Do you remember what is feels like to be dazzled daily? Kristin Stewart said in an interview, in an amazed tone, "people dream about these books". Well whether its a dream or if anyone else could please have a Twilight moment in a grocery store, I would really appreciate hearing about it.
Monday, April 21, 2008
4/21 - You know you are Dazzled Daily when . . .
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4:24 PM
Labels: Twilight Moments
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You know you are addicted to Twilight when your 7 year old is doing his homework in the office but you REALLY want to watch that movie video again. So you decide your little Junior Twilight fan needs some good mommy bonding time, so why not offer to let him have a sneak peak at the movie. He was thrilled to oblige.
(just distract him during the head ripping part.)
Soooo much new info..... I can't believe all the new news!! Is there a date set yet for when everyone is going to start reading the saga before the new book release?
Sounds like perfect mommy bonding time. Much better than Jurassic park (what we watched last night).
I can't wait to start reading the saga together again. Really, I can't. Less than a month now! I have a feeling there will be a lot more entries on this post once we're all reading together!
I love hearing about Seth's enthusiam, so cute.
No TW moments for me lately; unless the countless hours I spend on this blog count.
...when you get to look at your "DAZZLED" craft each day in the laundry room...I have yet to have a better 'hiding' place for it. When I get more settled, I hope to find the perfect spot!!
Since no one else is keeping up the grocery store moments, I will help you out. Now this is a stretch, but related none the less.
I was very Twilight minded the other night, thinking about music. The lullaby announcement, SM's comments abouth it, etc. Well it prompted me to slide my Twilight play-list cd into my car (its really a mini-van, but how cool does that sound?). While blasting, and I mean blasting,(have to for my hearing, I am immune to loud music from my spinning classes) the Travis song, "Why does it always rain on me", I missed a call on my cell-phone. Couldn't hear it until it was too late. When I found out it was BFB calling me, it was more than coincidence that I was no place other than . . . drum-roll . . . . REAMS!
So she wasn't calling about Twilight, but still it was funny and fitting. Sorry long story, small punch line.
You know you've been Dazzled by Twilight when a church leader's wife starts to tell you a story about her daughter who is on a trip in Seattle. Your mind automatically assumes that this woman is about to tell you something about Twilight. Something you surely already know, but are excited she wants to share with you. It is only seconds later, and seconds into her story that you realize it has nothing to do with Twilight. Absolutely nothing. Huh. She wants to tell me something about Seattle but it has nothing to do with Twilight. After I got over the shock, it was a nice story.
I wonder how long it will be that hearing about any location within 200 miles of Forks will send me into Twilight Zone. Thank Heaven this dear lady does not possess Edwards gift. I would be thoroughly humiliated.
Oh man, those are both very funny! You're starting to make me think about Twilight when I go to Reams. Yes, I believe I can relate Reams to Twilight now. I agree, no coincidence there, it was fate.
I don't know if I'll ever think of anything other than Forks or Twilight when I hear Seattle either. And I always assume others are on the same line of thinking, guess they're not, poor people.
Remember my experience of asking the location of Tim Shaw's (guy in my ward) town he grew up in? I didn't have a clue it would be anywhere near Forks, but I still asked where Squim was at in WA. And happy I asked.
Great stories! I finally had a small moment of my own last night.
On Wednesday night my dh and I watched The Others (w/Nicole Kidman). Yesterday I popped in the second disk to watch the extras. It shows a real life story of a young girl with the same disease that Nicole's kids have in the movie (being sensitive to light, sun rays, etc). My dh and I were talking about how hard that would be to not ever be able to go outside until it was dark. I then mentioned (with a smirk) that they could live in Forks. I was thinking that since Edward has to live there and he can't go out in the sun, these kids with this disease could also live there. I did clarify my opinion by stating that Edward and his family could live in Forks where it's cloudy. My dh just laughed and helped me to see my thinking error. These kids with the disease couldn't go outside in Forks either because they would still get the UV rays which would burn their skin.
Sorry for the long story, but at least it was a TW moment!
