinking a waterfall with B and E both smiling, couldn't be all that bad. Right?
Actually I thought the flashing sign should have flashed Edward every other word, but I wasn't the creator. Oh well.
Okay tonights added interview with Catherine. Well I have a confession. But first a a typical preface. Do not think for one minute that these adorable teenagers who are acting the parts of Bella and Edward, have taken over my real images. I have fortressed by mind against it. With that said, my tummy actually did a little flip when Catherine described the scene on her bed and the chemistry. Woot! Ahhhh! What a great story. Sure glad I don't have any teenage daughters to agonize over letting them watch the movie or not.
Okay, so I have to admit that I actually haven't been that excited for this movie. I keep coming to the blog and reading all the news and looking at the pictures, but I really just don't want it to ruin the books for me. I didn't want anyone throwing cyber fruit (or is it veggies?) at me so I have been keeping my comments to a minimum. But after watching this video on youtube I'm sitting on the couch and smiling. I am now officially excited for the movie to come out! Thanks MA for all the great new stuff!
Hey Ruth, we here at Twilightersanonymous do not mix books with movies. Really I have gone through so many movie phases. Now I am at the point where I really feel that this "adaption" of the book on screen will be its own great work but seperate from what the books are. Does that make sense? So just go with it. Enjoy it for what it is, and I am setting a goal to not freak out at the next disappointing news the movie adaption has to offer.
Also we would never throw cyber tomatoes. We've just been desperate starved TW fans for months now. Why not go crazy over the movie. But is there anyone more excited for the movie than Breaking Dawn. I would be shocked to hear it, but come clean everybody.
I wont go on over-dramatically about how that could not be possible.
That would be like choosing a shadow over the real thing.
Definitely not possible.
So I checked out all the pictures of the prom stuff. Definitely dissappointed with the dress and hair. But what the crap is with the blue tennis shoe?! I truly hope that is only for in between takes, or that the pictures we saw weren't meant to show the feet. Oh boy, I'll have to get used to all this prom stuff.
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