Only 23 more days until we begin again reading word for word, ahhh. . . our books.

For example: The letter A: Alice If you miss a few days, please fill in, just don't go ahead. Have fun!
- Thurs.: A & B
- Fri: C & D
- Sat: E
- Sun: F
- Mon: G
Welcome to T.A. We love company here. One of your first posts should be your own experience with how you knew you were addicted to Twilight. Go to the link below and read how other members have discovered their own addiction. Then start a new post, title it "You know you are addicted when . . ." and add yourself to our blissful group.
I'm really glad we're going to do this!
A= Aro, Apple, Angela
B= Ben, Blood, Bella (duh!)
Fun! I won't take them all up, I'll give someone else a chance, although I do have more I could put...
That is an awesome picture of "Be Safe" - good find!! Perfect for the up and coming reading of Twilight!!!
Like the picture and the new wonderful quote you submitted (not the weekly ones - but the heart thumping one from Volterra).
B= bite me, breaking dawn, billy
Lets add "Be safe". Oh and Bella Penombra too. Sweet!
How about:
B= Biology
Biology was never so beautiful!!
How about B = blog. Just kidding.
B - 'bronze haired boy' (I just came from the quote post, hee hee)
Oh, how about:
B= Beautiful...
I could start stretching it here, so how about:
A= Alec, Angelic/Angel's Face, Animals (you know, what they feed off :)
B= Bear, Blacks, Bree, Bella Italia, BMW (Rosalie's car right?)
Have I covered everything? Can you tell I'm liking this?
I know I'm liking it. You are all very creative! Yipee.
Today is C but add any other A's and B's too.
I can't go to bed without posting something on the blog today, sad this is the first chance I've had! Anyway, I'll add a few for C & D:
C= Cullens, Carlisle, Coven, Charlie, Cars, Chicago, Clearwaters, Caius, Crystal Charm (2 points for that one!)
D= Demetri, Dog :), Danger Magnet, Dwyers (Phil & Renee)
Oh man! How could I forget this one!
C= Compromise!
Today is E, let's see...
E= Embry, Eternity
What fun!
A= Alice (can't believe no one took that yet!), Accidents (as in all the accidents Bella has), Arizona, Airplane, Airports, Adolescence
B= Bikes (isn't that what she calls their motorcycles?), Books, Bracelet, Brunette, Ballet studio
C= Cliff diving, Clouds, Cold chest/hands/body, Chemistry (not the science), CDs, Camera (her b-day present), Cooking, Camping, Coke (isn't that what she & Jacob always drank?)
D= Dancing, Dazzled, Dumped, Divorce (her parents'; maybe that's a stretch), Diamonds
E= Eclipse, Evil, Endless love, Eyes, Emily, . . .
I'll leave another obvious "E" for my sister E to post. :)
Wow, this is just a shout out for Ruth! You thought up some great ones, awesome!
Oh my gosh! Seriously, today is E! I'm ashamed of myself that I forgot the most important E of all...
Yes, of course - Esme!! Otherwise I am pretty bad at this ABC thing...
I'm actually lousy at the ABC thing myself. I don't like to play Boggle and I won my first scrabble game ever a few weeks ago.
But OH I love reading everyones answers. I knew some of you would shine at this.
Ruth I truly love the little moments you spend with us.
RWV I think my favorite word so far is your C= Compromise! Gulp, with a tummy flip!
So many wonderful ones though, yeah, yeah, yeah.
And really everyone, list the Cullens but realize those names are just a given. Remember there was a time we couldn't think of another word that started with "E" other than Edward. You know many Twilighters use the term OME (oh, my, Edward) and really it fits. He is so stunning it works to use his name when stunned. Anyway, don't think for a minute that you forgot him, he is just as natural as, I don't know, typing on the computer.
F= Friends, Fanfiction, Flirty/Flirting
These last three could be associated with lots of things, but I still think they're appropriate: FABULOUS, FANTASTIC, & Fairy tale
Oh yeah, and Forks!
(I guess it's not that fair that I'm seven hours ahead of you. I'll take a break from this post for a couple days to let someone else be the first to comment.)
Don't hold back Ruth. You are terrific.
E = ethereal which is a word used in Twilight that I had to look up to be sure to understand it. I can't remember where it was used now but it mean:
extremely refined, delicate as in ethereal beauty (can we say Edward here) or it mean Heavenly/ Celestial. If someone knows where this word is used point it out for me. I could be crazy.
F = flame (as in Victoria's hair above the water.)
F = fire - how to destroy a vampire of course.
Oh man, let's see, I'm going to have to stretch it a litte here, but it's still fun and I'm still going to try:
F= Forest, Fair skin?, Felix, First Love, First Beach, Family (thinking of Cullens here)
Heh, better than I thought! This is fun Ruth, and everyone else who joins in occasionally!
Thought of a few more,
F= Florida, Fast Driving, Flight
Also, C= Computer kiss
As far as ethereal, I don't really remember it in the books, the only time I really remember seeing it was printed on a picture you posted here on the blog of a couple holding each other on the seat of a piano bench. I remember asking you about it then. Something to watch for though. There are plenty of words I'm not sure the meaning of throughout the books, I've got to have my dictionary handy this next time around reading.
