Most of you know this, but when Stephenie originally wrote Twilight, she continued the story in a book called Forever Dawn. Most of FD is incorporated into Breaking Dawn, but much of the story changed when New Moon and Eclipse were born. Did you also know that in SM's original version of Twilight Bella and Edward are engaged at the end. It's true. (Want more details on that, just ask)
So I have often thought long and hard about what this quote was referring too. I would like to know what you all think, and if you think it will be part of Breaking Dawn.

Chapter 1: Joy
"I wouldn't describe myself as an unnaturally morbid person, or even especially depressed. Still, consistent, overflowing happiness has never been one of my dominant character traits, either. I wasn't quite sure what to do with my blissful self these days..."
"I wouldn't describe myself as an unnaturally morbid person, or even especially depressed. Still, consistent, overflowing happiness has never been one of my dominant character traits, either. I wasn't quite sure what to do with my blissful self these days..."
Interesting. I always thought it was just to show us how big a deal it was that Edward made her so happy. I never considered it meant something deeper. Hmmm . . . I'll have to give this more thought.
Well, I've thought that as well. Just that Bella is so unusually happy! Having all these feelings she never knew were possible, and being with someone like Edward, who loves her in the same way. But I also have wondered if it had something to do with her being newly married, or possibly the morning of her wedding day. That could be a very significant statement, or it could be just Bella talking generally about how things are now. Or possibly how happy she is to be an equal partner to Edward now, in every way. I also think of what one of the bookcovers for Forever Dawn looked like too, that's why I wonder about the above thought.
Love that picture, it's beautiful.
I always assumed it was just because she was with Edward & engaged - I assumed that she wasn't married yet.
Could be fun if it means more.
I suppose her attitude about marraige wasn't so cynical before SM wrote NM and Eclipse. So yes, maybe its that simple. But I guess the Lexiconers led me to believe it was more.
Her attitude now would make me equate this post with after being married. But who knows how it was all formulated in SM's mind.
I met a professed Twilight fan the other day. She asked me if I knew about the movie, uh . . .. I asked her if she knew about SM's signing. She didn't. I asked her if she knew about BD chapter 1. Nope. She said, "one chapter? Who wants one chapter, just give me the whole book."
Well girls there are fans and then there are Cullenized fans. Thank heavens for you all! Thank you for getting it. I still have some words to say about BFB's supposed fans she met. Sorry to say, but people that don't get Twilight, and not my version, but the real deal, the authors intent and what she meant to create, well why even say you liked the books if you don't understand them.
There is no Team Jacob. There is love sweet Jacob and hope he finds happiness, but, well, ther is no better for Bella team Jacob. Go read the end of Eclipe people. Go read SM's Eclipse FAQ's on her website. You all see my point I am sure.
So what were some of the ideas as to what this quote could mean?
And you make me laugh. "There is no team Jacob." I see your point & I agree.
Oh, and these fans also asked me if I knew there was a movie. Then they wondered who would be cast.
Honestly I can't remember. I had much more time for research when I didn't have a blog. Ah, the sacrifice.
And really you mislead us by saying you met some fans of the books. What you meant to say was that you met some people who had read Twilight. Lets be more clear next time dear. If you only knew how I took out some frustrating evenings with thoughts of biting responses I could use on those people, you would wish you had been more accurate in your description of who you had met.
(and I am so relieved to know that you know me well enough, being brain-kin and all, that I can get away with such sharpness without offending you. Doesn't work so well on my relatives.)
Oh man, that's a good one BFB! They wondered who would be cast?!!
Also, of course I totally agree there is no "Team Jacob" - that's ridiculous! He was never part of the dream. Everyone can love Jacob all they want, and he is a great guy, but Twilight IS Bella and Edward.
Please forgive my slip up. I will be more clear next time.
And I am sure that your biting responses would have made me laugh.
Interesting thoughts here girls. I actually havent thought of Bella as a naturally happy person, at least thats how I saw her while reading the book.
She seemed sort of easily bored with short lived happy moments.Much more analytical and seeing things differently than others.
And then, Edward came. Thats when I seemed to think he opened a door for her that she never knew was closed, and all was different and changed from then on.....
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