Have you had a Twilight Moment lately? Please, do share if you have! This is the place to tell about any thoughts, dreams, moments or any experience you've had that you related to Twilight in some way. I hope you've had many, or at least some. Love to hear them!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Dazzled Daily 4/7 - 4/13
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6:49 PM
Labels: Twilight Moments
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I'm wondering if anyone read mine or MA's vacation TW moments from the previous DD post? We thought they were great!
Can't wait to hear about your latest MA...
I just have to say how awesome of a flashing picture thingy you added, I am so happy you share these cool things you find, and even happier you're able to transfer some of them and have them work for our enjoyment, very cool!
Ok, sorry, I wasn't going to say anything, but I have to. Very curious who it is that doesn't want Bella to become a vampire in Breaking Dawn, and wondering the reasoning. Maybe this isn't the post to ask it on, but hey...
Nice to know 17 people have voted though, who would've known???
Um. . .they were great actually. Some of my favorite.
So for you, RWV, I will share somemore.
I woke up this morning astonished. Why?
I dreamt(grammar?) Twilight. I couldn't believe it. It was a weird dream, but who cares. Edward and Bella were in my dreams!!!
Of course so was my husband. I think we were helping Edward take Bella somewhere safe or something. So not an incredibly romantic dream or anything. Even my subconscious if very faithful to my sweetheart, which is significant considering the kind of impact Edward Cullen has had on me these last 8 months.
I'm not sure what spurred it. My sister in law did return my New Moon Sunday night, and that brought me great relief. Whatever the inspiration, it was a very positive sign that Twilight is still at the forefront of my thoughts.
I wish you all a Twilight dream even before we read the books again.
Always happy to share. I mean it is so much better to share.
I think I am going to do a post about the poll. Very curious to see if anyone will come forward.
Yes, very curious indeed.
Love that you dreamt about Twilight! It's been a while for me. When I'm not actively reading, that's just how it is I guess. Soon, though, soon...
Well I had a little moment. Not as great as actually dreaming about twilight, but still a moment.
My daughter hit her spoon at dinner and it fell off the table. My hand was nearby and I grabbed it before it hit the floor. No thud.
Of course,what did I instantly think of? When Bella drops the ham in Eclipse and Edward catches it before it hits the floor. Bella takes a moment to realize there was no thud.
I told my husband, "Hey, did you see my vampire-like reflexes?"
Nicely put.
You know you are addicted to Twilight when. . .
You wake up after a little less than optimal sleep and you feel queasy.
Instead of being upset you are secretly glad you might be a little under the weather. What better excuse than to "take-it-easy" with a computer and a stack of good books?
just a few momments to share:
1. My son came home with an ABC autobiography assignment where he has to write something about him beiginning with each letter. For V I told him a vampire loving mom, that turned to me thinking how Icould do the whole ABC's about twilight- Just think about how fun and easy A= Alice B= Bella- need I say more.
2.I was showing some clients homes and they noticed my OCD on my back window- boy that led to a fun conversation. They are moving from Oregon- have heard of the books and are now planning to read them. Since that conversation, I have learned that someone he knows is an extra in the film and our joint friend took a ride to Forks. I need to get more details about all this to see if there is good information to pass on.
3. While in San Francisco we had to rent a car. I did not like the one they gave us- i kept calling it a bat mobile- unti Paul and I joked the whole time that they must know I love vampires.
Oh wow, our own "in" at the movie filming. We really need to see if we can station ourselves out of this acquantance's place.
Totally kidding. But our own little scoop would be great. The most important information we need to know is where are they filming the PROM?
And I am going to have to start a Twilight alphabet post.
You can't know how dazzled I am feeling that your OCD sticker caused such a wonderful conversation!! And to think that I lectured poor Paul about proper Twilight sticker placement!!!!
Jill thank you for sharing those, I love reading stuff like that! (Except I hope that son wasn't Joe, because we didn't do that tonight.)
I think an ABC Twilight post sounds awfully fun, do it!
