So we didn't talk enough about Twilight for my taste, but it was a very Twilighty evening.
Cyndee we can't wait to see the picture, or send it to me and I'll post it.
I think it would be fun to see if everyone can remember at least one of someone else's goals before they die. Of course we know what Bella wants most. No kidding there.

A last few notes:
*We missed terribly our BFB and Dazzled.
*We wish Ruth could fly over for a visit.
*We also wish some of our mystery visitors would give in and share the love.
*I do like the movie, I'm just constantly re-disappointed at some things. That doesn't mean the movie wont be super. So don't be shy movie lovers. I'm with you, really.
*Also I don't want Jacob to die, and I like him.
*Did we miss hearing Jill Cluff's blog name? If so, the cute girl in the skirt, sitting at the card table with the gangsta sisters, is Jillybean.
*We are so sad we forgot to take pictures before Jill and Erin had to leave. We will just have to repeat!
Yes, it was a very fun night! I enjoyed myself very much and I can't believe how fast the time went by! Sorry to stay so late Jill, but thank you so much for hosting it, you are a natural. Thank you Cyndee for the fun craft, that was really fun to do and I love mine. I haven't showed my husband yet, but I already know what he'll say.
I would've liked to discuss BD theories even more, but that's ok, we still have time for that. Especially when May 31st arrives and we get to read the first chapter!! That may just redirect our thinking a bit, we'll see.
We missed those of you who didn't come but it was a great turn out. May 6th, 17th & 31st are all just right around the corner!
Thanks for all the work that was put into it! The fondue was yummy too! It was a great night really, and fun to see everyone. I think we did forget to let Jill tell her on screen name and you know it's true, only Jillybean dared to join my sista and I.
Glad you had fun. Thanks for missing me. :) Will you be posting a summary of your BD discussion on here?
We didn't say much of anything new. I am hoping that others will add to the questions we brought up on the blog. We limited our discussion to those topics. But we brought up yours. I just hope a few people will have time to write them out for us all to read.
Sorry I couldn't make it to the TW meeting, sound like it was a good time! Life is finally slowing down a bit (hopefully) and I should have some time to check in with the blog again.
Yo, what up with thee my fellow sistren? Jillikie you are such a brave soul to sit with the sistas.
Simplybitten, thanks for the crafts! They were so much fun! Thankyou for bringing that! I would love to do something like that here and there, just to mix things up a bit!
Just doing my daily check in, are you keeping track of this MA? Youre going to have to find another reason for me to wear plaid! Not that it wont be hard, I'm always getting into trouble....
So how many days was that Jenn?
How come no one has commented on these adorable pictures yet? Come on you guys, pay attention!
It was actually Jillybean that was so daring Jenn, but that's okay, you're pretty close.
I can't believe I haven't checked this post again to see the pictures!!! You even told me you were adding them. Seriously, sometimes this 1/3 of a brain thing has its disadvantages. I love the pictures, so cute!
So, do Jenn & BFB have to get matching coveralls or something now too? You make the rules MA and I'll enforce them, I think I have a pair of brass knuckles around here somewhere...
There are a lot of Jills to remember for our senior citizen (sorry fellow 40 year olds, we just have to razz Cullenized on this one).
And seriously, those to ghetto raised girls are just used to punishments I guess. It makes no dent in their behavior. Brass knuckles, now that would make a dent.
They have to die their hair "bronze" now I think.
And I thought you got a bigger share of the brain.
Yes, cute pics. Am I allowed to know who everyone is? Or are we keeping that annonymous, hence the name of the blog? ;)
Oh you two think you're so sly.
Now I read these yesterday and didnt bother to comment so it will count on my visits. Guess we know who didnt get the brains in the family.
Hmmmm, there are a few others who shall remain nameless who arent doing
their daily comments....I guess BFB and I have to be the examples of what CAN happen if you break the rules.....
Ok, so yes sly indeed. You and BFB could have a hair dying party, I'm sure Tazia could do it, just tell her bronze color remember. I can't wait to see you two with bronze hair and plaid, flannel jackets! Now that will be a good picture to post on the blog for examples of punishment. I'll be polishing my brass knuckles you two...
I always thought I had the bigger half of the brain, then I was under the impression that we were sharing it with a third inidividual. Really, I can only keep up with so much with what I've got.
BTY, BFB hasn't even commented on this post yet (eh-hum), so she may not even know about this, better let her know Cullenicious...or else.
