1. This site has an amazing interview with Kristin:http://watch.ctv.ca/etalk/movies/extended---twilight/#clip47580. One with Robert too but I haven't watched it yet: http://watch.ctv.ca/etalk/movies/extended---twilight/#clip47578
2. MTV's Twilight Tuesday. Interesting and awkward.
3. Surprising news on Bella's lullaby:
4. Part 3 of the Movie Fanatic articles on everything Twilight:
5. Stephenie has updated her myspace, although its not much, here is the link:
6. I know there is Host stuff coming everywhere but I'm not ready to keep up on all of it yet.
7. Other stuff:
Look for The MTV VIDEO post. The video is amazing. Also new quotes coming later today. If you came to the get together, look for the post on that, and please comment.
It is always polite to at least leave a short comment on posts you have read. It lets us know our hard work it useful at least.
The Robert clip was kind of fun - long, but fun.
I laughted when they asked him what he tried to hide about himself, and he basically said that if you reveal all your secrets, people think you have worse ones, and that if you just be nice to people, they don't like you because they think you are boring.
Sounds about right!
I also liked how he said that he wanted to not just make movies, but to do something good.
Me again,
I liked how Kristin explained that there was a physiological attraction that drew them together. I think a lot of people miss that.
And that not talking about something or shoving it down our throats can make it juicier. Wish more people would realize that.
What was she doing when she was smelling her sleeve?
Thanks MA for compiling all the information that is going on with the movie. It is alot of fun to get to see all that is going on and to learn more about the actors. It will be interesting reading the books again- will all this movie stuff taint my reading? Looking forward to going back to the books. Do you think since there is already so much hype- that by the time the movie comes, we will have seen it already?
I liked the interview with Kristen, and especially her explanation of their deeper attraction to each other. How true, you can totally feel that. Cool that she commented about the elements of their relationship, and not having the other stuff shoved down your throat, as in most movies these days.
I only listened to part of Rob's interview, it was very long and I got distracted. I did catch some of the same comments as you mentioned BFB, and I like him.
As far as the MTV Twilight Tuesdays interview, that is one to just read right? Or is there something to watch there? I just read their Q & A's, and some of it was fine and some was awkward, like you said.
That's as far as I've gotten so far, thanks for all the updates. I think I'll go watch the latest clip again though.
The ending product of the the movie, all put together, will be awesome to see no matter what.
By the way, it looked like to me that "Bella's" eyes were brown!! It's a good thing...
I noticed her smelling her sleeve or whatever it was she was doing also. I thought maybe she was wiping her nose (but hoping not) with it, being out in that cool weather..who knows.
I am also afraid that all of this movie hype will taint my reading...I'm hoping not of course. These interviews were very fun though. Yes, thank you MA for all of your fun posts...
The MTV interview did have a clip, but they pretty much transcribed everything in the interview.
I have also wondered, like Jillikie, if we will be tired of the movie by the time it comes out. My guess, we will have seen most of the good parts, so as long as we don't expect more, we will be thrilled by seeing it finally put together in one piece with all the effects in place.
I have to say that I chuckled out loud when I read that last line of the post. Way to lay on the guilt. :)
I haven't watched/read any of these links yet. But I do want to say that even though I have just barely decided to (or let myself) become excited about the movie, I am still keeping my expectations low. Sometimes the movies I enjoy the most are the ones that I haven't seen any trailers for and really have no idea what to expect. Having said that, I will probably still watch all of the clips and interviews for TW. But I will definitely stick to my original version of the characters in my head while reading the books. Can't wait to start them again!
I liked the interview with Kristin. I laughed at her response about whether or not the movie will be better than the book.
I started to watch the one with Robert but I got too frustrated with the interviewer so I stopped.
The Twilight Tuesday article was exactly what you said, "interesting and awkward."
I'm not so sure how I feel about the lullaby news. It's cool that he can compose music, but I'm glad they're still opening it up to others as well.
Part 3 from "Larry" was great. I agree that the Rosalie actress will make it big.
I love all of your responses. I think Kristin is wiping her nose. She is constantly sniffing in those outdoor interviews. Her interview at the prom scene made me feel much better about her. (not about the dress or hair, not that they aren't cute, just devastatingly WRONG) When she is with Robert the two of them act so dorky! Robert seems like a much deeper person when he is by himself. Thank goodness. But I'll bet the awkwardness feeds the chemistry when the camera's are rolling.
I'm not so sure about the Lullaby news myself. One more thing to get realistic about. I guess when you create a story like this, humans can't recreate it.
I will never let these faces become my characters. Maybe to a certain extent but SM is so vivid I think you will all find it very natural to forget all about the actors when reading.
I am so glad to have so many insights into the movie. I have never experienced stalking the making of a movie before, but it has been good therapy for me. I think I will end up pleasantly surprised at how well it all pulls together, after having almost a year to deal with disappointment after disappointment.
I may take off the guilt trip line. That wasn't exactly my intention. My regular visitors are great. We want to comment, whether long or short. But its the other dozen or so visitors who like to reap the benefits but without so much as a thanks (kidding guys). I like their visits, and their poll votes, but I keep this blog up for the "regulars". So that wasn't a message for you gals.
At least it made you laugh, I wasn't trying to be rude. Good thing it wasn't during PMS. I get pretty grumpy when 22 people visit my site and only 8 or so comment. It's not like we are one of those big intimidating sites. But then again we can be intimidating I suppose with our strong opinions, oops, make that passionate responses, and then our gangster spanish smack talk. So really I'm regretting putting that line on there. Could be gone by tomorrow.
I think the lullaby news is kind of exciting. Especially the part that Robert is musically talented and will actually be able to play the piano in the movie. That will be awesome to see that they don't have to fake it. Although, no human could ever play as well as Edward of course, those quick and graceful fingers and all. Definitely I just hope if they do have him do it, that it's worthy. I hope they give Stephenie a say in it.
I'm not worried about what I'll picture when I read, what you said about SM's vivid descriptions will take care of that problem I think. I'm so looking forward to, and also needing to, read them again. I feel like I've run out of prozac or my happy pills or whatever we refer to it as.
Soon though!
BTW, I think you should leave that line up there...
I agree. Definitely leave that line at the end. If nothing else, it gives me one more thing to smile about on this blog. Really, thanks for all your hard work/research on the news.
This is old, but I forgot to say it last week - who does not know how to tie a tie? For crying out loud!
Didn't think of that. And I know this sentiment of mine is getting old, but I can tell you right now, cold, smooth, marble, lightening fast hands, created 100 years ago, can DEFINTELY TIE A TIE.
Would leave a gushing word here but have none left in my vocabulary.
It has been a goal of mine to create a picture of Edward as Bella pictures him when he says his famous, and truly one of my all time favorite lines:
"I was that boy".
He was wearing a tie in that vision, I guarantee it.
But I can't find the right pictures to use for that image, at least not that matches my mind. And I have never seen any fan art for it. Bella on a porch swing. Edward in his 1900's suit, hat and all, with a bouquet of flowers.
Need a word here, need a word. Help.
My vocabulary of descriptive words is spent, but a big fat SIGH will work for me...
Oh yeah, Edward can tie a tie. I can just see the picture you described in my mind right now...
I looked through a vintage fashion book a few weeks ago, and they had pictures of men in their war uniforms with their wives/girlfriends. These pictures were much more interesting with the Edward/Bella vision in my head. I should have scanned a few pages.
Where did you find a vintage fashion book?
And believe me I have searched for something like that online more than once.
Oh, very cool, I'd like to see something like that too.
It was from the library.
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