Ruth that is profoundly comical and sweet really. I limit sharing my TW moments with my husband these days. I wonder if he thinks I have cooled. Wait no he doesn't. Just a day or so ago he put his freezing cold hand on my neck. When I got upset, he murmured that certain people like the coldness. I remained smug but it took work to hold back a smile. It brought me back to the first time my DH touching me with cold hands and it REALLY reminded me exactly of certain people. Ha ha.
Two more quickies.
Just this week I learned a new and very useful skill.
I can now identify a Volvo from the front. Thank you BFB for the Volvo Identification course. She needed a ride home from the gym and we had the "eyes-on" lesson right there on the road. I will let her give you the on-line course. (That is if she ever visits this site again. Uh-hum.)
And then today, I was working outside in my yard. I was taking a little break and found myself laying back in the grass. I really started focusing on the warmth of the sun, and the breeze in my hair, when, shazaam, Twilight. Bella, the day on the blanket, soaking in the sun even though it was still just spring. Yes it was very satifying.
I know we never found this on the Lexicon, but I wanted to share my thoughts as they went further. I was remembering how somewhere SM details how Edward was watching Bella that day. He snuck down when she was asleep to get closer to her and see what she was reading. But when he saw his sparkling self next to her, he loathed his monstrousness so much it sent him away quickly, very depressed. Can you all drool - Midnight Sun!
You know, I knew exactly where you were going with your Twilight laying in the grass moment before I even read on. Very cool.
Yes, I remember reading that as well about Edward watching her that day. Wasn't he watching her in a tree at first, and then once she fell asleep he moved closer and was horrified with himself compared to her beautiful skin. I can't wait for Midnight Sun!
I had a very small moment today, I'm happy for it at least since I haven't had as many lately. But I was backing out of my driveway and had to stop for a car going by, well it was a jeep, a big red jeep. I stared and thought to myself, 'that looks just like Emmett's jeep', very matter of factly, like Emmett's jeep exists out there. I even backed out the other way to follow it and get another good look at it, but it lost me. Maybe it was Emmett, those Cullens drive fast...sigh...I wish.
It doesn't take much to make us Twilight happy does it?
And you are right. He was in a tree watching at first.
Uh-hum. I am here.
Sorry, it was unplug & play week last week at Bellview - the kids are challenged to go outside instead of playing video games, or turning on the TV or computer. My daughter set the goal to have ZERO hours of TV/computer/video game time. We tried to go along with it. Obviously I cheated a little - since I did check in a few times early last week - but I was surprised at how it cramped my computer time when I tried to shove all my computer work, email checking and blog time into the time she was at school. Probably could have done it all if I hadn't done anything else but sit at the computer while she was gone, but I'm not a slug. Couldn't do that either.
Anyhow, quick from-the-front Volvo Identification course. Look for a square grill with a diagonal line going from the top left to the bottom right side of the grill. There is a little sqare on the center of the diagonal line that says Volvo. There are a few imitators out there, but not many.
That's it.
Almost as easy as a Mercedes from the front.
Very good. We will have a quiz next time.
And speaking of next times, I think we need a heads up the next time one of our wittiest commentators decides to "unplug" for a week.
What kind of stupid, nonsense kind of things are they tryig to cram down happy blogging mother's throats anyway?
Great idea for kids though.
I checked in last Wednesday, so it was only 1/2 a week. Jeez. I do apologize for the lack of warning though.
Actually, no TV/computer was harder on my husband and me than it was on my daughter. My mother-in-law was the worst though. We usually visit on Sunday nights and she has the TV on constantly. Her first reaction was, "You're not going to be able to come over here!"
You know you can unplug from us anytime. But just know you were missed. Is that so bad?
TV constantly would drive me crazy. Mine is downstairs and seldom used. But no email. I don't think that would be such a good idea right now.
So, I saw another Jeep last night and again today that look like Emmetts. And I'm not even trying to spot them as much as I would a Volvo, pretty cool though! I saw a Volvo today that is the station wagon type, I know that's a bad way to describe it, but if I say hatchback type, I think of the one in the movie, this one was much more rectangular shape. Don't like it so much. Oh yeah! And I also saw a tractor digger thing that had Volvo on it, while driving by some road construction on Saturday. Pretty cool. So that's the extent of my Twilight Moments right now.
Nope, it's not bad to be missed.
