There is so much today. Remember I very thoroughly research everything new and post for you what I think is the most important and interesting. If you want more go to any of the links Twilight site links.
1. Stephenie writes about her day on the set. This is fun stuff, and makes me more excited than almost any other movie news.
Added comments on myspace:
Comments to her comments, go on this post.
2. Big Breaking Movie News coming later today. Go to the Movie News post to view it and comment on it.
3. There is an awesome series of articles on the entire Twilight phenomenon. It is well worth the read. Comments can go here on this post.

5. On our blog today there are new Breaking Dawn theory posts. What will happen to Jacob? What does this "Forever Dawn" quote mean, and I need you to add more theories to discuss Friday night. (do I need to say where comments on these go?)
Have a beautiful Twilighty Day. By the way I will be home all day today and get very lonely on the blog, so someone stop by and say hello.
So I just read Stephenie's comments about her day on the movie. They are really fun to read! They make me excited too! I love the one about the girl falling off her chair because "her bones may have melted" - some great stuff there.
Yay for SM!! She always remembers her fans. What fun comments she posted!
Wow. Great articles on the TW phenomenon (#3 in this post). Did you read all the comments though? I forgot how harsh some of those fans can be. It reminded me of why I don't like to spend too much time over at the Lexicon. So thanks to everyone here who is always so thoughtful and respectful of other people's opinions.
I'll bring the paper bags to the movie! Ha,ha, that made me laugh.
I have stopped expecting to be like the book, so I wasn't terribly upset by the ruining of the prom because I now expect these things to happen. But I can sympathize with you, TM. Will you be in mourning for a bit?
You know even before today's video, I was over the mistakes. I mean my hopes were once for a perfect make of the books. But it isn't going to happen. So I am just going along for the ride, but can't be anything but vocal about my disappointments. But others can gush. Poor SB didn't was timid to admit she thought the prom looked pretty. You go girl. Sure it did. No one's prom that I have ever read about but it did look pretty.
So mourning, no. But I have a hard time with regret. The Twilight movie that could have been creeps into my thoughts once in a while. But the once they have got will be worth every ticket I buy. Should we predict how many times we will see it?
I am behind on those articles. Can't wait to read them.
I did read the articles about the Twilight Phenomenon (#3). Are parts 3 & 4 not out yet? I really, really liked what I read. I didn't read the comments though, and I'm glad I didn't, I hate when people are so negative and rude. But both parts are worth the read.
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