Oh I love finding quotes. I hope you like guessing them. It is so satisfying. Only 45 days until we start reading again (I upped the date by 2 weeks. I can't stand it!)

#1: "I wondered if I was a monster."

Bonus: "I looked up to see him smiling a crooked smile so beautiful that I could only stare at him like an idiot."
#2: "I turned and smiled at him as normally as I could."
#3: "It was like there was something very, very obvious she was telling me but I had no idea what it was."

Bonus: "I looked up to see him smiling a crooked smile so beautiful that I could only stare at him like an idiot."
To the regulars: I cannot choose for you. First come, first serve? Just choose one you don't automatically know. Kay?
Is anyone else every going to play?
Oh and off the subject of quotes but on the subject of crooked smiles. Maybe some of you have seen the fan shot of Robert doing a supposedly sexy crooked smile? Well it isn't sexy, just cute. So I always pictured Edwards smile just a little open. Not a clenched lipped smirk. How do any of you picture it? I'll see if I can find the link tomorrow. But I don't really care how Robert does it. Edward smiles perfectly, crookedly, and I too would stare like an idiot if I saw him!
Oh man, every time I picture that crooked smile my stomach does a flip. Really. I have actually pictured it both ways, slightly open as well as closed. I'd have to say slightly open more though. No one can imitate Edward's crooked smile, not even Henry I don't think, it's too special.
And I of course know that bonus!!
I'm not sure on #2 or #3, so should I just start guessing or should I pick one and stick with it?
Pick one and stick with it please. And I can't stay up and play. Sorry. Too much to do in the morning. But I can't wait for your guesses!
BTW(Y), same guessing rules apply. One guess per day.
RWV I think you should do quote #2 out of those.
And do you know the exact moment of that first crooked smile?
Ok, I'm going to go with #2 and start guessing tonight.
Hmm, let's see....How about in Eclipse on Graduation Day, when she's trying to act like nothing is wrong while she's with Edward, before he finds out the big realization of what's going on. ??
W-O-W. That's freaky we both chose #2 for me and neither knew. Whew!
And I'm quite sure I know where that exact moment of the first crooked smile is, I might have to think it over a minute, but I can picture it pretty clearly...
Ooh, ooh. I think I know the first one. Is it when she is reprimanding herself for asking Edward to stay out of the fight with the werewolves against the bad vampires? She thinks she's such a monster because she's being so selfish by asking him to choose her over helping his family.
RWV - it's not freaky, it's fate. We have ITBS - (you know, identical Twilight brain syndrome).
Your guess is incorrect. I wasn't going to be tricky this week, but this one may turn out to be tricky.
I thought #1 would be just a little bit tricky. But not for the quote sleuths. Nice job Ruth!
BFB, and RWV - is that what you thought of first?
BFB that leaves you with quote #3. It might be hard. Sorry.
Oh that bonus is sweet isn't it? Give it a few days RWV and then I will love to have you describe the scene! Happy Thursday everyone.
Well then, I'm going to think about it a little more today before I guess again. I'm wondering if this has to do with Charlie instead...
And yes, that would've been the first place I thought of for #1, I wondered if it might have something to do with Jacob, so that would've been my next line of thinking.
And yes, so sweet, that bonus is...
Be back later-(Love that, ITBS!)
Ok, I better get another guess in tonight.
Let's try this...how about in Twilight when Bella and Edward are trying to get to know each other better, and she learns something about him that shocks her a little and is trying to act normal about it. Maybe in the cafeteria one time, or the ride home from Port Angeles perhaps? Hmm, not a really sharp guess, but it's the best I've got tonight.
You are definitely warmer. "Shock" is a good key word.
Of course I can expertly diagnose that syndrome having such a close relationship with Dr. Fang. Have you noticed that billboard by the 90th South freeway exit that BFB pointed out? Smooth Operators. Such a pleasant reminder.
Ok, it's good to hear that I'm warmer. Still that could be very many places in Twilight (if that's where it is), throughout their whole relationship building. Hmm, maybe you should confirm whether or not it is Edward that she's talking about smiling at.
I haven't seen that billboard yet! I need to be sure to look at that next time I'm on the freeway, or go out of my somehow to see it.
