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7:25 AM
Labels: Breaking Dawn theories
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I don't think the wedding will be postponed - although I think that those in the "know" will be worried about it. I think they will keep up a brave facade for the protection of the innocent.
I think that the challenge will come from the werewolves/Jacob - them not wanting Bella to be changed - and then I think the Volturi will show up and wreak havoc, which will ultimately result in a re-working of the treaty between the werewolves & the Cullens.
Yep, that's pretty much what I think will happen. Their wedding will be spectacular but probably full of tension due to the werewolves. Then something will happen and the Volturi will be pushing for Bella to be changed or killed and the werewolves will be pushing for leaving Bella human or they'll kill all the Cullens. I can imagine Bella wanting to sacrifice herself to the Volturi just to save her new family. . . Oops. Is this supposed to only be comments about the wedding?
Well then, yes, I think the wedding will happen in the middle of the book as scheduled for MA's b-day (right?) and Jacob will make it a big deal, maybe even involve Charlie.
I hope the wedding happen more in the first of the book. But everyone else's thoughts are making me wonder. Regardless of when, I do think it will probably be full of suspense and/or tension. I don't know how much Jacob will try to stop it or interfere in the actual ceremony. I keep hoping he'll still be off running somewhere and miss the whole thing...I know, probably wishful thinking.
So I have changed my mind & think the wedding will be more toward the end. (Actually, I waver between my two opinions).
But I think that perhaps a good chunk of the book will take place over a very short time period just before the wedding (like the trip to Volterra, and the few days in Eclipse). So I think that we might get close to the wedding in the middle of the book, but then have a whole lot of action take place before we finally see the actual wedding closer to the end.
That's just what I think today. Ask again tomorrow.
I have not forgotten to share my ever strong opinion here, its just a long one. I'll be back some time.
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