What will happen to Jacob? What role will he play in Bella's life or with the Volturi?
Will he imprint on someone?
Will he survive?
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9:18 AM
Labels: Breaking Dawn theories
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I think that Stephenie loves Jacob so much, and wants him to find happiness, and that makes me believe that he will either imprint on someone or find love. I really hope he just imprints on someone. I want Jacob to be happy too. If BD ends great, with Jacob in love with someone else, it may make the painful parts of Eclipse not as hard in the future. I also think that the same goes for his life. SM loves Jacob too much to kill him off, that would be a shock to me if she allowed that to happen. I definitely see some involvement with him and the Volturi, I hope it's not a repeat of him almost dying by their hand and Bella agonizing over the whole ordeal. I hope she's a vampire and can help out in the battle if there is one.
All this talk is really getting me excited for August 2nd.
I think hinting that Jacob has imprinted on someone would be a very nice, fairy-tale ending to BD. That way it won't distract us from the main story, but it will leave us feeling good about how things work out for everyone.
I think Jacob will find happiness/love/peace.
I hadn't theought about him dying before. Aaagghh! I want Belaa to be with Edward, but I don't want Jacob to die. And even though SM doesn't like things to be too easy, she still likes good endings.
So I'm voting for the happy Jacob ending.
Okay now really, truly I don't want Jacob to die. But in the Host interviews, SM was saying how if she writes sequels that people need to realize hard things happen. People die.
So what if the be all/end all moment that no one has guessed is that Jacob dies in battle or something. Fisrt he finds TRUE love but then gives his life for the pack and so the Cullens help avenge his death?
I want to be prepared for anything.
And really SM talks big, but nothing that bad has happened yet. If she kills off a Cullen, it will be beyond devastaing. So maybe just minor characters, like in the Host. But then I thought it was pretty dramatic that Kyle didn't get his wife back. And quite fairy-talish that he started falling for Sunny. So really SM threatens doom, but I'll bet it ends like we all think, with Edward and Bella babysitting Jacobs little wolf babies whenever they come to visit Forks.
Any more thoughts?
I really hope Jacob imprints on someone too, but I am a little worried about who he'll imprint on... It would truly cruel to everyone if he ended up imprinting on Bella; Leah seems so self-centered and bitter that I don't think Jacob could be truly happy with her; but the thought has crossed my mind about the possibility of a werewolf imprinting on a vampire... Hmmmm, that could be interesting! Couldn't you just picture a cute little vamp girl trying to shoo away an annoying dog - ha!
Jacob can't imprint on Bella; he already tried to make himself when he was staring at her really hard, but it is something that happens the first time you see someone.
I do think that he could find happiness with Leah if something happened to make her snap out of her bitterness. Really, they could have a quiet love & understanding of each other because they have been through so many similar things IF they could just move on (enter the Volturi?).
Otherwise, who has Jacob not met yet?
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