Quote #1: "My breath caught for just a moment in my throat, hopeful that luck was with me for once, . . "
Quote #2: "He reached over, swiftly, but somehow still hesitantly, to sweep my hair back behind my shoulder."
Quote #3: "Could you believe that, despite everything I've put you through, I love you, too?"
Bonus: "Oh, please, please no!" I begged . . ."
Oh yes! This is the side I like to be on for this game. I'm so glad you chickees are better sports than me.
Alphabetical order:
#1 - BFB - sorry I think this one is the hardest but you never know. Knowing you, you already know the answer before I even post the quote. Aren't you most like Alice?
#2 - Essmessence - This one might seem easier but we need an EXACT location.
#3 - RWV - How fast will she get this one? I just don't know.
Bonus - Is it too easy? Really I had like 5 bonuses. So hard to narrow it down.
OK! Quote #3:
The end of Twilight, when Bella is in the hotel in Phoenix with Jasper and Alice, and she is finally able to talk to Edward on the phone since they've had to split up. They have a sweet conversation with each other on the phone (I love it!) and Bella tells Edward she loves him, and this quote is Edward's response to her...
Right? I'm pretty sure I am, sorry to guess so quickly, I was just so excited to see this one was mine! I usually have to end up getting hints before I can get mine. And as you can see, I'm very familiar with that scene, it has stuck in my mind. I've read those few lines over many times, and tried to imagine Edward's tone when he says his...sigh
Now, as for this bonus, I don't really know. I'm pretty confused, I have a few ideas where it could maybe be, but I'm really going to have to think about it.
I thought, just in case you get a chance to look at your email tonight, you might like to go to bed very proud of yourself. But a perfect first guess. Congrats.
Excellent memory. Better than mine would have been. I couldn't have gotten that one at all.
As for the bonus, well if I added two more words I'll bet it would be easier, but not yet.
Well, I don't know mine. I know the others, and thinking about the bonus, I think I came up with it too. Bella isn't talking to Edward, right?
I really have no guess on mine. Does it have anything to do with when Bella is making a break for LaPush to go visit Jacob?
I know this doesn't have anything to do with quotes, but can you believe I met four new people who like Twilight today, and three of the four were team Jacob? One said, "Edward just do it for me." How is that possible?
Okay, I'm going to guess on Quote #1. I hope that's ok BFB. Actually, I'm kind of hesitant because BFB usually gets her quotes. And since she doesn't know this one, maybe she wants to have fun guessing. But I'm not sure if my guess is correct anyway so I'll just throw it out here:
In NM when Bella is about to run across the Volterra courtyard (or whatever it's called) to stop Edward from stepping into the light.
So one of the best things about quote guessing, is the benefit of pondering many wonderful scenes from the books. Or scary, whatever applies. So really the longer it takes to guess, the more benefits, right.
It really seems to fit where Ruth guessed. And maybe something similar is there as well. But no.
The hint you are asking for is a pretty significant one, but you are correct there. She isn't talking to or, bigger hint here, about Edward.
It is a little tricky. Sorry.
The bonus isn't meant to be really tricky so I may add a couple of extra words for you. I just wondered how many would get it at first glance.
Hi all - I can't believe how much stuff I have to catch up on...and today...I'm really supposed to get my internet (knock on wood). But I was excited that the quote did seem kind of familiar...but whenever I say that I make a fool of myself, oh well! So here it goes...Twilight of course - in biology - one of the days that they watch the movie...I can't remember if 'his day' (of questions) is that first day of the movie or the second, but it sounds like maybe it's on that day. So there you go - I'm excited about tonight!
WELCOME BACK ERIN!!!!!!! So very happy to have you back!!!!!
Oh Darn, I am going to have to look this up I guess. Such a sacrifice for my friends.
So you are good, girl. But it is not in Biology. But is is on Edwards question day. Which is the second day they have to watch that movie - happy shivers here-. No it couldn't have been there becuase if they had touched each other at all during that movie they would have wound up kissing or attacking each other or something, and that could have been good and bad.
So now that you know you have the right day, can you guess what question he asked? Oooh this is such a great part, like that helps. Ha ha. What parts of Twilight aren't great.
Hey BFB if I would have responded to your Team Jacob slander last night, I think it would have been my most vicious comment ever. Glad I restrained (it was very late and I was tired and ornery).
I will get back to them later.)
So, I do know the bonus then (for sure with your little/big hint).
Still don't know mine; it isn't when she is making a break for La Push?
Nothing terrible was meant by the "team Jacob slander" - I was just surprised that only one of the four preferred Edward, and even more surprised that only one of them wanted Bella to end up with Edward.
Like I said, I didn't think that was possible.
Okay, today I am guessing that #1 has something to do with Bella making a break from Alice & Jasper in the Phoenix airport when she is running to meet James.