You're awesome BFB, see how many benefits there are to reading these books, we take on their characteristics, did anyone see how late I was up last night? Like I said.
I so love that you have an OCD sticker on your car, and even more that your husband put it on for you!
When you read the word "benefits" what do you think of? Hmmmmmm?
Holy Crow. If I thought sexy had a new connotation, don't get me started about beyond sexy. "Benefits", Whew, is it hot in here?
My newest Twilight moment comes courtesy of the kiddos (mine & someone else's).
I took my daughter to Chick-fil-a last night since DH was working late agian. (And I'm not falling apart this week, perhaps I'm getting better at this.) Anyhoo, she was playing in the play area, and all the little girls start screaming. Except mine. One little girl ran out to tell her mom, "There's a boy in there and he's pretending to be a vampire!"
So, of course, my interest is piqued, and I watch more closely what is going on inside the room. The boy is running up to all the girls and opening his mouth wide, like the picture of Edward & James fighting. And then he ran up to Abi, and she just looked at him with her eyebrows slightly raised.
Now, I don't know what was going through her head - she obviously was not bothered - but her expression mirrored my thoughts, which were, "Silly boy. Don't you know that we're not scared of vampires with brown eyes?"
Oh, that's a good one! So great that you're daughter is as intimidating as you are, or not as intimidated rather? (Not sure what I'm saying there.) I'm glad she knows enough about real vampires to not be afraid.
Thanks for sharing, really!
I really just found it too funny to hear all the other little girls running around screaming and running out of the room telling their moms that "There were vampires in there," and having my kiddo be totally unphased.
New one, new one!
Stopped at B&N today. Walking in I look over and there is a Silver Volvo - EDWARD'S MODEL - minus the R.
It was a beautiful thing. I have decided that the movie is missing out with their wagon version. Sporty and in-keeping with the Cullen facade as it may be, it is definitely not as sexy, speedy or beautiful as this car. Their loss. We know the truth.
Now is that fate or what? Edward's Volvo at the bookstore where we'll buy BD and where we see the other 3 books displayed prominently. I hope we see a few of them on August 1st when we get there. I have to say, that any time I go to a bookstore I get a Twilighty feeling.
I'm really going to have to try hard to not let the Volvo thing get to me. It's going to be one of the tougher things for me personally. Come on, they might as well have his hair blond or something too. Sheesh!
It's true. The car is one of the bigger mistakes. Next to the Cullen house (still in my prayers?)
So what is it with Reams and Check-stands and Twilight for me?
Just got back from the store and had to share before it disappears.
I was about to pull into the check-out lane when I saw that the person in front of me was buying none other than . . .
A plaid, quilted, flannel jacket.
I pulled right on by going several stands away so that I wouldn't humiliate myself with snickering behind some stranger just because he was trying to mimic Robward.
Luckily I pulled it together before my turn. I was straight faced to this cashier.
You know this has got to stop. They have cameras at these stores.
I might get some kind of sick reputation for "the girl that laughs at check-stands"
But the good news is, Jenn now has two places to choose her sentence from. IFA or Reams. Which ever is closer kiddo.
Oh man MA, that is SO funny! I love it when I read something and it makes me laugh out loud, more than once! What a funny thing to happen to you! Good job on picking another check out line, that one would've been hard to keep a straight face on too. You know we can take care of these people at Reams if they start giving you trouble after viewing their cameras. I know people.
I had a little thing happen at a church dinner social thing last night. One of the men at our table was born and raised in a small town near the Olympic Peninsula called Squim or something weird. Anyway, of course I had to ask if that was anywhere near Forks. My husband just looked at me and smiled. This guy then told us how it's very close to Forks and Port Angeles and then of course there's La Push (he named a few others that I didn't hear really), he told me how he used to travel to Forks in High School to play them in Basketball. How there's a Ward there now. About the mass amount of rain they get there (duh). A story about the loggers. All sorts of information! I loved hearing everything I could about little Forks. Eventually his wife was interested in my curiosity, so my husband took the honor of telling them why. They all laughed at the explanation of the books and why Forks was picked by the author for the home of these vampires. Anyway, it was fun, so just thought I'd share it!