Well Ruth, since your part of the anonymous, I'll let you in on who is who. The top picture from left to right, back row goes:
Alicewannabe (Becky), RWV (Trisha), Melanie, Vampirelover (Suzanne)
Then on the ground left to right:
Cullenized (Jenn), Twilightmom (Mary Ann), Jillikie (Jill)
Simplybitten (Cyndee) is taking the picture and Jillybean and Esmessence left just before we remembered to take them! Darn!
So there you go, top secret though remember.
Excuse me, 1/5 of a shared brain here (and going to bed after I answer the quotes. I would stay and play but I am sick!)
No Jenn it does not count. Does the person putting up all this information have any idea that you stopped by yesterday without so much as a Hi. Nope. As far as I could tell you have been MIA, so just keep stackin' on the sentences baby. Before you know it you are going to be doing a drive by on the set. Plaid and all.
Eh-hem. TM & RWV, you've been clearing your throats a lot lately. Do you have a cold?
So its coveralls, bronze hair & plaid flannel jackets now, is it? That's quite a sentence. Maybe I'd prefer the drive-by. In a silver Volvo, of course.
So Ruth you are the only anonymous person left really. Maybe you should put up a post with a picture of yourself?
And I forgot to answer your earlier question. We didn't end up with much deep BD discussion. We really stuck to the same info that was on the blog, just reviewed. A few more people voiced on the "when she will get married thing", but that is about it. So you missed a great night, but the discussion was light.
Maybe if anyone ever gets another spare minute we could follow up on the breaking dawn theories posts.
Enough movie news, lets get back to the meat of it. Yeah?
And yes I do have a cold BFB. Hence the throat clearing!
And not a chance chick. No volvo's on your drive by. You are going to drive a mini-van, and stuff pillows so you two look like expectant Twilight Moms (in plaid and cover-alls, but your hair will probably turn out cute bronze, so forget that part). Then you are going to jump out of the van in the middle of a shoot, run up to Robert and ask him to Dazzle you with his crooked smile while you have Kristen take a picture of you all, cozying up to him.
And as you drive away honking, he will see the back of your van, which will have been covered in a huge vinyl sign from SB that says
"Robert we wish we were your spider monkeys."
So thats the sentence! Either change your ways, or pay!
Anything to add RWV?
And I must stop playing now. My kids are coming home curfew is upon me.
I'll pass on posting a pic of myself. But thanks anyway. Maybe Esmessence can show you one sometime.
And I agree with TM, let's get back to discussion. Although I'm sure that's coming soon enough since our reading schedule is fast approaching. Are we reading 1 chapter a day? Sorry, I forgot. I think you already answered me. I'll go look up those comments again.
And just to rub it in . . . don't be too shocked if I don't come on Thursday. I'm planning a trip to the book store to get The Host and I'm hoping to find the new EC edition so I can read the first chapter of BD!!!
Did you come up with that "spider monkey" sign all on your own, or is that from one of those other crazy sites? Sounds good though, I think they'll want to listen to you, it's getting serious now.
Also, I am getting over a bad cold too BFB, how did you know? Must be those Alice tendencies.
I forget too, if we're reading a chapter a day or a few a week, and I know we've discussed it many times, sorry.
I am so jealous about you getting it early over there, you have to rub it in more once you get it and give us a little something!
Actually I don't think I have seen any fan art with the "spider monkey" quote yet. But then with my brain tumor in its late stage, I may have.
I read a lot of commentary on that quote. If anyone doesn't remember, it is from the 2nd MTV video, the AHHHHHHHHH, one.
Robward says it to Bella before he starts scaling trees. Many thought it was the sexiest thing they had ever heard. Some were down right angry because it was far from Edwardesque. The rest said they could live with it. It might not come out of the real Edwards mouth, but it could be much worse. Take it for the best. A cute, sexy?, line?
Anyway I thought it was cheesiest enough to be passed off as punishment for the naughtiest blogger-sisters. Although now I can't remember the original crime. It must have been really, really, bad though.
You know us-o - we're so bad-o.
Thanks for sharing that cheese. I heard it on the video and have wondered about it. At first it bugged a big, but after watching it many times it's starting to grow on me, it may even become cute to me, maybe not though. I'll have to see how it all plays out in the movie.
Funny what there are discussions about on some of these sights.
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