What have we missed? What haven't we theorized yet? I am going to start a list. Please add to it so we have lots to talk about at our get together.
Will all of the Cullens survive?
Will the war with the werewolves start?Will the Volturi be wiped out?
Will Charlie get a love interest?
Will Billy keep his mouth shut?
Alphie, of the Lexicon, was granted the privilege of reading the first 2/3rd of BD. She says that in all the theories she has heard, no one had hit on the "be all, end all, moment" or maybe she said event. Well it gets painful for me to speculate on this, but I'll try and be a big girl about it. What could that mean?
Please add more theories to the comments.
That statement from Alphie is something I think about often. I, too, start to freak myself out a bit if I start analyzing it and wonder what it could possibly mean. I feel like it must have something to do with the Volturi and the werewolves. It better not have something to do with a death of one of our beloved characters...I refuse to think about that...anyway, I'm going to freak myself out, so I'm going to think about something else now.
I do think about other werewolves coming into play. Especially after the statement from Edward in his fight with Victoria. Where she is looking wide eyed at Seth, and Edward tells her to look more closely and says "Is he really so much like the monster James tracked across Siberia?" And then Victoria says how it's impossible that they're not the same. I really think that has got to mean something, does anyone else?
I really think that Charlie will find a love interest. Perhaps that will play into how he'll find out about the werewolves & vampires, especially if it's Sue Clearwater. Although Ruth did make a good point on the other post about Charlie's reactions to things. I'm really not set on believing Charlie will find out, but I don't think it's impossible.
The Volturi being wiped out is such a HUGE idea. They are good to have around really, to keep everyone in control, but they're so evil and jealous of the Cullens and that means trouble eventually. I really can't see the Cullens taking over in their place, that's so not Carlisle. But who knows, really.
Ok then, I'll shut up for now, I hope everyone comes with lots to say on Friday!
Would we really want to have guessed everything?
Have fun today girls! Here's a couple questions/ideas for tonight:
1. Will we finally meet that other vegetarian vampire family? If so, why? Will they have a role to play?
2. Maybe someone Bella loves (friend or parent) will get hurt so badly that they'll die if not changed into a vampire? So then Bella will beg Carlisle to change that person. Or maybe it will be someone that one of the werewolves loves too (who also doesn't want that person to die) so then they'll come to an agreement about their treaty before it even envolves Bella getting bitten.
Ruth thanks for those. Excellent.
I don't think we will even come close to guessing everything so no worries.
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