Yes, Reams is closer. Thanks for sharing.
Really, that is funny. And the conversation, RWV. I love that he told you all those names without knowing they were all in the books. Are you coming on the trip whenever it will be?
It's a good thing I didn't hear those stories at the dinner, I would have made a fool of myself.
BFB you should be so proud of your daughter.
Do you know I still look at magazine stands hoping to find that Entertainment Weekly picture from what, a month ago.
And today I detoured in the church parking long just in case this fancy looking "hatch-back" type car could possibly be a Volvo. It was an Acura. Of course it wouldn't have held the thrill that spotting the real Edwards real car would have had, but it struck me funny that I grasp at Twilight straws anytime, anywhere.
So, have I ever said how much I love this weekly/bi-weekly post?
I of course want to go to Forks one of these days, I hope it can happen. Girl's weekend trip to "Seattle."
This is the place I'm going to say how much I love ALL the new stuff you added to the blog today!! The new pictures at the top are all amazing, oh man!! The memorable quote, which of course I love since I submitted it, but still very fun to see it there. Love that flashing name thing at the top too, "Oh and did I mention Edward?" Awesome! The polls are toughys. I voted, but I'm not sure my votes were purely out of hope or wants, hmmmm, I'll have to think deeper on those. The News of the Day post is cool, although it threw me for a loop there a minute when I couldn't see the comment link. Yes, I know it says so at the top of it.
Anyway, I love fresh stuff, thanks!
Don't think I ever said that I love the song/avatar on this post.
Love it!
You guys are not going to believe this one. Okay guess where I had another TW moment tonight. Well, um, flip, alright, alright, its true. REAMS. AHHHHH! What kind of sheltered life am I living. Its certainly inefficient whatever else it is. Oh well. I enjoyed the brief moment but didn't realize until later what a dork. Daily trip to Reams = Twilight moments for MA. Well there are simple pleasures in daily life right?
So its fairly insignificant but just thought I would share.
I heard a Colbie Caillat song that I haven't heard on the radio before, playing in the store. I started singing along softly thinking "good for Colbie, Twilight songs are really getting popular. Yeah Twilight." Then I remembered . . . Colbie Caillats album has nothing to do with Twilight.
And now a sound off . . .
Already 9 votes on the polls and do you know how many people have commented on the blog today?
Good job BFB. And RWV and E, I know you are here in spirit. But really, how long does it take to leave one measly comment. Huh?
Make that 11 votes. Grrr. And a correction. Jillike also left a comment. Thank you dear.
Yeah for me! Does that mean I'm out of trouble?
And you should make daily trips to Reams with the kind of Twilight moments you usually have there, right?
And I was pleasantly surprised to hear the music on the blog this morning. I needed a happy moment -Thanks!
Not complaining here, just a quick question - songs 3 & 10 aren't working on my computer. Is is me? Or is it the virtual ipod thing?
Yay for our official fan name!!! That was a silly youtube video that made the actors more endearing to me.
Also, I finally had a Twilight moment today (it's been awhile) . . . well, maybe you could call it a Wanna-be Twilight Moment. I woke up this morning and realized that I dreamt about the characters from a book I just finished yesterday (Wicked Lovely; very cute book). Anyway, I was thinking about how long it's been since I had a dream about fictional characters. And of course that got me thinking about Edward & Bella. I know it's not that great of a moment, but at least it prompted me to check out the blog today. BTW, it looks fab!
Ruth we'll take it, we'll take it. Its a moment, no matter how obscure. But I don't think I have every dreamt about another book. But then I seldom remember my dreams.
So BFB its not just you. Those dumb songs aren't working. Of course I have lots more to add, and then I'll fix those. I am hoping to find a way to have the beginning song scramble so we don't get sick of "i'm yours". Blogs are very imperfect.
Also your spirit was appreciated in spinning too. I hope the fact that your body didn't come with you didn't make your day too sad. Glad the music helped.
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