Billy Burke - the actor portraying Charlie had this to say:
When asked; "You obviously know more about Bella's life, then Charlie does. Do you feel as though Bella should tell Charlie about the Vampires? Why?"
His response:
"From the moment I finished the script I have thought that Charlie already knows. How could he not? Oh well . . . I'm not the writer.."
Well fans. Is Billy Burke right. Does Charlie know? And if he doesn't, should Bella tell him.
Will he find out in Breaking Dawn? What do you think? (don't worry this is not the real cover).

Ooh, interesting topic! I can't wait to discuss this one further, but I do think it's a possibility that he'll find out in BD. That line of thought deserves some discussion! And what better place than at the next TA meeting!
I need to go to bed, but I'll be back later for other's thoughts and more of my own...
I think Charlie knows that there is something going on, but I don't think he knows what it is.
I wondered for a while if he knew, or if the Cullens & Bella would tell him, but then I realized that knowing would put him in danger from the Volturi. So they won't.
Also, I don't think he would have freaked out about Seatle in the same way if he had known everything.
With Billy and Charlie being such good friends, I wonder if something will slip. Remember how @ the first Charlie was defensive about things being said about the Cullens and it even caused a rift in Bill'ys friendship- I just wonder if Billy will be so sad about Jacob- that he might just break the treaty to say something to charlie. I wonder, I wonder
I do wonder as well. Then the treaty would be broken by the Quileutes not the Cullens. Also, the Volturi don't necessarily need to know, the Quileutes all know about them and that's been kept on the down low. It really is possible for Charlie to find out. He'll freak of course.
True, the info could come through Billy. I was just meaning that I don't think Bella or the Cullens would say anything in order to protect Charlie. But - especially if the terms of the treaty are changed more in BD - Billy could say something. Or Charlie could see something, etc.
I know, look at all the possibilities to discuss! Bittersweet that we'll know by end of day, August 2nd.
I'm sure Charlie has heard of all the legends of his best friends' people, and thats all that he thinks of them as, stories. I'm sure he thinks something is going on(I dont think he thinks its as unbelievable as it really is), whether he's capable of handling any more than his own reality, his routine 9 to 5 mon-fri, his weekend fishing and his teenage daughter. Thats whats real as he knows. I think he might could handle a little more info than that, but I'm not sure just how much more.His life consists of upholding the laws of his forefathers,having structure and order, everythings the same and what he sees with his own eyes as real and tangible. But then I also think somewhere down the line Charlie will show a side that will surprise us all. Guess we'll have to wait and see.......
I really don't think that Charlie knows anything about the vamps or wolves. And I highly doubt that Bella/Cullens will tell him. But I had never thought about Billy being the one to break the news. So maybe that will happen. . . but then I can see Charlie freaking out and not letting Bella get anywhere near Edward or Jacob. Anyway, if he does find out, I wonder which side he would choose.
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