If my saying that the bonus isn't supposed to be tricky counts as a hint in your head, then WOW, you are the quote champion!
Here are the missing words, (see if this is what you were thiking)
"Oh, please, please no!" I begged, jumping to my feet."
Anyone else know it now?
And sorry dear BFB, these are all great guesses, but nope on #1.
Do you want a hint?
Hmmm...for the bonus I was thinking it might have something to do with dancing at the prom, but then adding "jumping to my feet" changes my mind on that. I will have to think more again. I assume it's for sure Bella talking, but is she talking to Edward or maybe Alice? Alice is always trying to get her to do things she's uncomfortable with too.
BTW, I thought your last guess was right BFB, it seems like she says something familiar to that there. Ok, then I'm going to think about that bonus some more.
Wow, funny! I think it just hit me where it is! Eclipse, Chapter 20 perhaps?!!
Well, your half right.
The bonus is in Eclipse, it has to do with the same subject chapter 20 has to do with, but it is not in chapter 20 and she is not talking to Alice or Edward.
So once you guys finally get this bonus, I want you to guess my original bonus. I decided it was too easy but I didn't mean for this one to be so hard.
Okay, here is the bonus bonus:
"Are we a little impatient today?" . ..
Ok, I know the bonus bonus. It took me about 45 seconds or so, but then it hit me, duh!
The wonderful computer kiss, when Bella is bugged at Edward for avoiding her, so she starts tapping her fingers on her desk while she's waiting for her computer to boot up. Then after he says that she turns and realizes he's a lot closer to her face then she would've thought he'd be...and then soon after, the kiss...ahhhh...right?
Now, as far as the bonus, I'm not sure where else in Eclipse. I'm trying to think about other places they talk about it, of course in the tent they do, but that leads to such yuckiness, so I don't think it's there. Hmm...
Ok, this is great, it just hit me again!! Is it when Charlie is giving her the "talk" after Edward drops her off after their night out together? Right?! I was on the wrong line of thinking. I kept thinking it had to do with marriage talk, which is in chapter 20, but it was more to do with the other stuff that chapter 20 is about!!
Finally yes. And 45 seconds was longer than I thought it would take you on the bonus bonus, but not bad really.
BFB did you have both of those bonuses correct?
Yup, I knew the bonuses. The hint I was referring to was back when I thought I knew the bonus and was checking that she was not talking to Edward.
Did you think I was referring to quote #1 when I was asking about that? Cause I still don't know my quote. I will need a hint.
Yes my original hint was for your quote. She is not talking to or about any vampires. Hint, hint, and it is in New Moon.
Wow - it took me a long time to find this post...so much new stuff.
Ok, so I'm still trying to pin point where my quote is exactly. The only thing I can think of that has to do with 'her hair' is maybe something about it being brown. I remember during his question days, she asked her what her favorite color was...and she starts talking about BROWN - wishing more things were brown, and missing Pheonix...but I really don't know for sure where they are at that moment, so i really don't know. I actually am glad that I am starting to not know where a lot of things are...more fun to start reading them again!!!!!
You got it Erin, you got it. Very nice job! After listening to her go on her little rant he finally concedes that brown is warm, and then he touches her hair!
BFB one more hint. Lets see.
Bella's persistence finally pays off.
Do you girls want to take a break for a while on these?
New Moon
Not to or about vampires
Bella's persistence pays off....
Is it when she finds the meadow?
I have to tell you, I didn't mean for this quote to have SO many places it could be. Sorry. It certainly could be but isn't the meadow.
Keep trying. I know the famous BFB will triumph!
Well, here is a list of possibilities.
When she hears Edward's voice for the first time.
When she finds the motorcycles.
...something to do with werewolves...I have no idea.
I'll go look in the book & be back.
I really don't want a break from these, are you kidding?
I'm having fun trying to think of where BFB's is too.
In the meadow when she runs into Laurent initially it seems like she thinks something like that. But I'm actually on a different track of thinking now. It will be fun to see if I'm right. The end of NM perhaps?
Yeah - thanks! That is a very fun part...yikes - I want to go find it. I don't want a break either - just so you know!
Finally, I got it! (using the book of course - I NEVER would have figured this one out without it).
It is only a few pages after Bella finds the meadow, sees Laurent & the werewolves, learns she is being hunted, etc. She drives down to LaPush, determined to "rescue" Jacob from Sam's gang. She looks up and sees a boy walking down the road alone. Then, we have our quote, as Bella thinks for a second that it is Jacob. Then she realizes that it is Quil, who has also grown. Then comes the line that I do remember, as she wonders what they are feeding the Quileute boys.
Hallelujiah! The end.
And, TM, what would we do with ourselves if we took a break?
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