There is a Volvo tractor by the new construction at the Trax station by Jordan High. We pass it everytime we come up Sego Lily from State street. Watch for it next time.
Thanks for the tractor tip. Of course our flannel expert would scout those out.
So is it a red Rubicon jeep RWV? I've seen it several times around our neighborhood.
I wish you would have paid closer attention to that volvo. You would be the first to spot the dumb movie Volvo. We really shouldn't hold a grudge. Its not the Volvo's fault. Robert said in an interview that he hopes Volvo will give him one of the 3 cars they used for the movie. Thats for the best. Robward can keep the hatchback, but it would be sacrilege for him to drive the authentic one after the movie.
Which, BFB, you forgot to tell you think you saw Edwarda exact car, silver, correct numbers and all.
I think I did post it - it was silver & had all the numbers, EXCEPT the R - which is very important. So still not the exact car.
And I saw the movie volvo, silver even. Driving down Sego Lily of all places. Didn't compare at all to the real thing. You should have seen me crank my neck to look at that one though while I was contemplating how it fell short of the real thing, which was probably a little dangerous of me, considering I was turning on to 7th at the time.
So I was thinking that the real challenge would be to see Alice's car or the Aston Martin. DH & I did see a porsche the other day, but it was not Alice's model. They can't all be 911 Turbos, right?
So tonights moment. Get ready to be shocked:
It involved . . .
the . .
GROCERY STORE! But Smiths this time.
Yes well, I was very Twilight minded from all the fun blogging today and my excerpt reading of New Moon. So pulling out of the Smiths parking lot (I think that is 5 days in a row, skipping Sunday, that I have been to the store. Dumb. ) and I thought, I haven't listened to music all day. I need a little music before heading back to the fun that is home with 3 wild boys and a Dad supposedly finishing their homework. Of course I thought this much faster than I type it. I would be home by now at this rate and we haven't even gotten to my moment yet.
Well anyway, turned on the radio and perfect timing, and I wasn't even anticipating a Twilight Music moment, but just starting is my favorite Twilgiht song of all time.
Chasing Cars. Ah. . . . . . . . .
I did get home before it finished. No one noticed, whew, so I just leaned back in my stylin' mini van and soaked in every line, the music and the moment.
It was truly lovely.
And it reminded me of some of my feelings about Bella becoming a vampire but I will add them in the correct place.
Thanks for putting up with my literary outlet. My English teaching friend pointed out to me how much fun writing is when she learned about my blog. I poo-pooed her then, but now I wonder. Is this actually writing. I do really enjoy it.
Volvo, Sego Lily. Wow.
So I think I saw Alice's porche once. It is a very funny story about driving to a book club with friends. Its on here somewhere.
Hey I saw a Red Rubicon Jeep coming out of Dewey Bluth park last night! Not the souped-up Bushwacker version, but it was a BIG jeep. Too fun!
That has got to be the same jeep I have been seeing. Lucky us. If I ever saw the "bushwacker" I think I would have an accident.
Huh, I wonder if it's the same one, well probably the one I'm seeing around our area/neighborhood at least. It's a darker red color. Another one I saw was silver up on 13th E by Smiths, but I've seen this red one at least 2 or 3 times. I've never put so much thought or care into the different sizes of jeeps I see now days!
The Rubicon I saw was bright red, so there's more than one. Fun for us!
And they moved the construction Volvo. It was not there when we came home this weekend. Oh well.
We did see a BIG jeep on our trip. It was very nearly the only potential Cullen car of the trip. It was towing a smaller jeep on a trailer (think of those tiny bright colored jeeps that were popular a few years ago) and from the front you could not even tell that the smaller jeep was behind the big thing. The wheels were like half my body & very rugged. My husband saw it first and pointed out, "That could be Emmett's jeep." It was silver, so evidently it was a cross-bred Cullen, but giant jeeps are still a good sight.
We did finally see a Carlisle car when we were almost home. And a silver volvo that nearly hit us because the girly driver cut the corner so close - obviously she was NOT a vampire. At least, I assume that vampire reflexes mean that they are both fast and GOOD drivers.
Oh yes, they are only into crime when it is necessary. They are only rebellious drivers when it is safe
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