Here's a few I've thought for today:
G= Glitter, Gifts, Grand Piano, Golden Eyes, Garage (where she and Jacob hang)
Ok, that's all for now :)
G= grand piano
Isn't Emmett's jeep a Bushwacker= B?
G= greek god (ding, ding, that's a two pointer)
I'm not sure on that Bushwacker thing. Could you follow up on that BFB, if you can find time again for us this week in your busy schedule that is (wink and a smile here).
Okay, the bushwacker thing came from SM's website - the closest thing she could find to Emmett's Jeep Wrangler was this
Oh I remember the picture, I just didn't realize it had a title. You are good. I love that jeep.
I researched on the Lex yesterday and we have left out a few Denali vampires with C names. So I will fill those in eventually.
Oh yes, I love that jeep! For some reason it just hit me that
Rosalie and Emmett have matching red vehicles...awww.
Hey how about:
Hey, Eleazer(sp?) = E
(is a Denali vamp)
G=gritting / griding his teeth together (Edward when he is mad)
G=growl (Again, Edward's when he is mad)
You people are brilliant. Brilliant!
B = Baseball (was that already said?)
D = Depression :(
F = Future seer, First kiss
G = Gifted (vampires w/special talents), grassy meadow, Gory movie (like the one she went to in NM)
H = Happiness, Hotel, Hunting, House arrest, High school, Heart break/ache
C = Clenched (as in jaw/teeth - you know that Edward does that a lot when he's tense or mad...can't you just see that jaw clenched tight?)
D = Depends (sorry, couldn't resist)
E = Emmett
G = Gianna (isn't that the Volterra receptionist's name?)
H = Holding Hands (2 pointer!), Hair, Hoquiam, Heidi, Home, Howl (you know, those werewolves), Hawt (ha, ha!)
OK, I got to work today. Please pardon me if I repeat anything. There is a lot on this post already.
A= army (of newborns), Ateara, Audi, Aston Martin, Alaska, Alley (a dark one), Anthony (E's middle name)
B= Ben, bloodsucker, "Bells," "Bite me!" bathroom (the one with 2 doors), barre, beach, brooding, boquet (how Bella smells to Edward), bear-sightings
C= clan, Calculus, cruiser, concussion (Bella probably gets these a lot), cornflakes, Castle (in Volterra), clock tower, Chicago, corsage, crouch (Edward's protective one), CD collection, cast (Bella's on her leg), Clearwater
D= dog, dazzled,Dartmouth, dark eyes
E=epiphany, Elizabeth Mason, engaged
F = "Feel Good?", future, flight, fast cars, floorboards, faint, feline
G = gangsta sistas, golden eyes, grizzly, grounded, gym class, the Guard, groaned, graduation
H = house (charlie's), home (Cullen's), Hello (said a musical voice), halo, hiss, hunting, Heathcliff, "Honey"
These are incredible. Remind me never to play Boggle with any of you.
Was it corn flakes she was eating?
Oh and it's "feel better?" Sorry just keeping you accurate.
Seriously amazing stuff ladies. I think I will keep my one or two answers to myself from now on.
If this ever becomes a book it will be longer than I ever imagined. hee hee.
Uhhh, sheesh, I should know that it is "Feel better?" it is my name. Now I feel like RWV, forgetting her own quote. Guess it's that 1/3 or 1/5 of the brain thing agian, huh?
I just checked the book, it does not say corn flakes - I think I just assumed that from some of the avatar pics out there - it only says cereal, but that starts with C, too.
And another B = breath (thinking of Edward's here, sigh).
I wasn't trying to point out your flaws on that cereal one. I just didn't remember the kind of cereal. But these important details are good to know.
And I couldn't possibly think anything else but "sweetness" at the mention of the word "breath". Mmmmmm.
Start letter "I" on the new post today. thanks gals.
Oh my goodness, we have forgot a very important one (sorry if someone else listed it, I didn't see it):
C = Crooked Smile!!!!!!
F = Fantasy
I am thoroughly enjoying this exercise!
I=Italy, ice, IV, Italian restaraunt/food
The post with next week's ABC's reminded me of these
H= heaven & hell
Sorry I need clarification by the team of Twilight experts. I know Bella drinks coke at Bella Italia and then again on the plane going home from Italy. Is is coke she and Jake drink in his garage?
I don't remember it being coke in the garage, but thats just off the top of my head.
I just remember it being called pop.
Yes, that's what I remember too. That is was just soda. But I could be wrong, guess we'll know soon enough.
If anyone ever visits the blog again, where is Heathcliff from? Drawing a blank here.
Wuthering Heights...
Oh thank you Twilight kindred spirit. Thats releives my poor little tired brain so much.
Did you see the calendar picture link? I actually get little tummy flips looking at some of them.
RWV beat me to it, but I just wanted to let you know that I was here.
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