You have to be traveling south bound to see it.
Okay, it is not Edward that Bella is smiling at.
Go get 'em tiger!
I have no idea on #3. I would assume that she is talking about Alice, but I will think about where it could be.
And I do know the bonus.
And I knew #1 was either in that conversation or later when she told Jacob about it.
Ok, so I'm going to give a guess now.
How about when Bella is at First Beach with the kids from school, and she meets Jacob for the first time. They have their conversation about all the superstitions of his tribe and he says quite a bit about the "cold ones" and the Cullens. He says a few things that shock her. Is that who she is trying to smile normally to?
Ya Hoo! You got it. She is trying to smile as normally as someone who just finds out the boy she is falling madly in love with is a VAMPIRE! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
Okay you and BFB can put the exact bonus scene in now. I want to see who gets the closest to the moment.
Okay, my guess for the day is that #2 is when Alice & Bella are on the plane to Volterra. Alice just told Bella that there is a rule for vampires and Bella is trying to guess what it is.
Bonus scene: I think this is after Edward returns to Forks and introduces himself to Bella during Biology. Perhaps this is during the lab, right after he says, "Ladies first, partner?"
Wow! That is exactly it! Ladies first, and then she stares and figures he must think she in incompatant or something.
Mmmm. . . I would love to see that smile.
Not correct on the quote, but warm. New Moon, late New Moon, is the setting for the quote.
So, since it's almost time to do new quotes, I'm going to try to guess the one that is still unguessed. Everyone ok with that? Please feel free to help if anyone wants (BFB). I really don't know, but I'm wondering if it has to do with Rosalie?
Yes, I'm asking for a hint.
Yes it does. oooh do you know? Do ya, do ya?
Did you find some time to find some quotes? They can be posted anytime really.
Well, I've been thinking it's in their long conversation in Edward's room (you know the night before the "benefits" kiss!) I'm just trying to pinpoint it. Perhaps when she is trying to tell her the real reason why she doesn't want her to become a vampire?
I forgot about the quotes until a few hours ago, darn busy life. Anyway, I'm excited about them though! I'd still like to try to do them.
Sorry I shouldn't have gotten so excited. Its very tricky actually. So you forgot that it is in New Moon. Late New Moon, and it has to do with Rosalie.
C'mon now. Think harder. But start tomorrow of course.
Yes very tricky. Shoot, I guess it must be on the car ride home from the airport? I don't think at the vote...tricky indeed. I will be back tomorrow to confirm. Or anyone else, please feel free to jump in and guess.
Oh wait! It's Edward talking isn't it! When Rosalie calls him in South America to tell him about Bella jumping off a cliff!?
Now you have to tell me!
YOU ARE SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!
YES, you got it. Exactly that. From a New Moon out-take.
I wish I had some kind of prize!
Satisfaction in yourself will have to do.
Satisfaction is prize enough (big sigh). I'm very proud of myself.
BFB you are back. Oh please don't be sad about your quote being gone.
I can hurry and post another one if you would like.
Well, I am glad you got it RWV, because I wouldn't have. I even thought through the outtakes, but I forget that we have a few from another point of view besides Bella.
Good job!
No, I'm really not sad about my quote being gone because I wouldn't have figured that one out without major hints.
I'm sad to have missed the quotes for this last week. I have to admit that I knew #1, not #2, and no not #3 either. I knew the bonus was somewhere set in Biology toward the beginning of TW - but i would've had to cheat and find it to know exactly where. My internet is official tomorrow - so i would love to participate this week!!
We will certainly count you in. RWV should be posting these tomorrow.
Yay for internet access tomorrow.
Yes, I'm working on them, it's fun but a bit tough to decide which ones to use. I always think they'll be to easy. Sorry if they are! Thanks for not caring I guessed 2 this week, things have been a bit desserted the past few days, so, you know...
I was going to try to get them posted tonight, and I may still. But it might not be until tomorrow, I'll do it as early as I can. I'm just getting tired now and I still haven't decided for sure. Don't be sad kay? Last night's late hour is starting to hit me. Darn that non-vampireness (that is so not a word.)
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